Thursday, 2021-06-10

opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/project-team-guide master: Modify the meeting channel preference
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gmanntc-members: TC meeting in 2 min14:58
gmann#startmeeting tc15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Thu Jun 10 15:00:07 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gmann. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
gmann#topic Roll call15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'tc'15:00
gmannjungleboyj and diablo_roj will be absent today15:01
gmannlet's start15:01
gmann#topic Follow up on past action items15:02
gmanntwo Ai15:02
gmanngmann reachout to sahara team and PTL to get control of the #openstack-sahara channel15:02
gmannjeremyfreudberg updated about contacting SergeyLukjanov via linkedin and other way but no response15:02
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gmannwe are waiting for one more response if tosky get reply on mirantis address if no then we can go with asking oftc staff to take control.15:03
gmannI will keep this as AI until then15:03
gmann#action gmann reachout to sahara team and PTL to get control of the #openstack-sahara channel15:04
gmannnext is 'ricolin to continue testing patch for TLS and send on ML.'15:04
gmannricolin: ^^15:04
ricolingmann, I do take some deep looks into most attempt on turn tls-proxy on, there's no common error15:05
ricolinthat actually means we're not tls-proxy ready15:05
yoctozeptoI know masakari hates tls-proxy atm15:06
yoctozeptoI will update you when I debug that15:06
yoctozeptomayhaps we find a pattern to enable tls-proxy everywhere15:06
gmannbut should we send this to ML and ask projects to start working/testing  on this in meantime15:06
ricolinright now we can do is to only ask team to use tls-proxy and fix bugs15:06
yoctozeptoI believe so, we need their help nonetheless15:06
ricolingmann, we do15:06
ricolinand I will send it later today15:07
yoctozeptothanks ricolin15:07
gmannyoctozepto: we can do in devstack but that can break things15:07
gmannricolin: thanks, keeping this AI15:07
mnaser(sorry, i might be a bit out of loop, do you have some context about this tls stuff)15:07
yoctozeptono, we better not force it on them15:07
ricolinwill see if we can fix this before Y-cycle15:07
gmannyoctozepto: right15:08
yoctozeptomnaser: the jobs in devstack run with tls-proxy but it's not devstack default15:08
ricolinand in that way, it does not need to be a goal15:08
yoctozeptomnaser: many projects opted out of it15:08
gmannyeah it is disabled in jobs side15:08
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gmann#action ricolin to send email on asking projects to enable and test tls-proxy in their jobs15:09
ricolinand that's all I have for tls-proxy15:09
gmannricolin: thanks for working on this and updates15:10
gmannmoving next15:10
gmann#topic Gate health check (dansmith/yoctozepto)15:10
gmanngate is not smooth for this week.15:10
dansmithnot much from me this week.. still see cinder failures as the primary thing, but tbh I didn't hit them, as much (lower traffic this week too)15:10
gmanndansmith: yoctozepto any news on this15:10
gmanndevstack and ovn hitting the issues15:11
mnasershould we get a group of people who can help work with the cinder team and help investigate those15:11
mnaserim unsure if this is a "we dont have enough people to address this" or "we dont really know what's going on and need help" problem15:11
gmannmnaser: I think we have communicated it in cinder team. but not sure about priority for them15:11
yoctozeptothe gate atm is possibly still blocked by zuul failure15:12
dansmithmnaser: it's both I think15:12
yoctozeptolet's see15:12
mnaserit's only going to get worse the closer we get to release as usual15:12
gmannyoctozepto: yeah.15:12
mnaserwhich makes this the best time to investigate these issues15:12
yoctozeptoit looks like it moved forward15:12
fungiwhat zuul failure is blocking the gate?15:12
yoctozeptofungi: nah, old story15:13
yoctozeptowhat frickler was describing15:13
gmanni have not read the log in QA channel yet but yoctozepto or frickler knows about zuul issue15:13
fungioh, i think frickler was confusing several different (and likely unrelated) issues15:13
yoctozeptooh, so I was tricked15:13
mnaserbut i think whatever this potential 'zuul' issue, it's probably just transient or whatever15:14
mnasernot like the repeating cinder stuff for example15:14
yoctozeptobut there was some high time job in the queue nonetheless15:14
yoctozeptomnaser: yeah, definitely15:14
yoctozeptothat was just another related topic15:14
yoctozeptothe cinder looks serious15:14
yoctozeptoso I will quoute mnaser15:14
gmannso what we can do for cinder? pining cinder team ? (again)15:14
yoctozepto17:11:14 <mnaser> should we get a group of people who can help work with the cinder team and help investigate those15:14
yoctozepto17:11:49 <mnaser> im unsure if this is a "we dont have enough people to address this" or "we dont really know what's going on and need help" problem15:14
yoctozepto17:12:15 <mnaser> it's only going to get worse the closer we get to release as usual15:15
yoctozepto17:12:38 <mnaser> which makes this the best time to investigate these issues15:15
yoctozeptoand I agree with all of the above15:15
gmann' group of people' you mean cinder team or cinder team + more folks want/know about how to debug/fix ?15:15
yoctozeptoI think it means a subset of us or another team15:16
