Monday, 2023-03-27

*** knikolla[m] is now known as knikolla14:14
knikollatc-members: i have finished scheduling the agenda for the TC sessions into the Thu and Fri slots.
knikollaplease take a look14:38
* jamespage looks14:39
knikollagmann: did you hear back from the k8s steering committee about scheduling time with them in the PTG?14:39
knikollatc-members: reminder, in ~1hr, TC + Community Leaders Interaction
gmannknikolla: for k8s steering committee sessions, I checked with them and it seems they are busy this week so we can cancel this time15:46
JayFI'm very willing to take an ad-hoc meeting to ensure we're able to sync with our k8s peers after PTG; if others+they are15:47
gmannknikolla: schedule looks good to me thanks. one topic 'osc' scheduling I am checking with artem if he is ok with the time and can join or not15:56
gmannknikolla: and he is good in that time. all good15:56
gouthamrknikolla: o/ joined late, was hoping this meeting was recorded :) 17:58
gouthamrthanks for the summary at the end, and the meeting notes17:59
gouthamrbut do you plan on recording the other TC meetings later in the week? 17:59
clarkbone thing I wanted to bring up which isn't really a ptg topic is the project rename of x/xstatic-angular-fileupload -> openstack/xstatic-angular-fileupload18:06
clarkbGenerally I wouldn't think twice about doing this but after the recent pypi package take over I'm now aware that the xstatic packages are special in that some of them are joint maintained with moin moin. I think this one may be as well?18:07
clarkbWhich has me wondering if it is appropriate to move into openstack/18:07
clarkbgmann: vishalmanchanda ^ fyi (also this isn't urgent we can discuss another day if that helps)18:07
fungiit's hard to tell since has jsomara and robcresswell accounts as maintainers in addition to openstackci18:08
fungithe "homepage" link for the package goes to the javascript library's git repository rather than the xstatic package's git repository, which is a bit misleading18:09
gmannI think vishalmanchanda discussed it in horizon meeting about it and safe to move under openstack
gmannand I think they are discussing on filtering those xstatic things on what is/can be maintained by horizon team and what all they can move out like xstatic-font-awesome18:10
fungii think this probably has implications for the pypi maintainer cleanup work. it might make sense to mandate that pypi maintainer cleanup on any new adoptions be performed before the deliverable is adopted18:10
fungiwhich in this case means getting jsomara and robcresswell to give up control of the pypi project entry18:11
gmannfungi: yes, we added that in new project application and good to check this while accepting any new project or deliverables under existing projetc 18:11
clarkbgmann: vishalmanchanda that meeting doesn't address my concern18:11
fungiso should opendev hold off renaming it into the openstack/ namespace until the other accounts on pypi are no longer maintainers?18:12
clarkbyes we know it is a horizon dependency. But it isn't know if it is still a moinmoin dependency and whether or not moinmoin wishes to continue with joint maintenance18:12
gmannI hope that is what horizon team has checked and take decision but let's wait for vishalmanchanda response 18:12
clarkbI don't want to do to them what they did to us18:13
clarkbwe should be the better open source citizens18:13
gmannI will not say hold the rename but once they are in openstack then it is task for governance/PTL to make sure no additional maintainers than openstackci18:15
clarkbgmann: yes I understand that aspect. What I am saying is that moinmoin collaborated on this library in the past which is why it isn't already in openstack. If we delete their maintainers and adopt this project into openstack then we will do to them what they did to us recently18:16
gmannthat is for pypi maintainers requirement but i agree to have clarkb point to be discussed in horizon if they  have not done yet18:16
clarkbI am saying this is a bad idea without first ensuring they are aware and ok with it18:16
gmannclarkb: yeah, i am not denying that. I replied for pypi maintainer cleanup  as holding requirement for rename. but your point make sense to discussed first and then rename18:17
gmannvishalmanchanda is in india so might be sleeping. let's connect with him or we can add this topic in their ptg etherpad18:17
clarkbgmann: yup this isn't urgent as we have about two weeks to sort it out.18:18
gmannclarkb: cool18:18
gmannthey are meeting tomorrow 14 utc seems18:18
fungiright, i'm not going to use the openstackci account to delete those maintainers, vishalmanchanda will presumably reach out to jsomara and robcresswell to convince them to give up control of the project18:18
clarkbI'll add it to the end of that etherpad18:18
gmannthanks. 18:19
vishalmanchandaclarkb: hi, about MoinMoin contributor are maintaining  or using xstatic-angular-fileupload pypi. we did ask them.18:34
fungi_are_ maintaining, or _are not_ maintaining?18:35
fungivishalmanchanda: and what's the status of getting jsomara and robcresswell to remove their pypi maintainership for it?18:36
vishalmanchandaclarkb: I remember they sent us a list of pypi they are using and would like to maintain and move under their repo.18:36
vishalmanchandaand xstatic-angular-fileupload pypi is not in that list18:36
clarkbvishalmanchanda: is it possible that could be shared somewhere and tied to the review changes for record keeping? That way if they ocme to us complaining we can point to that? Also if they remove themselves from pypi thats a good indicator they don't need it too18:37
clarkbbut also if it is late in the evening for you this can totall wait for tomorrow18:39
clarkbit isn't urgent. I just want to make sure we are not taking over a package like they did to us18:39
vishalmanchandaabout jsomara and robcresswell, we horizon team discussed to remove these maintainers as they are not active in openstack from long time.18:39
gmann+1 to add those link in reviews. 18:39
vishalmanchandaclarkb: +1.18:40
vishalmanchandagmann: sure will add it in commit-msg18:40
gmannvishalmanchanda: can you ask them to remove themselves ? not just this but for all other horizon repo also, this is extra step PTLs need to do foe pipy cleanup - 18:40
vishalmanchandaSo JFYI, what we decided in horizon-weekly meeting to remove all maintainers even who are currently working like radomir and keep only openstackCi as maintainer.18:41
gmannplease plan to send email to the additional maintainers to remove themselves and give ownership to openstackci if not there18:42
vishalmanchandagmann: sure will do that.18:42
vishalmanchandaclarkb: I can see you added a topic in horizon PTG , let me know if you still want to discuss it in more details then I will assign a time slot to this topic?18:47
clarkbvishalmanchanda: I think the information above is sufficient now. Particularly that moin issue you linked18:47
clarkbJust need to make sure we document this on our end and I think we're set. No need for the ptg time18:48
vishalmanchandaclarkb: ok cool.18:48
JayFPTG only really provides value in this context in answering the question of "who is pypiuser123 who has access to this package?" 18:48
JayFsince you have easier access to contributors who might have more history in the project18:48
* JayF has done a couple of these over email for some PTLs already, trying to find pypi maintainers18:48
vishalmanchandaclarkb: I will add that info. in commit msg and send a mail on open-discuss and attach that mail link as well in commit-msg.18:49
clarkbvishalmanchanda: thanks!18:49
vishalmanchandaclarkb: yw.18:49
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