Thursday, 2024-01-11

fungiJayF: sure, if they have time. note that the fuzzy deadline i was given to finalize newsletter content for openstack was end of today00:00
JayFack; i'll include that note and a comment that means it's unlikely it'll get looked at00:01
JayFas the person I had in mind is ooo00:01
fungiJayF: diablo_rojo said she's available to integrate your fine prose into the document our newsletter folks use to coordinate, so i'll leave it in her capable hands00:03
fungimy day is rapidly coming to a close00:04
fungithanks for the quick help!00:05
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Retire OpenStack-Chef project
gmanntc-members: ^^ proposed the openstack-chef retirement also, email sent as last call. 00:47
gmannwith this leaderless project task is completed, other remaining two project without leader (senlin, monasca) are already marked inactive
*** dalees0 is now known as dalees16:59
opendevreviewBrian Rosmaita proposed openstack/project-team-guide master: Update repo deprecation instructions

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