Wednesday, 2022-12-14

opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Add dates for the 2023.2/B-release[1]
opendevreviewYoshi Kadokawa proposed openstack/governance master: Add Cinder Huawei charm
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rosmaitagmann: dyk what channel i'd be likely to find ian choi in?15:16
fungirosmaita: #openstack-election and #openstack-i18n at least15:21
gmannrosmaita: and he is responsive on email also in case he is away from IRC <>15:36
JayFIs our meeting in 10 minutes IRC or Video?15:50
fungilast week was video, so presumably irc this week?15:54
JayFty; I easily forget 15:54
JayFand am sorta between setups now; so I don't have VC hooked up to this laptop unless I know I need it :)15:54
gmannJayF: IRC in an 2 min15:58
gmannI keep it updated as 'Location' in wiki
gmann#startmeeting tc16:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Dec 14 16:00:12 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'16:00
gmanntc-members: meeting time16:00
gmann#topic Roll call16:00
* JayF notes that links to the ics-file-page, not the one that indicates video/irc16:00
gmanntoday agenda, let's wait for couple of min in case more member join16:01
gmannlet's start16:03
gmann#topic Follow up on past action items16:03
gmannnone from the last meeting16:03
gmann#topic Gate health check16:03
jungleboyjI am lurking. :-)16:03
gmannwe faced gate brake from tox 4 16:03
gmannwhich is pinned for stable branch testing in devstack (integration and devstack tox based job)16:04
gmannand for master also it is pinned as workaround for now which need to be fixed and unpin16:04
gmannalso, I observed more frequent ssh timeout in tempest multinode job and bug is open for that in tempest16:05
gmannany other news on gate?16:05
rosmaitathanks for getting that done in the stable branches16:06
clarkbthe ensure-tox role will uncap tox next week.16:06
fungiremember that jobs will need their tox versions pinned or compatibility issues fixed by a week from tomorrow16:06
gmannand similarly other job if not capped with devstack cap can cap it same way for stable branches16:06
fungi#link ensure-tox and tox v416:07
fungijobs relying on the ensure-tox role i mean (so that's generally things like unit testing and linting)16:07
gmannyeah they need to do explicitly 16:07
rosmaitaok, thanks for the link, that announcement is clear about what to do16:08
gmannlet's see how many will fail 16:08
clarkbneutron seems to have discovered that skipsdist is problematic under tox v416:08
clarkbjust a heads up for anyone looking at updating their tox.ini for compatibility and running into problems with your project not getting installed into the venv16:09
gmannskipsdist is used in many projects tox.ini16:10
gmannbut I think this is right time to get those fixed16:11
fungiyes. but apparently it's mutually exclusive with usedevelop now16:11
clarkbI think what it really means is skip installing the project into the venv16:11
clarkbwhich is what breaks usedevelop as that implies an install to the venv16:11
clarkbanyway its one of the weirder behavior changes we've seen so I wanted to call it out. The others are pretty mechanical updates to translate from old to new16:12
gmannanything else on gate things?16:12
slaweqnothing from me16:13
gmann#topic 2023.1 TC tracker checks16:13
rosmaitadid they really change 'usedevelop' to 'use_develop' ?16:13
fungirosmaita: they're synonymous still (were in v3 as well looks like()16:14
fungithat was a red herring16:14
JayFI intend to focus on getting something written up for my item in the TC tracker over the rest of the month while things are a little slow.16:14
gmannJayF: np!, thanks 16:15
gmannone update from tracker is election things. next election dates are selected #link
gmannand we have two election officials to run the show16:16
gmannI will keep eyes on date just in case16:16
gmannelection start from Feb 1 to March 816:16
gmannany other updates from anyone on their item from tracker ?16:17
slaweqI still didn't had time to get into mine16:18
slaweqbut I will :)16:18
gmannsure, thanks16:18
gmann#topic Mistral situation16:18
gmannRelease team proposing Mistral to mark as release deprecated16:19
gmannand there we got new volunteer from OVHCloud to help maintaining Mistral16:19
gmannand they sent it over ML also #link
gmannmistral current maintainer are also aware of it16:19
gmannbut I did not see any response on email or review if new maintainers are onboarded now 16:20
avanzaghiArnaud Morin and myself have been added as core reviewer today16:20
gmannavanzaghi: perfect, you are here. 16:21
spotz_Thanks for stepping up 16:21
gmannavanzaghi: as mentioned in email, do you want to change Mistral from DPL model to PTL model in leadership? 16:21
