Wednesday, 2022-06-01

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fricklertc-members: does (large-scale sig repo) need to get added to your agenda or will you just review it in due time?12:38
spotzfrickler: We normally have an item to check all open issues for the TC, if it's been missed it might not come up in that12:51
fricklerthx, sounds ok then12:53
fungibut also, project additions generally don't have to wait12:54
fungijust need sufficient reviews12:54
fungi"at least two 2 roll call votes (which can include the vote of the chair and excludes the change owner) and a code review vote from the PTL of the project (or their delegate)"
fungitechnically that's about adding repos to project teams, but i would expect the same to go for sigs12:56
fungiand s/ptl/chair/ in the sig context12:57
fungi(sig chair i mean, not tc chair)12:57
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gmannfrickler: +A. thanks13:33
fricklergmann: fungi: thx, approved the project-config patch now and will recheck the governance patch once it is merged13:57
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Add a repository for the Large Scale SIG
gmannspotz: will you be able to join tomorrow meeting? as it is video call and I am thinking to use your google meet account and need you to be there for that. checking in case you are traveling for berlin or so?15:46
dansmithrosmaita: are you planning to tweak this based on your last comment?
dansmithrosmaita: or maybe you're waiting to prove you can automate things?15:47
rosmaitadansmith: yes, was looking into the automation possibilities15:47
spotzgmann I can start it but need to run out to the bank15:53
spotzI think rosmaita or dansmith can start it from their work accounts if they want to test15:53
gmannon same link or they need to use their own meet account/link ?15:54
dansmithyep, I can start it15:54
gmannok, please send me link if it is different and I will update wiki15:55
spotzPerfect yeah I know others have started it for the RDO meeting.15:55
dansmithgmann: same link15:55
gmanncool, thanks15:55
spotzThe weird thing is I had tested starting it with my home account and I swear it worked15:56
spotzI'll join from my phone for as much as I can. I'm leaving tomorrow though so couldn't reschedule going15:56
gmannspotz: sure, np!. we will talk about planning how to present/get feedback on RBAC from ops meetup. I have added it for tomorrow meeting. if anything needed on that I/person moderate the discussion in ops meetup will update you after meeting. that is pretty important thing we are looking for feedback16:04
spotzgmann: TheJulia I believe has signed up as the moderator for that as dmendiza[m] and d3adh0rs3 are flying home on Friday and didn't realize the topic was in the meetup16:11
gmannI am  adding the details in etherpad16:11
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