Monday, 2022-10-03

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JayF should be good to merge now, correct?15:18
JayFI've also got a result in the election, we have 9/9 votes in.15:19
JayFgmann: knikolla[m]: I'm assuming just hit the button and release the results?15:20
gmannJayF: 859464 will be good to go tomorrow 4th oct. I am keeping eyes on it.15:22
JayFToday is day 6 out of 5 needed by my math...15:22
gmannJayF: sure, for poll result. we can close if got all votes15:22
gmannJayF: we need 7 days15:23
gmannrunning script again to re-confirm15:23
JayFCongratulations to gmann, for being re-elected chair of the TC for the next six months.15:23
JayF5-4 is a really tight vote; and is a testament to the qualifications of both candidates.15:23
knikolla[m]congrats gmann :)15:24
knikolla[m]thank you everyone for voting. 15:24
JayFDo I need to hit the mailing list with this? Or will it just be announced w/normal TC meeting follow up this week?15:26
gmannthanks everyone and knikolla[m] for your motivation which is great thing for this group 15:27
gmannJayF: it is ok in normal TC weekly summary. if there was change in chair than I needed to inform community and Board separately. To board, I will summarize the complete election (PTL and TC) and zed release things together  15:28
gmannI confirmed from script that 859464 needs to wait for tomorrow. hopefully we will get it merged before release on wed15:30
*** Guest2153 is now known as diablo_rojo16:55
diablo_rojoOpenInfra Foundation newsletter will go out next week - if you have topics you think should be included, add them here!
diablo_rojo(ideally by EOD Friday this week)16:58
fungiactually the editors are hoping to have content in on wednesday of this week (targeting publication on monday)17:15
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