gmannor it is ok to continue DPL for this cycle and in next cycle you can decide16:22
avanzaghiI guess we might still use DPL for this cycle to give me time to get in the project16:22
gmannavanzaghi: sure, make sense 16:23
gmannbut thanks avanzaghi for helping there and as next step you can ping release team member in #openstack-release on what are the required things to get it release16:23
gmannI think we are now good in Mistral side so no specific action needed for now16:24
JayFI'd also generally say if you are confused about anything with keeping it up, or getting going upstream, even just putting a message in here I know I'll be willing to help and others likely will to.16:24
JayFThanks for stepping up16:24
avanzaghiThank you it's noted16:25
gmannok, moving next16:25
gmann#topic Recurring tasks check16:25
gmannBare 'recheck' state16:25
gmannslaweq: please go ahead16:26
slaweqall good with rechecks16:26
slaweqI updated etherpad today16:26
slaweqso numbers are fresh16:26
gmanncool, thanks 16:26
gmann#topic Open Reviews16:27
gmannone change I would like to get review, changing the timeline for Inactive projects #link
gmannother than that we are doing good on open reviews. 16:28
JayFIs there anything wrong with governance gate? I saw a lot of V-1.16:28
JayFDidn't know if one of us needs to take time to resolve some issue (tox?) there...16:28
JayFIf so I can; if it's already being dealt with please say so and I'll save my time :D 16:29
gmannis it ? I think it is green16:29
gmannbut let me recheck and check16:29
JayFof the 3 open reviews in the governance queue from the link above; 2 are V-116:29
JayFlooks like it's actual lint issues; so really we only have one outstanding; ready for review request16:30
gmannohk they are V-1 due to their change not gate issue, like project-config change is not merged for charm thigns16:30
gmannyeah, gate is ok as 867062 ran yesterday and it is green16:30
noonedeadpunkI actually wonder if we should try and define Roll-Call vote as requirement for merge. As since it's among "trigger votes" I think it's not set as requirement now16:31
noonedeadpunkSo change can be merged just with positive verified label16:31
JayFThat sounds a little bit like a potential social problem more than a technical one? If a change is merged to governance without proper vote; it's not really changing the governance, right?16:31
JayFOr are you saying the opposite; it shouldn't need anything but RC+1s and V+1?16:32
noonedeadpunkIt's new gerrit renderring question :D16:32
fungiseems like this is more of a workaround for it not appearing in the summary table16:32
fungiin gerrit 3.616:32
gmannnoonedeadpunk: we do not merge it automatically base don RC. it is manual merge +W by TC chair16:32
gmannand we check those fro the check-review-status script16:32
gmannbut it is difficult to see those now16:33
noonedeadpunkyes, exactly that point ^16:33
JayFah, understand16:33
gmannyeah, i am also finding it difficult 16:33
gmannand if I understand it correctly there is no way to make it always showing those like we use to have?16:34
fungiclarkb was talking about possible approaches for that in #opendev yesterday16:34
noonedeadpunkso making RC a requirement (eventually it still is) we will workaround new behaviour16:34
gmannmaking requirement where?16:34
noonedeadpunkbut yeah, that discussion doesn't worth time that's been spent on it16:34
gmannanyways, that is all from today meeting. we can discuss that after meeting or in opendev chanel16:35
clarkbgmann: making it a requirement to merge. Gerrit seems to treat those labels as special16:35
gmannand we will have next week meeting also16:35
gmannclarkb: ok that we do already16:35
gmannanything else for today?16:36
noonedeadpunkHave small update about sahara state16:36
noonedeadpunkSo there's a patch now that covers all found issues in the project and passing gates and all tempest tests that were before - had to squash several bugs together, but patch quite feasable16:37
gmannok, link please16:37
noonedeadpunkAnd I've sent ML targeting sahara cores asking for review also forwarded to PTL email directly after couple of days without reply16:37
noonedeadpunkAs of today there's no reaction to ML or any comment to the patch.16:38
gmannI see16:38
noonedeadpunkWe still have couple of weeks before milestone-2, so I'm going to wait for another week and in case of no feedback I guess we can mark project as inactive16:39
gmannsure, let's wait as it is holiday season also16:39
gmannbut if gate is not fixed then it is clear to call out for help and mark Inactive16:40
gmannnoonedeadpunk: do you want it to add in next weekly meeting agenda to track the progress?16:40
noonedeadpunkyeah, I think it might be worth it16:41
noonedeadpunkas gate is also was broken when releasing Zed16:41