spotzShould we reach out and invite them to the next meeting?15:16
dansmithI don't think they need to come to this meeting,15:16
dansmithI think we probably just need to sync up with them in their channel and offer help15:16
gmannspotz: I will say they can debug in theior time15:16
dansmithI've done that in the past and got very little response, FWIW15:16
gmannanyways let jungleboyj try it again and we can see if any update he can get15:17
spotzok, I was mainly thinking about snawering the questions is it they don't know or doon't have the people in our meeting not debugging though15:17
dansmiththey know15:17
dansmiththey suffer from them more than everyone else15:18
mnaserso should we come up with something actionable15:18
mnaseri can volunteer to help out troubelshoot these issues15:18
yoctozeptodansmith: is there specific backend in place that fails more? or? do we track details anywhere atm?15:18
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dansmithyoctozepto: I dunno the details of their jobs, so unsure15:19
gmannmnaser: thanks. I will add action for you and jungleboyj on this ?15:19
dansmithyoctozepto: it's definitely not something obvious like "the ceph job always fails but the others are fine"15:19
yoctozeptodansmith: yeah, I was thinking more in terms of their job names15:19
yoctozeptodansmith: ack15:19
yoctozeptokeep me in the loop too15:20
yoctozeptoand dansmith I guess as well15:20
dansmithum, yes please? :)15:20
yoctozepto<puppy eyes>15:20
gmannok so as actionable who all will debug this with cinder team?15:20
mnaseri can do that15:20
yoctozeptoI can as well15:21
gmannok, also adding jungleboyj in list as he was doing/volunteer in past meeting15:21
gmann#action mnaser, yoctozepto, and jungleboyj to work on cinder bug with cinder team.15:21
yoctozeptoI guess with our varied experience we might come up with something finally15:21
mnaseryes, i'm sure we can dig it out15:22
gmannyoctozepto: on ovn things, I will check log/patch in QA after meeting15:22
gmannanything else on gate status ?15:22
yoctozeptogmann: no problem, I persuaded neutrinos already :-)15:22
gmann#topic Migration from 'Freenode' to 'OFTC' (gmann)15:23
yoctozeptostill occasional wanderers15:23
gmannwe have update on this.15:23
mnaseri think we'll need a month a tleast imho15:23
spotzI'm idling there, mainly seeing rude bots15:23
gmannas decided in last meeting, we can change the freenode channel topic tomorrow 11th Junew15:23
mnaserso that any monthly meeting folks15:23
mnaseri've noticed it's mostly a "are we not meeting today?" messages15:24
yoctozeptowill infra help mass-set the topic to a unified one?15:24
yoctozeptomnaser: hah, nice15:24
gmannand project side doc/wiki updates are going on15:24
gmannwe have published this migration in newsletter also15:25
fungii can set topics in any of the openstack channels, sure15:25
yoctozeptoyeah, and I am very positive I have covered all places for my two projects, yet they still get visitors15:25
yoctozeptoso it's just people are used to it15:25
gmannonce we change the Topic I will check with oif staff to publish it on twitter or so if ok with them15:25
fungijust be forewarned that freenode staff may take the channels over and reset/wipe topics once we do15:25
yoctozeptohave their chat clients for openstack ready15:25
yoctozeptojust for the old network15:25
gmannfungi: yeah, I will ping you for that. tomorrow is time to do that15:25
gmannyeah i think we are ready for that if freenode take any action15:26
gmannanything else on this topic?15:27
yoctozeptofwiw, freenode had a surprise this week15:27
yoctozeptoone of their servers did not register NickServ15:27
yoctozeptoand someone claimed it15:27
gmann#topic Xena Tracker15:28
dansmithIRC as usual :)15:28
spotzMy bouncer is still freenode, oftc and libera aren't on it yet:(15:28
gmannI have updates on my side15:28
gmannon PTL guide etc I have updated it with OFTC and projects are merging the patches faster than before15:28
gmannon UC repos, I found some of the repo we can retire. I will prepare the etherpad next week to discuss about those repo15:29
gmannthat is all from my side15:29
gmannanyone please update if you have any progress on your assigned item15:29
gmanneveryone (tc-members ) please check your assigned item. we will again track it on 24th June meeting15:31
gmannmoving next15:32
gmann#topic Recommendation on moving the meeting channel to project channel15:32
gmannas we discussed about suggesting project to move their meeting to project channel, I am updating the project team guide for that15:32
gmannI think we do not need resolution for that as such and updating it in project team guide is enough15:32
gmannbut we can check it here if any tc is against of that ?15:33
fungii'm still unclear on where that recommendation came from, it's a reversal to a very long-standing recommendation15:33
gmannFYI: nova, neutron and few more projects already moved their meritng15:33
spotzI thhink all the meetings I go to arer in channel for the last few years15:33
yoctozeptofungi: to get more eyes on meetings15:33
dansmithfungi: it came from me, at least15:34
dansmithglance does not want to move, FWIW, and even though I wish they would, there's really no reason to require it, IMHO15:34
fungimore eyes? by expecting everyone to be in every project's channel if they want to participate in meetings, seems like that would be fewer eyes15:34
yoctozeptofolks interested in a project sit in its channel15:34
