Monday, 2023-10-23

*** blarnath is now known as d34dh0r5313:28
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dansmithJayF: I guess we probably need to drop for the dbperf thing, but I kinda don't want to until this is over15:02
JayFyeah, I can understand15:02
JayFthat's a good discussion15:02
JayFI'm really interested in it15:02
JayFhonestly only reason I even installed/played with the stuff was to be informed15:03
knikollaI won't be able to attend the second hour of the the TC community leaders interaction (all good for first hour)15:53
clarkbI had to drop out of the tc session too17:06
dansmithJayF: just FYI we've been going for well over an hour with no bio break17:11
JayFI thought the topic was wrapping, was going to break then but it re-up'd17:12
JayFmessage rec'd17:12
dansmithand also not sure if there are other topics, but .. yeah, we're also consuming all the oxygen here17:12
gmannyeah, I think we have discussed about rbac a lot. let's switch the topic after break17:14
ade_leeJayF, hey - I'd like to add a fips topic to the tc discussion - should I just add it to the etherpad?17:34
ade_leeJayF, a short one - just to ask about replacing paramiko17:34
JayFI mean, it's pretty late to be adding topics to the PTG. That being said, TC is very short on topics.17:35
ade_leeyeah sorry - realize its late17:35
JayFYou can add it to the bottom "other topics" section; but I'd suggest pursuing async methods of getting your answer17:35
JayFlike the mailing list17:35
ade_leeok - let me try that - and if need be I can add to the "other topics" section17:36
ade_leewhich I assume will take place on Friday?17:36
JayFthe mailing list is much easier to work with now, it's mailman 3 and works like a forum in the webapp17:37
JayFOther Topics are not scheduled.17:37
JayFBasically an if/when we get to it17:37
TheJuliaade_lee: hasn't that topic come up in past sessions? Wasn't the blocker inherently a viable replacement? Is there a replacement?17:43
ade_leeTheJulia, I'm not sure yet - thats part of what I was hoping to discuss.  On the whole, I think I agree that this is better suited for mailing list so we can find out.17:45
TheJuliaYes, I think that would be good. Thanks!17:47
TheJuliaade_lee: if there is a solution, you may want to propose it. Just don't ask for a solution to appear. :)18:36
ade_leeack :)18:37
clarkbthere are patches to paramiko from august that supposedly allow it to work under fips18:39
clarkb not merged yet, but progress18:40
ade_leeclarkb, yeah - I think we've been carrying a monkey patch that does similar for awhile now because the original patch didn't get merged.  so we can wait to see if it finally does merge18:45
ade_leeclarkb, the main concern I'm interested in though, is being able to claim fips compliance instead of fips compatibility (ie. just working under fips)18:46
ade_leeand thats a much larger lift for paramiko.18:46
ade_leepersonally, I think it means looking for a compliant replacement instead18:46
TheJuliahas any searching taken place already?18:47
ade_leeI did some searching before but didn't find anything satisfactory at the time.  I need to do some more searching - and maybe ask also on the list if anyone knows alternatives to consider18:49
TheJuliaI guess "what are the requirements" might also be a thought18:50
TheJuliacan we just exec to ssh instead?!18:50
ade_leeTheJulia, some of the alternatives I found before are probably further along -- but yeah - thats a good point18:50

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