Monday, 2024-02-12

*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh08:08
fungidoes anyone know whether any of the members of are still active? the vmt received a vulnerability report about murano at the beginning of the year, so we opened a private bug in lp for it and subscribed murano-drivers (since there is no murano-coresec group), but they've been unresponsive so far13:23
fungithe murano ptl is included in that group, at least13:24
elodilleshi TC o/ in Release Management team we have a task for this week in the cycle to: 'Check with the Technical Committee16:08
elodilles* to make sure Python runtimes have been determined for the next development cycle16:08
elodilles* Zuul job templates have been created to include those runtimes16:08
elodillescould you please check the state of this? ^^^16:08
gmannelodilles: thanks for reminder.  I will work on the testing runtime/template today or tomorrow otherwise.18:54
gmannfungi: I do not think any of them active and murano PTL/core are unresponsive on ML. and I found their gate is also broken when fixing the py3.11 job for them
fungigmann: thanks. the vmt technically doesn't oversee vulnerability reports for murano (they've never asked us to), but i'm uncomfortable leaving the report private indefinitely and the original reporter who e-mailed it to us is asking for a status update19:15
fungiis there any discussion of inactive status for murano, or have they been active until recently?19:15
gmannfungi: there is no inactive status discussion for now and that is mainly bcz we had PTL for that project. But seeing their gate broken, last chnage on master merged 6 month ago and no response form team/PTL, we should discuss of that.19:21
gmannI can propose it in gerrit for discussion. and also discuss in TC in tomorrow meeting. 19:21
fungithanks. like i said, if the project has nobody to respond to reports of suspected security vulnerabilities after over a month of waiting, i consider that a strong signal that it's not being maintained19:23
gmannat least that way we will get clarity on that and also you can tell them this project is not in good maintenance state and may be they migh jump in to help19:23
gmannfungi: agree19:23
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Mark Murano project inactive
gmannfungi: tc-members ^^20:14
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Define testing runtime for 2024.2 release
gmannelodilles: ^^ testing runtime proposal. I will work on template once it is meged20:39

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