Friday, 2022-04-29

gmannrosmaita: replied to your comment in this, please check if that make sense
gmannade_lee: added few comments in FIPS goal, please check
gmannwe will review this on priority as Zed cycle which is miletsone 1 is already staretd 00:54
gmannade_lee: also please add this checklist  in your goal doc, you do not need to change the whole template as I changed it after your goal was proposed but just having this checklist will work for us
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/governance master: Define Technical preview framework
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/governance master: Remove release names starting from 2023.1 release
*** iurygregory__ is now known as iurygregory11:14
fungislaweq: are you also preparing the mailing list thread for that ^ ?11:42
slaweqfungi: I didn't yet12:03
slaweqbut I will12:03
*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|afk13:50
gmannslaweq: thanks, 14:04
gmannyes we definatly put these key changes in ML always. 14:04
spotzdpawlik and I are meeting with the TripleO folks about e-r on Monday14:06
gmannspotz: nice, on IRC or call? and what time ?14:06
spotzcall, 9 my time14:07
gmannspotz: and you are in CST i think?14:09
gmannslaweq: added 1 comment on release name patch
gmannslaweq: please check if that make sense?14:50
slaweqgmann: thx I will14:53
fungiin case anyone needs convincing that the decision to get rid of "admin" was the right choice, this is the sort of confused vulnerability report we get periodically from users/operators about it:
slaweqgmann: I will address Your and fungi's comments later today or during the weekend as now I have to leave14:55
gmannslaweq: no issue, on Monday is ok. do not take it for weekend as anyways we need to wait for 7 days to merge this so no hurry at all14:57
slaweqgmann: thx, sure :)14:57
gmanntc-memebrs: for next TC video call on 28th, I am going to make it mostly with two topic 1. CFN overview by Jie (as we discussed in ML) 30 min 2. tick-tock release notes (30 min or less) 3. anything else if time permit.  15:09
gmannsorry 5th May video call15:11
gmannplease let me know if something else you have to discuss? and in weekly meeting from 12th onwards we will continue on our usual agenda 15:11
fungiplease also remember that google meet isn't likely to be a good option for participants from mainland china (i.e. the chinamobile folks representing cfn) due to its inaccessability there15:17
gmannyes, I am in discussion with them if that does not work.15:18
gmanntc-members: need one more vote on this
jungleboyjThumbs up from me.17:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Remove TC Liaisons framework
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Fix keystone PTL model documentation
fungigmann: back to our earlier discussion about list moderation filters, if you really want to help avoid adding work for list moderators then please avoid cross-posting messages to multiple lists at the same time, as it results in people who aren't subscribers to one or more of those lists to reply to them anyway, causing their posts to all be held for approval:17:21
* fungi is moderator for both the openstack-discuss and foundation lists, where that is now happening for the release naming thread17:22
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Retire openstack-helm-docs
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Resolution to drop the lower constraints maintenance
fungialso people who subscribe to both lists are now getting two copies of replies17:23
gmannso we should duplicate the discussion in both ML or do not inform other ML as this message is relavant. 17:37
gmannasking other ML to join discussion there is same things now they have to subscribe there17:38
fungisee the wiki article, you can also send something to one list letting people know about the discussion happening on the other list and encouraging them to subscribe and participate there17:38
fungii understand the desire to send a message to multiple mailing lists (and that section of the wiki article sympathozes wit those desires), but that's not how mailing lists are menant to work17:39
gmannI will better remove the other ML as they are informed now. too many things to take care in emails. will keep things in openstack-discuss and anyone wanted should have subscribed that.17:39
fungiyes, it's an openstack project discussion, so while it's nice to let the subscribers of the foundation mailing list know the discussion is taking place, sending a single message with both lists as recipients of that message creates a lot of duplicate deliveries and held messages on both lists17:41
gmannand is it better that they all have to subsribe the openstck-discuss ML just for one thread ?17:42
gmannwith all these restriction on ML, I am not sure how to make such (receipents and two ML topic) communication better but definitly current one are not good at all. 17:42
fungiif they all want to discuss an openstack project matter, then the openstack-discuss mailing list is the right one to do that on17:43
gmannwell this topic is not just for us, we want to do better communication to all stack holder and foundation is one important one here17:44
gmannwe have two solution here 1. do not mind seeing two copies as you subscribed on both ML 2. Ask 100(or more ) members to subscribe openstack-discuss ML jsut for one thread17:44
fungiyep, communication to people who want to know the discussion is taking place makes sense. it also makes sense to encourage them to come to the place where the discussion is happening if they want to get involved in the discussion17:45
gmannI feel first one is fine but if you think thats not and 2nd one is, I will remove the foundation ML thread17:45
gmannbut that is not good and something we should fix how I am not sure.17:45
fungiit's not about opinions, i'm explaining how mailing lists work. i get that it's probably a little strange to people who haven't been deeply involved in open source communities for decades, but mailing lists aren't like instant messaging channels or web forums and you have to be aware of the differences when using them17:47
clarkbgmann: I think that it is a bit of a simplification to say they would join openstack-discuss for one thread. OpenStack discussion is meant to ahppen on that mailing list. Foundation board members etc that are interested in openstack should join that mailing list for all the other discussions relevant to them as well17:48
gmannthat is ok I am saying, current rule/MailingListEtiquette for cross ML topic are something we should improve. 17:48
fungialso you can't effectively "remove" the other addresses from messages which have been delivered, that's done, it happened and they'll be replying to both mailing lists now if they reply to any of those messages. the most you can hope to do is clean them up in new replies you send and (more importantly) avoid doing the same thing in the future17:48
fungigmann: it's not a "rule" we can "improve" it's how mailing lists work17:49
gmannI will ask them to remove too as it is creating lot of *issues*17:49
fungiplease don't. that creates even more replies, and just exacerbates the problem. it will eventually end with the discussion dies down17:50
fungiand i know you were trying to do the right thing, i'm just saying in the future please be mindful of the problems that cross-posting creates17:54
gmannsure, I am removing that and gradually hoping all will keep one in list.18:05
fungialso as an aside, the correct e-mail address for the foundation mailing list these days is ( finally only has openstack project mailing lists as of the beginning of this year)18:07
gmannack, thanks18:09
fungithat reminds me, i need to clean up the defunct openstack mailing lists i reached out about months ago18:10
gmannslaweq: thanks for starting it, added few comments there
spotz_gmann yep cst19:23
spotz_Glad to see more folks speaking up about the naming, I felt like the only one for a while and then ttx19:40
gmanneveryone like name, but we are not understanding the problem with that :)19:41
*** spotz_ is now known as spotz19:53
spotzThat's better19:53
spotzFor promotion, community building, etc the name brings folks together. Like for the RDO contributor item we're doing a sports theme(yoga mat didn't win) and putting our mascot(hopefully) on a yoga mat. People will remember that sort of thing more then the item they got with 2022.1 on it19:55
spotzWhen speaking to press announcing the Yoga release as the 25th release is more memorable then the 25th release which was 2022.119:55
spotzCode doesn't matter it won't care19:56
spotzOperators I always have to think back to my first version, it's easier to remember Grizzly then what tag it might have been19:56
gmannwe can achieve all these with tag line per release, with more than one word tag line per release22:46
gmannthere is no doubt it has some benfits but what are saying is it causes more tourble than benefits22:47
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Remove release names starting from 2023.1 release
gmannmnaser: spotz gouthamr ^^ updated it with all the problem and the ways we tried. but I did not mean to remove your -1. please re-vote or re-review23:51

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