Thursday, 2022-02-03

*** pojadhav|afk is now known as pojadhav03:16
yoctozeptogmann: ok, we will do it on irc; I wish you and your family good health07:44
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yoctozeptotc-members: it's time to meet15:00
yoctozepto#startmeeting tc15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Feb  3 15:00:15 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is yoctozepto. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'15:00
yoctozepto#topic Roll call15:00
spotzo/ sorta15:00
yoctozeptothere is an apologies entry for spotz and ricolin but spotz is here nonetheless, welcome!15:01
yoctozeptocounting 4 members15:01
yoctozeptowill there be quorum today15:01
yoctozeptobelmoreira seemingly not around15:02
jungleboyjThought we were supposed to do a video meeting today. 15:02
yoctozeptomnaser is on the openinfra live15:02
* jungleboyj not that I am complaining15:02
yoctozeptoseemingly along with belmoreira15:02
mnaseryoctozepto: belmoreiro is hosting with me yes :p15:02
yoctozeptojungleboyj: yeah, we (with gmann) changed to make it more accessible15:03
yoctozeptomnaser: yeah, no problem, that time conflict is something to resolve in the future15:03
dansmithso, quorum or no?15:04
yoctozeptoseems no quorum15:04
spotzIt's handy when we're on the show as a group but sucks when it's 1 here and 1 there15:05
yoctozeptospotz: indeed15:05
jungleboyjWe can quarrel.15:05
yoctozeptowe can continue with no decision powers I guess15:05
yoctozeptodiablo_rojo_phone: around?15:06
yoctozepto_phone suggests not15:06
yoctozeptook, let's continue for the sake of having discussions today15:06
yoctozepto#topic Follow up on past action items15:07
yoctozeptobut there were none15:07
yoctozepto#topic Gate health check15:07
yoctozepto** Fixing Zuul config error in OpenStack15:07
dansmiththe qos thing si resolved?15:08
dansmiththat was biting several of us for a few days15:08
yoctozeptodansmith: no idea, I know nova-next is practically broken15:08
yoctozepto(read about that on the ml)15:08
dansmithyeah but being worked on, that only affects nova though IIRC15:08
yoctozeptoand devstack gate15:08
diablo_rojo_phoneHosting open infra live so I'm a bit spotty15:08
dansmiththe qos one was breaking lots of people15:08
diablo_rojo_phoneSorry! 15:08
yoctozeptodiablo_rojo_phone: ack, enjoy it15:09
dansmiththroughput has been good, except monday (or tuesday?) it was somewhat backed up,15:09
dansmithbut no complaints from me.. seems pretty decent lately15:09
yoctozepto(seems 3 members captured by openinfra live, one holidays, one sick)15:09
yoctozeptodansmith: ack, thanks15:09
jungleboyjWe had some issues with the Stable gates this week but I think those have been worked out as well.15:10
yoctozeptogreat, thanks for reporting15:10
yoctozeptoon the zuul config errors15:11
yoctozeptoseems some projects working diligently on fixing them15:11
yoctozeptoothers not so much15:11
dansmithI don't even know what the issue is?15:11
yoctozeptodansmith: infra asked us to clear up
yoctozeptoit's ridiculously long15:12
yoctozeptothe progress (along with details) is tracked here:
dansmithman that's a list15:12
dansmithseems mostly networking?15:13
yoctozeptoI think we really need a person from TC to watch over this progress15:13
yoctozeptodansmith: hard to tell for sure15:13
yoctozeptobut looks like it15:13
dansmithcan we make a list of all the repos those jobs are in?15:14
yoctozeptothey seemed to have eoled these branches15:14
yoctozeptoso no idea why this bugs the zuul still15:14
dansmithbecause it's hard to tell, and that would surely be a smaller list15:14
dansmithah, I see the etherpad has a smaller list of projects15:14
yoctozeptoyeah, it's been parsed15:14
yoctozeptofungi, clarkb: you around? :-) it seems eoling old neutron/networking branches did not help with zuul errors15:15
yoctozeptoI mean, it is hard to tell which are still affected15:16
yoctozeptoguessing eoled ones are not15:16
fungieol'ing branches without eol'ing the branches of other projects using things from them is what creates a lot of those errors15:16
yoctozeptoah, that makes sense15:17
fungiwe used to eol across the board in every repo15:17
fungithese days it's on-demand and some projects are asking to have branches eol'd which contain things used by other projects who aren't asking to have the same branches eol'd15:17
fungiso those branches are effectively broken and untestable, but nobody's paying attention to them anyway15:18
fungiin short, better cleanup would help15:18
