Friday, 2024-05-03

*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest296803:27
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/openstack-manuals master: [www] Set Zed state to Unmaintained
spotz[m]I'll be at RH Summit next week, I'll be checking email more then Matrix15:51
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Remove ref of bylaw Appendix 4
gmanngouthamr: I think these two are ready to merge, can you please check
gmannit will reduce my tracking on open reviews19:12
gouthamrgmann: ah ack19:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-manuals master: [www] Set Zed state to Unmaintained
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Move distributed-project-leadership model into doc
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Clarify the timeline for project to move to Inactive state
gouthamri'm confused about zuul's update on this patch:
gouthamrhaven't seen that sort of comment before.. "Change has been successfully merged. 1 is the latest approved patch-set. The change was submitted with unreviewed change"20:46
spotz[m]I 'think' because frickler and gmann had comments that weren't marked acked or done20:46
gouthamrthat would be an unresolved comment though? 20:47
jrosser_you can tell which files have been looked at and which not21:16
jrosser_reference/index.txt has "reviewed" at the end of the row, the other file does not21:16
jrosser_though i do not know if this is per user (as i have clicked spotz[m] link), or in agreggate21:18
clarkbthe reviewed flag for files is maintained for each user so it shows you what you have reviewed21:19
clarkbits there to help you keep track of what you need to be looking at which is useful in larger changes21:19
* gouthamr is still confused.. does this mean that I didn't review reference/index.rst ? and i pressed the W+1 button? 21:27
clarkbI'm not sure. That message is actually coming from Gerrit21:29
gouthamrclarkb: yes; the repo looks fine, so i'll ignore it :) 21:32
clarkbreading the gerrit code this was a CLEAN_MERGE which falls through some code which checks if latestApprovedPatchsetId.get() == and when it doesn't it lists the files that were modified between the two patchsets21:42
clarkbin this case the file diff it posted in the comment is the delta between patchset 1 and patchset 2. It is saying patchset 1 is the one that was approved and that was carried over. But I'm not quite sure I understand that yet21:42
clarkbto determine the latest approved patchset it only looks at non copied code review values apparently: for (PatchSetApproval patchSetApproval : notes.getApprovals().onlyNonCopied().values()) { if (!patchSetApproval.label().equals(LabelId.CODE_REVIEW)) { continue; }21:49
clarkbI suspect that this is a side effect of making code review a non submit requirement which breaks the max approval patchset checking21:52
clarkbyup I get it now21:53
clarkbcode review's max value in openstack/project-config/gerrit/acls/openstack/governance.config is +2. And this loop is basically saying look at every approval vote, skip any that are not code-review (so we only look at code review) then check which patchset had the max code review value set. In this case no patchset had the max code review value set ebacuse the highest value was +121:54
clarkbnot +2. But that loop starts by initializating the maxApprovedPatchsetId to 121:54
clarkbsince 1 < 2 we then trip into "hey you didn't review the things in the delta"21:54
clarkbgouthamr: long story short this is probably a bug in gerrit. They shouldn't treat code-review as a special case. However you can work around it by udpating project-config's governance.config to stop making +2 a valid code-review vote value21:55
clarkbif +1 were the max value (which appears to be what people can and do vote) then it would see that several people +1'd patchset 2 and you wouldn't get that mesasge. I'll link to the code momentarily21:56
clarkb called via
gouthamrah; the value of code review is not used for approving/merging...
clarkbyes, but in the first link I gave they basically treat code-review as special and something to look for to make sure people code reviewed;22:02
clarkbThis may be a bug in gerrit or they may respond and say "you should always use code review its the base level of review" or whatever22:02
clarkband people did code review so that isn't the triggering issue. The triggering issue is that no one voted code-review +2 which is the max value of code review on that repo22:03
clarkbif you changed the max value to +1 (since no one seems to +2 anyway) then this check would work properly22:03
gouthamrack; i can do that.. 22:04
gouthamrthanks for revealing this mystery clarkb :) 22:04
clarkbfwiw I can reach out upstream if we feel strongly about it being a bug. However, since we're already voting +1 on code review I think we're following the idea that every change should have a code review vote22:04
clarkband we just have to align the possible values with the practice in the field22:05

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