Friday, 2021-07-09

opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Properly retire neutron-lbaas
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/governance master: Properly retire neutron-lbaas
tkajinamjust one quick question. I happened to find we mention freenode in README.rst in an retired repo05:01
tkajinamshould we also update this ? I don't know whether we can update the retired repo now05:01
tkajinamI tend to leave this. just want to be sure we "intentionally" leave it05:01
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fungitkajinam: the tc has access to push and directly merge changes for retired repositories, so i suppose it can be fixed if one of them has time to do that13:00
tkajinamfungi, ah, ok13:04
gmanntkajinam: yeah we should update those and I am doing for many of them. TC has the acl right so no action needed from project team side. 14:18
gmannthough i am finding few repo/projects are still not cleaned up so fixing that also14:18
gmannand many deprecated repo still has release job running on master gate that also need to be fix14:18
clarkbgmann: I have responded to my original ELK retirement thread with the Yoga deadline information. You should see that in your inbox shortly15:57
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