gmannsure, will do.16:41
gmannthanks for keep eyes on it and fixing the gate16:41
noonedeadpunkSo making another release with broken gates (and code that is not supposed to work against py3) is likely not worth it16:41
gmannany other topic for today?16:42
gmannif not then let's close it 16:43
gmannthanks everyone for joining16:43
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Dec 14 16:43:17 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:43
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
clarkbgmann: it is not a merge requirement as far as I can tell:
clarkbgmann: the function noop there means this is an informational label and gerrit 3.6 is prioritizing the rendering of labels required for merging over those that are not16:44
clarkbat least that is what I think is going on. I have not tried converting any of these lables to a merge requirement yet16:44
noonedeadpunkThis is quite good candidate to try tbh... And looking that CR label is also in same category as RollCall vote16:45
noonedeadpunk(in UI) I'm pretty sure it's the case16:45
gmannclarkb: ohk, it is not in gerrit there but we do have that in our script16:45
gmannand it is hard to add that as requirement in gerrit as TC merging requirement is based on the type of change16:46
gmannnoonedeadpunk: as per the type of change need different requirement of RC votes it is difficult to automate it16:46
gmannfor example, any patch with RC-1 can also merge based on other vote criteria as per motion or governance house rules16:47
clarkbgmann: ok gerrit cannot know anything about your script though16:47
gmannyeah it is many things in criteria not just number of vote, number of days it open etc16:48
clarkbyes I understand that. I'm just trying to express what I think gerrit's behavior is here16:49
clarkb"submit requirements" aka any label necessary for merging is given priority in the UI16:49
noonedeadpunkI wasn't thinking about automating. I was thinking about showing votes better in UI16:57
gmannyeah, understand that. i cannot find any value we can add there which does block on -/+ value but just make it in Submit Requirement16:58
gmannAnyWithBlock with 0 ?16:58
gmanndoes not seems so, all need some positive or negative value 16:59
clarkbanywithblock requires a negative value17:00
noonedeadpunkalso I think if it would be "submit requirements"  - votes will be shown for reviewers, so will be a bit easier to see who voted without hovering over label17:00
clarkbI don't know your workflow well enough to make a suggestion here. Again I'm just trying to capture the gerrit behavior so that potential work arounds can be found17:00
gmannbut anything in 'submit requirements' also does not show votes you have to go over label to see it right?17:02
clarkbgmann: they are shown in the reviewers list and in the comments below or in the label hover17:03
clarkbthough maybe the reviewers list only shows code-review votes?17:03
gmannyes in Reviewers list but for label we need to hover it over17:05
clarkbor look at the comments list17:05
gmannprevious way was so easy not sure why to change that :)17:06
clarkbI'm sure google had a good reason. But didn't consider other users when the change was made17:06
gmannlet me try if we can make TC RC in  'submit requirements' clarkb any way I can try it without merging it in project-config ?17:07
clarkbgmann: no17:07
clarkbbut you can always revert it17:08
gmannyeah, let me try something late this week or next week.17:08
clarkbgmann: just reading the existing votes for roll call why wouldn't anywithblock work?17:13
clarkb-1 "no" would prevent merging. Everything else can merge17:13
clarkbthe default is 0 so default is mergeable17:14
clarkbyour script can still double check that appropriate +1 is set when necessary17:14
clarkbthe only thing it would change is if you want to be able to override the -117:15
clarkbwhich I guess maybe you do if a majority vote +1?17:15
fungii think the tc expects rc -1 to not be blocking, while rc -2 represents a blocking veto17:15
fungior at least that's how we used to do it, but maybe that's changed in recent years17:16
gmannyeah, RC with -1 can still be mergable 17:16
clarkbfungi: there is no -2 rc currently. But maybe that is a workaround. Add a -2 to satisfy the check17:16
clarkb-1 is still mergeable in that case. and tell people to no -2 unless they would also -W?17:17
fungithat's an interesting idea. you can make -2 effectively unreachable by not granting anyone access to set it17:17
gmannbut we need to allow -2 as alowed value for RC label right?17:17
gmannor we can make -2 as blocking for any procedure change, in case chair want to hold it for some reason17:18
gmannor yes no giving access to it17:19
gmannlet me try17:19
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