Thursday, 2022-07-14

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gmanntc-members meeting time15:00
gmann#startmeeting tc15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jul 14 15:00:28 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'15:00
gmann#topic Roll call15:00
gmannslaweq and arne_wiebalck informed about their absence in today meeting15:01
jungleboyjI will be out next week, btw.  :-)15:01
gmannjungleboyj: ack15:01
gmannlet's start15:02
gmanntoday agenda ^^ not much topic so may be it will be quick15:02
gmann#topic Follow up on past action items15:02
gmannrosmaita to send the email on openstack-discuss and community (local user groups ML) about asking who need translation15:02
rosmaitayeah, still working on that15:02
gmannrosmaita: ack.15:03
rosmaitai have some questions, will wait for open discussion15:03
gmannrosmaita: ok sure15:03
gmanngmann to ask about Adjutant maintainer on ML and start the next step of retirement or adding it in In-active project list.15:03
gmannI sent and we have PTL volutneer also 15:04
gmannplease review the PTL nomination patch 15:05
gmanngmann to remove this(environmental SIG proposal) from agenda and we will check feedback on review or ML15:05
gmannthat is also done15:05
gmann#topic Gate health check15:05
gmannone update is about centos stream 9 testing stability15:05
gmanncentos stream maintainer joined our previous week meeting and we discussed few of the things, I sent the summary of discussion on ML #link
gmannlet's see if communication improve in both way but it was clear that we both community needs to debug the failure together, expecting centos stream alone doing that is difficult for them as per devstack/tempest and failure debugging knowledge 15:07
gmannnot sure what else we can do on this then triage the failure at openstack side first and then report to them15:08
gmannand when to make to voting as new issue can come at any time due to nature of latest version deps in centos stream15:08
dansmithI think we just need to keep these periodic15:09
gmannkeeping it non voting make failure gets ignored and making it voting impact our development progress 15:09
dansmithunless they're going to change their workflow (which is the point of stream to begin with) I don't see how we can be voting on it15:09
dansmitheven if they triage and fix bugs very quick, we can't stall pipelines for 24 hours, which is realistically about as fast as it could be15:10
gmannI also think periodic is best possible way here15:10
rosmaitadoes anyone have an understanding of why ubuntu-based jobs are more stable than centos?15:11
dansmithbecause the things they put in are tested15:11
gmannin QA office hour and I am sure other projects also, we monitor periodic job results15:11
dansmithstream things are not, that's the point15:11
gmannyeah stream is kind of testing *next* things15:11
dansmithwe test on released ubuntu, which means it has been tested15:11
dansmithstream is like testing on bare upstream trees for the most part15:12
rosmaitai thought it was supposed to be "mostly tested"15:13
spotz[m]We can definitely put out an invite but maybe with an idea of what time they’re needed15:13
dansmithrosmaita: not that I know of.. at least one situation before came because they were putting things into stream *so* they could test them, not *because* they had tested it15:14
gmannrosmaita: texsted at some level but not with all things deps latest version like openstack tested libvirt version15:14
rosmaitaso realistically, it doesn't seem like a suitable distro to use as the basis for our CI15:15
gmannthey put libvirt new version but how it will be working with OpenStack or any other usage is not well tested15:15
dansmith"tested at some level" meaning it might have passed libvirt project testing, because it landed there15:15
dansmithrosmaita: right that's my point15:15
gmannin that case we can test it periodic but keep it in our testing runtime so that we have python version testing at least which are compatible to them15:15
gmannany objection of making it periodic with experimental pipeline(on demand run) ?15:16
rosmaitawell, periodic would be less waste of resources than having it nonvoting15:16
rosmaitabut i don't know that anyone will pay attention to it15:16
dansmithI also think periodic is less likely to be ignored than non-voting15:17
gmannand we will have enough data for failure15:17
dansmithnv failures are basically just waste, IMHO15:17
gmanndansmith: true15:17
gmannrosmaita: in QA we do monitor all periodic job in QA projects weekly basis 15:17
jungleboyjrosmaita:  That sounds like it might be a better approach then.15:17
gmannI think many other project might be doing the same. but checking periodic jobs in weekly meeting is good way15:17
dansmithI think periodic also has more chance of being statistically stable, so noticing going from 95% pass to 100% fail is easier15:18
dansmithn-v jobs failing can be because of the patch not being finished, etc15:18
rosmaitathis sounds like a good plan to me, then15:19
jungleboyjMakes sense to me.15:19
fungiright, periodic jobs are testing changes which have already merged, so rules out broken changes (unless the changes themselves are suddenly introducing incompatibilities for centos)15:20
gmann#agree to make centos stream jobs testing in periodic way but keep it in testing runtime. monitor, debug, and report the failure to centos stream team15:21
gmannany other news on gate health ?15:21
rosmaitagmann: you can make this change in the zed template?15:22
gmannrosmaita: yeah, we can and remove it from non voting also which are in project side mostly 15:22
gmannwe are not stopping testing but testing in a most feasible way15:23
gmannso should be ok to do change in zed cycle15:23
gmannif nothing else, moving to next topic?15:24
gmann#topic RBAC community-wide goal15:24
gmannpatch is up, thanks dansmith rosmaita for review15:24
gmannnothing else on this than other tc-members please review it as we are already late in zed cycle15:24
gmannunless there is any question anyone want to discuss here15:25
gmannok moving next15:26
gmann#topic Open Reviews15:26
gmannthis is one patch to review other than we already discussed #link
gmannadding skyline in emerging technology list15:27
gmannthat is all15:27
gmannrosmaita: please go ahead on i18 SIG things15:27
rosmaitaoh, ok15:28
rosmaitamy question is whether anyone has a suggestion for a survey tool that is accessible in china15:28
rosmaitaor, whether that's not a concern15:28
rosmaitai've used wufoo, but the free version is very limited15:29
gmannno sure, may be we can ask ricolin about it15:30
rosmaitaok, i will email him15:31
gmannOpen infra day asia might be good place to inform about that survey also. it is schedule on July 22-23. ricolin is one of the organizer of it15:31
rosmaitathanks for that suggestion15:31
gmannit include most of the group of asia which are/were using translation including this SIG mainatiner ianychoi[m]  15:32
rosmaitait's helpful to have a deadline15:33
gmannmay be if some usage data we can get within zed cycle so that in 2023.1 we can take some decision ?15:34
gmannok, anything else on this topic?15:35
gmannok, thanks rosmaita for working on it15:36
gmannthat is all from today meeting.15:36
rosmaitanp, now i will work faster15:36
gmannthanks 15:36
gmannlet's close the meeting. thanks all for joining15:36
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jul 14 15:37:01 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:37
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
jungleboyjThank you all!15:37
clarkbI missed the stream discussion but wanted to point out that we do have rocky images available (and I think there is work in progress to add rocky 9 now too) for rhel like testing if people want to look at that15:37
gmannclarkb: ack, starting some testing in rocky is good idea15:40
rosmaitaclarkb: that is good to know ... i wonder if we should run periodic jobs in rocky, too15:40
clarkbrosmaita: well rocky is in theory stable like rhel beacuse its downstream of all that effort15:41
rosmaitaright, i was thinking it would be good to have comparison data15:41
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