Wednesday, 2021-09-08

spotz+2 on Mugsie!00:18
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opendevreviewgnuoy proposed openstack/governance master: Add openstack-loadbalancer charm and interfaces
yoctozeptoI have pushed a bit the work on tls-proxy and cleaned up the etherpad (cc ricolin)09:34
mugsiefungi: thanks :D - I had heard there was some openstack enablement work happening, but didn't realise this would happen. :) 10:44
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/election master: Update README for correct location and close out Yoga election
opendevreviewIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/governance master: Update projects.yaml for Yoga PTLs
ianychoi[m]mugsie: LoL so great thanks a lot for your leadership! (for me it is not so easy to hear such a great news quickly internally :p )11:43
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mugsieianychoi[m]: nothing to do with me unfortunately (or maybe fortunately :D ) - but still cool to see13:02
fungia lot of it has to do with the airship crew moving from at&t to microsoft, truth be told, but still convincing microsoft to sponsor the foundation at the highest possible tier says a lot about the excellence of all the projects, openstack among them13:19
fungicongrats to you as well ianychoi[m], i apparently forgot that's where you're working now!13:20
opendevreviewBelmiro Moreira proposed openstack/election master: Yoga PTL results
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mugsiefungi: yeah - looking at the address book I see a few names I recognise :D 14:12
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opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Adrian Turjak as Adjutant PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Rico Lin as Heat PTL
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opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Martin Chacon Piza as Monasca PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Tobias Urdin as Puppet OpenStack PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint Fossen Qiu as Sahara PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Appoint FengShengqin as Zun PTL
gmanntc-members: ^^ please review these PTL appointments for leaderless projects15:16
dansmithgmann: by "review" you mean "rubber stamp" right?15:17
gmanndansmith: :) you can add your view if any objection or in case we find more than one candidate which is not case for any of these.15:18
gmannand thanks again to ianychoi[m] spotz Helena, Andy, and Belmiro for smooth elections. 15:18
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Add some PTLs missing irc nick name
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opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Add Puppet OpenStack project IRC channel name
gmannand few documentations for IRC names ^^15:27
fungidansmith: the tc delegates the responsibility of holding elections to the election officials, so this step is some representative subset of the tc acknowledging that the election process was carried out as directed15:39
fungii wouldn't quite call it rubber-stamping15:39
fungiit's more like supervisory oversight15:40
dansmithseems like it to me.. Unless you expect me to research those people and decide, it seems more like "as far as I know the election people did their job here and we're approving their work" which seems rubber stampy in the less snarky sense of the word15:40
fungithen ink up that stamp! ;)15:41
gmannPTL appointment are apart from election results, it is more of ' research those people and decide' and TC members can vote to reject/accept the PTL appointment.  15:43
gmannthis is election results which we reply on election official work and approve after confirming the updates
gmannbut all other PTL appointments, I will say TC do confirm if they are fine on proposal or any other better candidate or so15:45
fungiyep, that's a good point, ptl appointments are a direct responsibility of the tc, not delegated to the election officials, so even less of a rubber stamp15:46
dansmithso, just to be clear,15:47
gmannas of now, w are just proposing those members who raised the hands for PTL but it is up to TC to accept those or find other members15:47
dansmithif we have only one PTL candidate and they win by default, then that's the election team, but if we have none and then someone offers later, that's the TC? :)15:47
gmanndansmith: yes. and we can move those projects (none PTL) to DPL model or retire or find more candidates etc15:48
dansmithseems a little silly15:49
fungithere is a described process by which one or more people volunteer to lead a team and then the election officials manage the volunteer confirmation and if necessary a runoff poll and then inform the tc of the results. if that delegated process failed to produce a viable candidate, then the tc resumes the responsibility of finding a solution15:50
gmanndansmith: and one imp point to note here is many leaderless projects in every election are due to missed election notice/deadline 15:51
fungi(where that solution might be choosing someone who volunteered outside the delegated process, but could also be a variety of other options)15:51
dansmithgmann: right, that's kindof my point. if they qualify to win by default, then volunteering as the only candidate late seems like the same criteria should be enough15:52
gmannfew are listed in this etherpad:5 options
dansmithack, sounds like that's the research15:53
gmanndansmith: yeah, kind of. we just wait on those if anyone else raise hand but that is not likely as there was no one in election time :)15:53
fungiif the tc wants to adjust the process by which election officials find leaders, it's within the tc's purview to update that within the scope of the delegation. just be aware that we've tried to strike a balance between minimizing subjectivity for the election officials, while also minimizing work for the tc members15:54
dansmiththe only reason I can really think of to increase the scrutiny on the post-deadline people is to avoid some marketing guy swooping in and trying to take over a project after it fails to nominate a PTL15:55
gmannbut for late candidacy it is more of straight forward decision by TC (can say rubber stamp) and for other projects we do more research. 15:55
dansmithbut that's just a race condition as they could do it at the eleventh hour before the election and win by default15:55
gmannyeah, there is chance but candidate is contributor to project so that is all fine 15:56
gmanni mean anyone not done the code contribution in eligible period (~ 1 last year) is not valid candidacy 15:57
fungiright, "marketing guy who had at least one change merged to a deliverable for that team in the past year"15:57
dansmithright, I'm just saying one minute on either side of the nomination line determines whether they "just have one commit" or "get researched"15:58
fungisure, but the election officials need some sort of cutoff/deadline to know when they're done and can hand remaining responsibilities back to the tc16:00
dansmithI'm not arguing about the deadline, I'm arguing about there being a difference in the level of scrutiny before/after that deadline for the fixup process16:01
dansmithanyway, this is not an important conversation, apologies for asking16:01
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-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is going offline momentarily for a host migration and zuul upgrade, downtime should be only a few minutes.21:06

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