Monday, 2024-01-22

gokhanisigood morning @gmann @frickler JayF I am only against full retirement. we can continue under x namespace. thanks. 05:44
tkajinamgokhan, hi. are you gokhanisi ?08:08
tkajinamsorry if I'm pinging a wrong person08:09
gokhantkajinam, yes I am sorry nickname is changed 08:09
tkajinamgokhan, np, I could guess. just one question. are you using heat and heat resources to manage monasca resources ?08:10
tkajinamthere is a separate discussion about heat resources for inactive projects and we are removing these resources unless the projects are restored and kept in openstack namespace, with consistent release cycle.08:11
tkajinamwondering if that affects the discussion to move monasca to x/08:11
tkajinamIf no, then everything is fine.08:13
gokhantkajinam, yes we are using it. it will be good if we don't remove them on heat. 08:13
tkajinamfrom heat's PoV it's not very feasible to support any external services not following the consistent release cycle08:14
tkajinamand in the past we have experienced a lot of problems caused by projects in x which are abandoned and are not properly updated08:14
tkajinamwe'll keep these code for this cycle (unless something gets broken) but if we decide to go for that "diverge" way then we can't really maintain these resources in heat.08:16
tkajinamgmann, frickler JayF ^^^08:16
gokhantkajinam,  if decision will be to remove them from heat, we need to maintain them in our namespace. but we prefer to keep heat code. we can support to maintain monasca side on heat.08:19
tkajinamI'd suggest splitting these code for a separate plugin if you want. it does not really different from these being maintained in heat08:20
fricklertkajinam: that's an interesting connection, thanks for bringing it up. note that monasca will not be part of the official 2024.1 release, not sure if heat may need to adjust for that in their testing08:20
tkajinamwe do not test full resources and monasca is not covered, so it does not affect our CI immediately.08:21
tkajinambut I can expect confusions caused by inconsistent release model. We don't know which release of monasca we have to support by a specific release for heat for example.08:22
tkajinama specific release *of* heat I mean08:22
tkajinamnote that the monasca features in ceilometer was removed because of the project being inactive and broken CI in these implementations
tkajinamIdk if you are using it, though08:23
tkajinamwe have only unit tests for monasca resources so we may not face problems unless something goes bad with monascaclient before 2024.1 release. If it does then we may have to drop these implementations with deprecation phase skipped08:26
gokhanthanks tkajinam we are not using monasca features in ceilometer, I am ok with to make seperate plugin08:27
tkajinamI've not tested this actually but theoretically you can create a separate plugin and add the environment file to the heat config directory to redirect monasca resources to your plugin implementations08:28
tkajinamlike these08:29
tkajinamfrickler, we probably have to check any other projects dependent on monasca and let them consider about their plan. I see a few other projects like cloudkitty or watcher have code dependent on monascaclient.08:31
gokhanI saw an earlier implemantation of monasca heat plugin. may be can help us. we can work on it. 08:32
tkajinamthe decision may be up to individual projects but it's better to make them aware.08:32
gmanntkajinam: thanks for bringing it here. I replied to your email. I will suggest to wait for next cycle when TC will be deciding if those Inactive project become Active or retired (they should be continue as Inactive for more than one cycle). 19:04
gmanntkajinam: or you take call based on feature usage even its dependent project is active. Maybe that can bring some users need those feature can help in maintaining dependent projects 19:06

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