Friday, 2023-10-27

*** avanzaghi5 is now known as avanzaghi00:56
dtantsurThis may be old news, just making sure y'all are aware:
fungiodds are we won't hit that until we start testing with 3.12 in about 6 months. the security risk mentioned there is presumably only an option if we use eventlet to make https/tls socket connections rather than relying on another module to provide that functionality13:47
fungidefinitely worth keeping tabs on though13:48
fungicodesearch does turn up some projects that import eventlet's monkeypatched urllib2, socket, and/or ssl modules13:53
fungibut from a vmt perspective we have a long-standing public security hardening bug about securing service-to-service connections against mitm, so this isn't really anything new in that regard13:54
dansmitham more commenting on the fact that this is that broken and yet unfixed13:55
dansmithit's not just that it's not secure, it's that it's broken on newer python13:56
*** Gues__________________________ is now known as jjung13:58
fungiyep, and we've (eventlet upstream and consumers alike) not acted on a deprecation from roughly 3 years ago13:59
fricklerthis also seems relevant in the context of eventlet + py312
dtantsurSo, do we rewrite OpenStack in Go or Rust? :D14:08
fungino rewriting in toy languages, please ;)14:08
fungicobol or go home14:08
dtantsurThat's the spirit!14:09
dtantsurOn a serious note, maybe, MAYBE, we should slowly think about dropping eventlet14:09
fungiyeah, i can't believe that's never come up before14:09
dtantsurI keep complaining in the Ironic channel, but probably never bothered to annoy y'all here14:09
dtantsurWe should have talked about it on the current PTG..14:11
clarkbfungi: IBM will sell you a watson labeled code generation system to convert cobol to java. Once upon a time you might have refered to that as a compiler but now its AI14:14
fungiyes, everything is ai now14:14
* TheJulia has thoughts and opinions, but that would be a distraction14:24
clarkbits interesting that SNI is called out in that issue. I know not having SNI breaks good portions of the Internet but isn't SNI typically considered a less secure compromise because it discloses too much information in the clear portion of conection setup?14:25
dansmithI thought there was some SNI replacement that *is* secure now14:26
dansmithbut yeah I think you're right about the original SNI thing14:26
dansmithso not sure if they mean SNI-like stuff or just the original SNI spec14:26
clarkbah got it14:26
dtantsurI think the alternative is not widely deployed yet14:27
dtantsurESNI was kinda insecure too, ECH is very new14:28
clarkbalso interesting that python presumably refuses to fix those methods because of compatibility issues. But deleting the code entirely is fine nevermind compatibility issues there14:32
clarkbfeels like priorities are misplaced. But maybe that is the easier thing to do since deleting code requires less effort than debugging it14:33
dansmithwell, I dunno that it's fixable necessarily as it might be a "this is the wrong way to do this" sort of thing14:36
dansmithhowever, it sucks to just remove stuff like this because you're *sure* it's so important that it's worth breaking people's software14:36
clarkbwell the fix is to use a different piece of code that has a very similar api. I don't think its a case of "impossible to accomplish"14:40
dansmithyeah well if so then it's definitely heinous14:40
clarkbbut looking at that more closely the context tooling forces you to be more explicit about verification options and tls versions and so on. So probably part of hte problem is they don't want you to assume their global assumptions are good any longer14:40
dansmithyeah, it just sucks to break everything for such a thing, IMHO.. print a warning to stdout or something attention-getting, but... idk, I'm just tired of this level of breakage and being such a moving target14:42
clarkbya and the ssl context flag behavior change between ypthon releases too14:42
* dansmith nods14:42
dtantsurChanging code may lead to subtle bugs, deleting is clear and transparent14:42
* dtantsur is guessing without having any context either14:42
clarkbso you end up with code that creates a context using ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT flags and then explicitly disable sslv3 anyway because if run under and older python TLS_CLIENT might allow sslv314:43
fungifrom an upstream cpython perspective, they'd like to be able to completely discard the ssl module from stdlib14:56
fungiand never think about it again14:57
fungiit's a huge portability challenge for them, especially for windows builds14:57
fungithey'd rather programs relied on third-party modules for cryptographic operations14:58
dtantsurA wise call (except that a lot of stuff even in stdlib depends on SSLContext)15:04
fungiyeah, they're aware that they can't easily untangle it15:08
JayFHEADS UP: We've switched times of next two vPTG sessions15:41
JayFELECTION RETROSPECTIVE is now at UTC 1700-180015:41
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed openstack/governance master: [docs] Add links to release based runtimes
JayFsomeone downstream in GR-OSS is looking at Python 3.12 support in eventlet:
JayFI do suspect we'll still end up needing to touch every project that uses it due to the api change23:00

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