Monday, 2022-02-28

opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint suzhengwei as Masakari PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Spyros as Magnum PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Alex as OpenStack Charms PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Rico as Heat PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Wenxiang as Skyline PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint pangliye as Venus PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Lance as OpenStack Chef PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint XueFeng as Senlin PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Wang as Zaqar PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Martin as Monasca PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Rong Zhu as Murano PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Rong Zhu as Solum PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Chen Ke as Watcher PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint ge cong as Freezer PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Add Ghanshyam nomination as chair
*** ykarel_ is now known as ykarel06:23
*** diablo_rojo__ is now known as diablo_rojo15:14
gmanndansmith: as this is good to merge, just checking if you want me to hold for testing etc you are adding or so. I think there is no dependency  as such and we can merge it? -
dansmithgmann: nope, I want to merge :)16:42
dansmithnice to see that has all converted to positive feedback, IMHO16:43
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Propose release cadence adjustment resolution
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Close TC Zed election
gmanntc-members: ^^ and we are all done on welcoming the new TC members. I have updated the groups for gerrit vote, sent onboarding email -,members18:57
gmannThanks mnaser ricolin yoctozepto belmiro for your contribution as TC. 18:58
gmannand welcome slaweq: knikolla: arne_wiebalck : and, Brian. I have updated the member list in gerrit acl. you should be able to +2 and Rollcall-vote rights18:59
gmannand returning member spotz  19:00
gmannthis week is our video call, please join. details are in
opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Close Zed PTL Elections
gmanntc-members: TC chair role is now open, please nominate yourself if you would like to server as Chair. I have added my nomination to continue
arne_wiebalckthanks gmann 19:01
gmannarne_wiebalck: yw!19:02
arne_wiebalckgmann: I have a conflicting meeting every week Thu at 3pm ... will need to see how to handle this19:03
arne_wiebalckgmann: so I may be late this time, sorry19:04
gmannarne_wiebalck: I see, we usually reiterate the meeting time once new member join. We do this check in PTG but I think we can do early as we still have time for PTG. 19:04
gmannarne_wiebalck: will you be able to join this week? and there we can check for the time change?19:04
arne_wiebalckcool, thanks19:04
arne_wiebalckgmann: I will try, I probably have a short presentation at that time19:05
arne_wiebalckgmann: so, I guess I will join but a little later19:05
gmannarne_wiebalck: sure, thanks. Meanwhile I will add doodle poll als19:06
arne_wiebalckgmann: thanks! 19:07
knikollathanks gmann!19:28
jungleboyjgmann: Thanks for nominating yourself again.  You have done a great job.  :-)19:42
gmannjungleboyj: thanks 19:54
dansmithjungleboyj: understatement of the year20:20
jungleboyjdansmith:  ++20:20
yoctozeptocongrats to the new TC20:21
yoctozeptoand wishing gmann years of chairing to come :-)20:22
fungi(whether he wants them or not!)20:23
jungleboyjHe he.20:24
dansmithfungi: yes :)20:24
yoctozeptokhe khe20:25
gmanntc-members: added doodle for weekly meeting time, please mark your best available time
gmannthis week meeting will be on same time we have on thursday and there we will discuss when to change to new time if we need to20:36
spotzgmann will the doodle times move with UTC?20:48
fungiutc doesn't move20:58
fungithough as far as continued conflicts with openinfra live, i believe the plan is for it to follow usa daylight savings time20:59
fungiso starting in a few weeks, it will be the hour before the current tc meeting slot21:00
gmannspotz: we will see if we select any early time. but we can have a check in PTG which is after daylight saving. 21:56
spotzWell the doodle is showing up for me in CST. so if I pick a time that's open now I'm worried a UTC meeting will end up in that time if that makes sense21:57
spotzAnd doodle looks like it's only doing tie polls now at least for free:(21:58
gmannmarch 13 is daylight saving start so may be we can choose time as per daylight saving and we start the new time after March 13th which will be just 2 meetings in same time we are having currently 21:58
gmanntc-members: let's add your availability as per daylight saving in account and then we can choose best one in this week meeting21:59
spotzOk I'm confused worse:) I hate time changes!22:00
gmannspotz: I think I made it more confusing along with doodle :). let's just check in Thursday meeting. hoping all member will join.22:01
gmanneverytime I use doodle, it is all new interface there.22:02
spotzgmann I know in December I made the D&I WG poll and you could make options with text, now it just lookslike calendar times at least for free22:03
spotzMaking a Survey Monkey account22:03
fungireminder: is run with all free/libre open source software22:06
spotzfungi: Can it do pick your favorite swag from this list?22:12
fungioh, swag? i thought this was for polling for a tc meeting time, sorry22:14
fungithough it says you can use it for opinion polls as well, so maybe that's a new feature22:15
fungii've mainly just used it to get group consensus on times22:16
spotzOk I'll check next time:)22:57
jungleboyjSo, now I am confused.23:15
jungleboyjspotz: and gmann Should we fill out the poll above or just wait for the meeting this week to talk more?23:16
jungleboyjspotz:  So, which is the right answer?23:18
spotzI think we're waiting for Thursday cause now we're all just confused:)23:18
spotzYou're welcome!:)23:18
jungleboyjOk.  That is good.  My brain isn't working right now anyway.23:19

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