Thursday, 2024-03-14

*** jroll05 is now known as jroll005:22
fungitc-members: i've proposed a draft update for ossn-0093 with the details about the murano security bug, in case any of you want and have time to give it a quick review for technical accuracy before i send a copy to mailing lists (the bug linked in it has been switched to public now as well in preparation)16:52
JayFplease do16:53
fungithe yaql release it mentions is underway16:53
fungialong with an accompanying reqs freeze exception16:53
JayFhappy to review 16:53
JayFfungi: ...where would I see that draft?16:57
fungiJayF: d'oh! i meant to paste the url16:57
JayFfungi: I was under the impression we also had impacts not listed there currently16:58
JayFfungi: is that in a different/new OSSA or did it not rise to the level of being mentioned?16:58
fungiJayF: it's the same ossn, just with the public details about the murano bug included16:59
JayFI DM'd you my concern16:59
fungiokay, i think that's addressed in the new patchset17:23
fungilast call for interested reviewers, i'll send out copies to mailing lists at 20z (about 45 minutes from now)19:13

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