dansmithdoes this actually hurt anything? other than maybe making that config errors page less useful for actual errors?15:19
fungipretty much that15:20
fungiand it's an indication of essentially abandoned projects/branches in openstack15:20
dansmithwell, looks like neutron and ironic are probably the biggest of the ones I know how to contact15:21
yoctozeptowell, I guess the TC does not have the bandwidth to go and fix it for the projects; the projects are aware and... that's it I guess?15:22
dansmithwell, I was just thinking about a little tree-shaking,15:22
dansmithand that would be the most helpful for the biggest offenders15:22
dansmithoh I guess only two from ironic15:24
yoctozeptoneutron/networking has 33 entries15:24
dansmithyeah, neutron is the big one15:24
yoctozeptoironic 4 entries15:24
yoctozeptomanila 115:25
dansmithI only see two from ironic, what are the others?15:25
dansmithnm I see15:26
* gouthamr takes note on the manila job15:26
gouthamrwill be merged soon15:26
fungii think one of the big cases for netron was that a project (driver?) was retired but not removed from job configs15:26
fungier, neutron. though netron is a humorously appropriate typo15:27
dansmithyoctozepto: we should probably do this async to the meeting15:27
dansmithyoctozepto: I rang the ironic bell, so hopefully we'll get some action there.. four entries should be not too bad15:28
yoctozeptook, I finished with the current list15:28
yoctozeptobut there seems to be more projects affected15:28
dansmiththey were was blissfully ignorant as I was until the top of this hour :)15:28
yoctozeptoas there are 79 entires in total15:28
yoctozeptodansmith: haha15:28
yoctozeptothanks for letting them know15:28
yoctozeptothanks gouthamr15:29
yoctozeptook, we made some progress15:29
yoctozeptoeven without the quorum15:29
yoctozeptolet's switch to the next topic15:29
yoctozepto#topic Progress check on Yoga tracker15:30
yoctozeptotechnical guidelines seem to have stalled15:31
yoctozeptois that right, spotz?15:31
dansmiththat was my deal actually15:31
dansmithand yeah, I suck15:31
spotzyoctozepto: Yeah I did the original ask but then we semmed to change what we wanted and it made sense to just put it on hold15:31
jungleboyjWow, that took a turn.15:31
yoctozeptopoint 2 is gate health check that we hvae done15:32
yoctozeptopoint 3 is what I'm working atm15:33
yoctozeptothere is one issue to be aware of - the releases team is relying on one of the tags (stable policy)15:33
yoctozeptoit's well documented so I need to restore that tag for the time being15:33
yoctozeptoI have nothing else to report, there should be a new rev of the change proposed today15:34
yoctozeptomergable this time15:34
yoctozeptofolks for 4,5,6 not present15:35
yoctozeptopoint 7 is at jungleboyj15:35
jungleboyjI should be able to get to the Survey feedback next week hopefully.15:35
yoctozeptoplease speak up, Tarzan15:36
yoctozeptothanks jungleboyj15:36
jungleboyjyoctozepto: ha ha.15:36
yoctozeptook, we have reviewed the progress on the yoga tracker15:37
yoctozepto#topic Z Release Cycle Name15:37
yoctozepto** Election results:15:37
yoctozepto** Next step, the foundation has started the trademark checks.15:37
yoctozeptoI *really* hope Zen will pass15:37
yoctozeptoas I will deny to work on a Zombie project15:38
yoctozeptoI guess nothing more to say on that!15:39
yoctozepto#topic Z cycle Technical Elections15:39
yoctozepto** Proposed Election schedule, need to merge it if no objection.15:39
yoctozeptoI'm not an election official15:40
yoctozeptoso can't +215:40
yoctozeptobut I guess there are no objections15:40
yoctozeptojungleboyj, spotz: can you comment on that?15:40
yoctozeptothis is prime time it gets merged15:40
spotzyoctozepto: I can +w if diablo_rojo_phone doesn't have anything on it15:41
jungleboyjDo we need to wait for the release name?  That was the thing I thought was holding it up.15:42
jungleboyjOtherwise, I am fine with it.15:42
spotzOh good question not sure15:42
yoctozeptoI did not understand it like this15:42
yoctozeptofungi: may you help? you know pretty much everything related to these processes15:42
jungleboyjHe he.15:43
fungithe q is whether we need a release name before we approve an election schedule?15:44
yoctozeptofungi: yeah15:45
yoctozeptoI think we can fix it later15:45
fungiit's all a matter of communications, yes15:45
yoctozeptoboth there and in comms15:45
fungiwe can say "z cycle" and use a placeholder15:45
yoctozeptothanks fungi15:45
jungleboyjOk.  Then we should probably merge that.15:45