funginot openstack any longer, but the infra meetings when given the choice even created a new dedicated meeting channel to keep their regular channel discussions and bot announcements from colliding with the meeting15:35
spotzThere's pros and cons both ways to be honest15:35
gmannI think most of the audience now a days  in meetings are project active contributors or who are already in that channel15:35
yoctozeptofungi: you run a very active support15:36
fungimakes sense, openstack as a whole is becoming increasingly silo'd so cross-project cooperation is probably less and less of an expectation these days15:36
gmannwell cross-project is separate things, most of contributors are already doing cross-project contribution15:36
gmannmost of us involved in multiple projects so we have are in those channel15:37
gmannattending meeting in project channel does not ask anything extra15:37
fungiwell, until they decide to all also reschedule to the exact same timeslots i suppose15:37
* fungi is already triple-booked during tc meetings, expects things to get worse after this15:38
gmannyeah but that is less chance15:38
dansmithfungi: get worse after what?15:38
yoctozeptoyou are good at multitasking, fungi15:38
gmannmost of project ask via doodle vote so we adjust the conflcit15:39
fungidansmith: more meetings colliding in the same timeslots15:39
spotzI understand tthe double and triple booked thing:(15:39
dansmithand they don't avoid a time because there are no meeting channel slots, I'm sure :)15:39
gmannlike nova ask and I or dansmith vote for non-tc meeting time slot so less chance of conflict15:39
fungiwell, we used to avoid having too many meetings at the same time bu scheduling them cross-project into a limited number of channels, but yes that's no longer in vogue15:39
gmanndouble triple booking is for separate reason i think not becasue of where those meeting are15:40
dansmithsince we gained eleventy billion projects I think that's pretty much out the window anyway15:40
spotzfungi's point is therer was less of that if everryone booked there meetings in 1 of 4 rooms15:40
gmannif that happen then attendees will ask either of one to reschedule15:41
dansmithso eleventy billion divided by 4 is greater than 24,15:41
gmannthat is how it work now a days15:41
dansmithor even 24*7 :)15:41
fungii'll cope well enough, i already join ~50 different project channels for openstack, and regularly deal with participating in multiple meetings simultaneously, just not sure if the same goes for other folks15:41
yoctozeptomay we add some functionality to irc-meetings15:42
yoctozeptoto let projects designate what other projects should not collide15:43
yoctozeptoif we really think, it's going to be a huge issue15:43
yoctozeptoI personally don't15:43
gmannanyways let's review the proposal in this patch and I will keep it open until next meeting. if I see many objection then we can discuss it again  #link
gmann#topic Open Reviews15:44
gmannfungi: In case you forget. I am waiting for your vote in this #link
belmoreiraI understand fungi concern and I still remember the discussions before the introduction of meeting-alt. But since the addition of the different meeting channels we have been moving this issue...15:45
gmannor you do not want to retire it :)15:45
fungigmann: yep, i'm in the middle of a multi-day internet outage so... it may be a bit still15:45
gmannfungi: sure15:45
fungibut thanks for the reminder15:45
gmanntc-members: please vote on these two #link  #link
gmannbelmoreira: yeah, even with 4 meeting channels, i personally find it difficult to keep up with every meeting.15:47
gmannanything else to discuss today?15:48
gmannif nothing let's close then15:49
gmannthanks everyone for joining.15:49
opendevmeetMeeting ended Thu Jun 10 15:49:41 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:49
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
spotzThanks everyone!15:52
gmanntc-memebrs: fungi I wrote the topic change wording in L28
gmannplease check or reword if needed. that can be used  for all our channel's topic change happening tomorrow16:03
fungithanks, can you also identify which channels the tc feels should be updated with this? obviously updating non-openstack channels isn't up to the tc16:04
gmannfungi: let me fetch it from project.yaml and add link in etherpad16:05
gmannfungi: also i realized we need to change topic for tc channel here also with updated info about office hours/meeting16:05
fungior you can just say "apply to all channels listed in teh current reference/projects.yaml file in openstack/governance and i can get that16:05
gmannfungi: yes, and general channels  (openstack, openstack-dev) + SIG channels16:06
fungithough i have a feeling there are at least a few openstack channels in addition to those listed in the projects.yaml16:06
fungiright, stuff like that16:06
fungiso if you just want to make a list of things not covered by projects.yaml that's sufficient for me16:07
gmannfungi: sure, I will do16:07
gmannfungi: can you also change the topic of this channel to " Discussions for OpenStack Technical Committee | meetings: | | channel logs "16:10
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Discussions for OpenStack Technical Committee | meetings: | | channel logs"16:13
fungigmann: done16:13
gmannfungi: thanks16:14
fungialso you can propose anyone you like as ops for the channel, just submit a review to add an ops list at
fungisee the #tripleo entry for an example16:15
fungior the #oooq entry16:15
gmannyeah. ack16:16
fungialso documented at
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