Wednesday, 2024-05-15

gmannclarkb: I think sending email is good. 01:51
gmanngouthamr: i used retire-<projectname> but governance changes needs to be formal-vote as it is retiring not just project-updates01:51
gmanngouthamr: oh you already merged them as project-updates?01:52
gouthamrgmann: yes; i was reading this: 01:53
gouthamrand the context we have had here: 01:54
gmanngouthamr: ohk, I think we should make it clear about complete retirement/shutdown of project should ne formal-vote and rest all including single repo retirement as project-update01:55
gmannI think we have used it in mixed way in fast 01:56
gmannanyways I think this cover it if any objection comes on ML or gerrit If a technical committee member disagrees with the addition or retirement of a project, they can propose a revert which would then be discussed by our usual formal-vote rules.01:56
gmann"If a technical committee member disagrees with the addition or retirement of a project, they can propose a revert which would then be discussed by our usual formal-vote rules."01:56
gmanngouthamr: all good for now. I will propose change in house rule to make explicit differentiation of retirement of projects vs its some repo.01:57
gmannbecause we use formal-vote to mark project inactive so it make sense to do same to retire also01:58
gouthamryes; these retirements have been deliberated in multiple places; so even a formal-vote would have been quick i think.. i considered these a blocker for the long line of patches you have for each of these projects01:59
gouthamrand yes, as it reads, if we have a disagreement, a revert can be proposed by anyone here... and i'll bring the 2-by-4  to whack myself :) 02:01
gmannmore I am waiting for reviews is this one, so that we can close the DPL model item well before next election starts
gmanngouthamr: i think our script also broken as these governance changes should not merge until we cleanup the repo content. I will fix that too. but as you are here, can you please review and merge these
gmannit need 2nd +2/+A02:08
gmannbasically governance-validate-legacy should have fail as repo content still there02:16
gmannfor example it is failing for d-g retirement
gouthamroh; ack will look at these02:41
gouthamrgmann: since we dropped the jobs; gerrit's marking these "Ready to Submit" - is that the norm? can I "submit"?02:43
gouthamroh wait02:44
gouthamrmy bad02:44
gouthamri used V+2 --- am not used to seeing that :|02:44
gmanngouthamr: yes, no jobs to you can verfiy it an submit02:52
gmannyeah, you already did. thanks02:53
gouthamryou've spent a ton of time on these; thank you gmann 03:05
gmanngouthamr: yeah :) and more to do when removing the ref. hopefully there should not be much but do not want to introduce any new zuul error03:13
fricklerone thing to consider is how to update documentation. like IMO should give an indication of the retirement status. is this what gtema's AI is meant to handle?06:33
gtemaLol, actually yes06:35
fricklerah, no, this is already handled by
fricklerthings not handled yet afaict: retiring IRC channels or at least amending their topic. updating projects on launchpad and pypi07:58
frickler(and storyboard, e.g.!/project/927)08:00
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/governance master: Neutron: Retire networking-ovn
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/governance master: Neutron: Retire networking-ovn
fungiclarkb: if you're asking why retired repos move from projects.yaml to legacy.yaml, that's because contributions to projects before they were retired count toward voting rights in elections for up to a year later, so we need somewhere the election scripts can still find them. these days it would be easier to just count contributions to anything in the openstack/ git namespace on opendev,13:07
fungibut attempts to phrase that in the charter in a way that satisfies all tc members has yet to succeed13:07
fungifrickler: yeah, i've just been trying to track retirements of anything using storyboard and then manually updating the descriptions and setting their inactive flag in the database13:09
clarkbfungi: there is a separate retirement accounting that happens for requirements and I think something else as well. I was mostly commenting that maybe it is ok to do it once rather than multiple times then source the info from that location instead of accounting it everywhere15:02
fungiclarkb: yeah, that's another thing that's sort of been on the long-term to do list15:05
fungithough in the past there's also been a bit of backpressure against turning the governance repo into a project metadata registry tracking things that aren't necessarily relevant to governance of openstack itself (though for this case tracking retired repositories does at least seem related to governance)15:06
gmannfrickler: gtema: yeah, we have that step written in doc too 21:04

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