Thursday, 2022-12-22

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clarkb is something that ya'll might want to followup on. THough seems Rob is pushing in the right direction16:03
clarkblooks like that individual was added as a pypi maintainer. I don't know what they intend to do17:35
clarkblooks like Rob didn't add them (Rob called it shady on that PR) and they just made a release...18:02
gmannyeah, not sure how it got added18:04
gmannwe should get all other members also removed than openstackci
clarkbit looks like they are also a maintainer of with some of the same people but I don't think that package was ever part of openstack18:06
clarkbgmann: well I think going the other way may be fine too. Basically explicitlyremove it from oepnstack and let them maintain it18:07
gmannwhich is case of many other Xstatic-* repos 18:07
clarkbthe problem here is the lack of transparency and end around of openstack which is the nominal owner of the code base18:07
clarkb"The package orgin was MoinMoin. And openstack got co-maintainer. I am also belong to the MoinMoin project and we use it there still for moin-2 development." is what they just posted to that PR18:09
clarkbso ya I don't think they are doing anything nefarious just not being clear about who has control of the code base18:09
gmannif we keep/give them the control it is ok to give but we need to talk to Horizon team if they want to remove it from openstack and ok to maintain by individuals 18:09
clarkbpersonally if we haven't maintained it then handing it over makes sense18:09
clarkbgmann: well to be clear as of a few minutes ago it is maintanied by someone else whether we want it to be or not18:09
gmannbut how non openstackci members got added, I think that is only case for XStatic-* horizon repo and not other repo owned by openstack?18:13
clarkbgmann: because 4 other people are maintainers and any one of them could add this person. If you look at the other xstatic packages like the jquer-ui one I linked you'll see they are present there18:13
clarkbI suspect they got one of their friends to do it for them18:13
gmannI mean the very first person18:14
clarkbgmann: long ago pypi required you to go through a convoluted package creation process that wasn't automated. IIRC our docs were "go manually create the package and add the openstackci user to it"18:15
clarkbif those indivudals don't remove themselves after the fact then they remain18:15
gmannwe should clean those up now otherwise this case will happen more frequently.  18:16
gmannall XStatic-* repo are with independent release model and not released recently. Need to check with Horizon team18:16
gmanneither handover to those individual maintainers or keep only openstackci 18:16
clarkbfor this specific incidence it is probably a good idea for somenoe from openstack to reach out and coordinate (imo by acknowledging the shift in maintainership and retiring things on the openstack side)18:18
gmannit seems it is not only case for XStatic-* repo but other also, for example:
gmannhumm I think it  is a lot
clarkbfor older things it is probably very common due to how the pypi api worked. I think eventually with twine and cheeseshop api updates this chagned though18:21
gmannPTL can help us here to clean it up for their project repos18:21
clarkball of this should be queryable which should make building a list scriptable18:22
clarkbanyway I'll defer to yall on how you want ot handle things. I just wanted to make sure people saw this happening18:22
gmannclarkb: I think openstackci (who is owner of it) should be able to clean up these right? 18:23
gmannclarkb: sure, thanks for reporting. I will add it in TC meeting agenda and we will take it forward. 18:25
clarkbgmann: The openstackci pypi creds are managed by opendev (and part of the opendev/base-jobs repo)18:26
clarkbit might be possible to break that out into openstack/project-config instead, but I would have to look at how the jobs are used before being certain of that18:27
clarkbBut yes we could use that account to clean up the packages on pypi18:27
gmannclarkb: cool. I will let you know after discussion in TC meeting on Jan 418:28
jrosserif you click `repository` on the pypi page it takes you to
clarkbjrosser: yes I think all of the xstatic repos point to their vendored js content18:30
jrosserah i see18:30
clarkbthe whole xstatic system was an end around to the js tooling being very difficult to use about 8 years ago :)18:32
clarkbthankfully things have changed since then and it isn't too terrible to combine native tooling for both js and python in the same repo to manage the client side aspects of web development and server side18:33
clarkbzuul does this successfully18:33
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