fungiit gets harder if we need to fix it after we start accepting nominations15:45
yoctozeptomy thoughts exactly15:45
fungibut this early it's not critical yet15:46
yoctozeptodiablo_rojo_phone: no objections against the schedule?15:46
yoctozeptoguess she's too busy being the live hostess15:48
yoctozeptono problem, we can do it after the meeting15:48
yoctozepto#topic Open Reviews15:48
yoctozeptomy WIP will change later today, please feel very welcome to review then15:49
yoctozeptoother than that15:49
yoctozeptowe have two from ricolin that have stalled15:49
yoctozeptoand ricolin not around today15:50
yoctozeptoand one test change15:50
yoctozeptofrom lourot15:50
yoctozeptoso nothing to review atm15:50
yoctozeptogood job15:50
yoctozepto#topic Open discussion15:51
yoctozeptowe have ~9 minutes if you want to discuss something in general15:51
yoctozeptootherwise I will close the meeting15:51
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Feb  3 15:53:08 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:53
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
yoctozeptothanks everyone15:53
jungleboyjThank you yoctozepto !15:53
clarkbfungi: dansmith: re zuul errors the other consideration is that zuul may not be doing what projects expect when they have errors (running too few jobs or older configs)15:54
dansmithokay I figured any jobs with config errors wouldn't run at all15:55
clarkbI think that is the case. But also any that may have depended on those jobs as well15:55
fungithe jobs with config errors won't run, or depending on the nature of the error no jobs may run for a particular change (making it unmergeable)15:55
fungibut also having jobs not run means you may end up not testing something you think is tested and not noticing15:56
dansmithI guess that only matters for non-voting jobs?15:57
dansmithbut yeah, fair point15:57
fungiwell, voting jobs which configuration errors not getting run could mean errors you thought would be caught aren't and don't prevent the change from merging15:58
dansmitheh? I figured a voting job that failed to run for config reasons leads to a -1 from zuul?15:59
funginot if it can't figure out it's a job which should be run16:04
fungijob selection is dynamic16:05
dansmithhmm, okay16:06
fungiwhether a job is expected to be triggered for a given change is determined in part by the job's definition16:06
dansmithevery time I mess up a job config zuul is harsh with its rebuke16:06
fungiyes, normally zuul won't merge changes which introduce config errors16:07
fungibut config errors can come from outside changes like repo renames or branch deletions16:07
fungior (less often) changes merging to a project in another tenant which has config reused in this tenant but isn't gated by it16:11
jungleboyjIs the release cadence meeting happening?16:12
fungiin that case zuul at least gives us feedback letting us know what we'll be breaking though (e.g. centos-8 nodeset removal change in the opendev/base-jobs repo)16:12
jungleboyjIf so, what is the connection info?16:12
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fungioh, i probably should have brought centos-8 removal up in the gate issues part of the meeting16:13
dansmithjungleboyj: gmann said he'd rescheulde16:13
jungleboyjAh.  Ok.  Thanks!16:13
fungifor those who weren't paying attention, centos linux 8 was removed from the official centos mirrors (they "moved it to the vault") and so our mirrors pulled that deletion before we noticed16:15
fungiwe took that as a cue to go ahead and rip out the centos-8 nodeset from opendev/base-jobs, but didn't consider that doing so could make fixing job definitions impossible because their configs were effectively deadlocked16:17
fungiafter considering options, we temporarily reintroduced the centos-8 nodeset but based it on centos-8-stream node labels, so jobs which say they want centos-8 will be effectively running on centos-8-stream instead now, until their maintainers have a chance to correct them16:18
spotzThanks for that fungi16:55
fungiwait to thank me until it blows up in your face ;)16:58
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/governance master: Remove the tags framework (part 1)
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/governance master: Remove the tags framework (part 1)
opendevreviewRadosław Piliszek proposed openstack/governance master: Remove the tags framework (part 1)
*** diablo_rojo is now known as Guest168821:57

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