Thursday, 2020-01-09

fungii'm going to guess you're talking about
fungiis there a mailing list thread corresponding to the required "public discussion" for that charter change? if so, i can't find it00:03
fungiit definitely seems relevant to the earlier thread we had on election schedules, so could at least warrant a mention there00:04
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openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/governance master: Add ideas for OpenStack repository
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/governance master: Reorder repos
openstackgerritJean-Philippe Evrard proposed openstack/governance master: Add ideas for OpenStack repository
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evrardjphow is everyone?15:13
evrardjpyou had a good end of year break ?15:13
ttxTrying to gather my thoughts on proposing a TC/UC merge15:13
jungleboyjGood.  How are you evrardjp15:13
ttxThe UC is defined in the bylaws so it's a bit of a can of worms15:13
evrardjpyeah I didn't add it on the agenda for next week because you said February IIRC15:14
fungithe bylaws don't say that the uc has to be separate people from the tc though15:14
evrardjpyeah indeed15:14
evrardjpfungi oh ? TIL15:14
fungiit says the uc has to exist15:14
evrardjpoh I see what you mean15:14
ttxhmm, IANAL but suuuure15:15
evrardjpwell I suppose that's cheating!15:15
ttxappendix 10 says it has 5 members for example15:15
ttxi don;t see how you can square that with the TC15:16
evrardjpoh yeah that's kinda be interesting ... only the five first are member of both... ? ;)15:16
evrardjpjoking ofc15:16
ttxhmm at least it's not a protected section :)15:17
evrardjpjust curious: why was this can of worms almost opened ?15:17
jungleboyjevrardjp:  I was wondering that too.15:17
jungleboyjBecause the TC is shrinking?15:17
evrardjpWe have less people and they are matching in goals so I understand that part... but still...15:18
ttxevrardjp: well the UC was/is struggling to find candidates, and its existence perpetuates the idea that ops are not welcome at the TC15:18
ttxbasically the UC os not doing much those days, and we could use more ops representation at TC level15:19
ttxThe only active group within UC would be the Ops meetup team15:19
jungleboyjttx:  ++15:19
ttxa TC+UC would avoid the silly community division. I would not propose it if the UC was alive and kicking and highly representative of our users15:20
ttxBut then I can see how that can be (mis)interpreted as overreach, and the bylaws make it a bit painful to change15:20
ttxso maybe its a can best left closed15:21
fungiwe could also do a better job of highlighting that there are more operators who are also developers than operators who are not developers15:21
ttxexplaining taht they are not separate voters group would definitely help in that15:21
evrardjpttx I have the impression it's my role to help you there, and I didn't do it yet.  how can I help?15:23
evrardjpI can start with moral support and a copy of the bylaws, but I suppose you already have the latter.15:24
ttxevrardjp: do you think it's a valuable can of worm to open, or is the timing bad?15:24
fungithe current "auc" designation would be a challenge to assimilate, but maybe it's a way to identify non-code contributors for tc elections?15:24
evrardjpttx for timing, I would prefer seeing the impact of TC downsizing15:25
ttxthat is fair15:25
evrardjpbut it doesn't prevent an investigation15:25
fungiit does seem like combining them before the coming election in a couple months would be challenging timewise15:25
ttxit's probably not a 2020 thing anyway15:26
evrardjpfungi could you clarify your sentence with auc?15:26
* mnaser feels like we should start with the UC/TC sooner than later15:27
evrardjp(more its second part)15:27
mnaserit's just been a long time coming IMHO.15:27
ttxhmm ok, I can open the can and see15:27
evrardjpmnaser do you think the downsizing of the TC would not have an impact ?15:27
fungibasically the current uc charter contains a list of types of contributions which qualify someone to vote in uc elections15:28
evrardjpI remember that part15:28
evrardjpStill not sure what you meant ;)15:28
mnaseri don't think downsizing the tc and the uc being dissolved has anything to do with each other15:28
fungiit's a grab-bag of different, and in some cases subjective, sorts of participation in the community15:28
fungiif combining the uc into the tc means getting rid of the auc "recognition" a number of special interests lobbied to see get added, that could foment unrest15:29
jungleboyjfungi:  Why would combining the two cause the AUC recognition to go away?15:30
jungleboyjI thought the discussion here was just if the UC was a separate group.15:30
fungijungleboyj: i don't necessarily think it would, which is why i was speculating how it could be incorporated15:30
evrardjpI thought you proposed an idea for that , fungi15:30
jungleboyjfungi:  Ok.  Good.15:31
fungievrardjp: yes, i did, and you then asked me to clarify what i meant by it15:31
evrardjpnow I get the sentence15:31
evrardjpI am glad I asked a clarification :)15:31
njohnstonWhat if the UC and TC were kept as they are, but just merged meetings?  That would cause the groups to get synergy together but would avoid the AUC question etc.15:32
mnaserwe'd still have to hold UC elections which (struggle) to get much traction (hey, we're not that much better, but still)15:33
evrardjpnjohnston: that wouldn't solve the absence of volunteers and still need to organise elections15:33
evrardjpmnaser: agreed15:33
mnaserand i think the UC meets weekly which is the devil within the TC from what i hear15:33
evrardjpmnaser: hahaha15:33
evrardjpproves meeting weekly doesn't change much , if we start with the ttx reason of the merge15:34
mnaseri think we should meet at least once a week but hey i've put my case down a few times already15:35
evrardjpwould people active right now in this channel mind a show of hands, showing who is against (-1) the merge of some scope of the uc into the tc (and who is in favor with a +1)?15:35
fungijust to step back and get the reasoning clear in my mind... the idea is that the uc is mostly (or entirely?) defunct, but hard-to-modify bits of the osf bylaws mandate the existence of a uc, so we're trying to find a way for the also-required tc to fill that requirement in the bylaws?15:35
evrardjpthanks zaneb15:36
evrardjpmnaser:  is a +1 I think15:36
evrardjpjungleboyj: njohnston what do you think?15:36
jungleboyjI didn't see an answer to the question about it mostly being about merging meetings for Synergy.15:36
evrardjpfungi: I would say we are just investigating what would it take to merge the governance bodies15:36
fungievrardjp: yes, but why?15:37
jungleboyjBut if that is part of the goal I am +1.15:37
evrardjpfor the reasons explained by ttx above15:37
zanebI get that it's a problem that the UC is moribund, but making it our problem doesn't solve the problem, it just gives the TC more problems15:37
jungleboyjI think that OpenStack should be becoming more User focused.15:37
evrardjpthat's legit thinking zaneb :)15:37
ttxzaneb: I'd argue it's moribund because there is no more UC-specific activities15:38
mnaseri agree with ttx15:38
jungleboyjWe are beyond the phase where it is crazy development for development's sake.  It is sad that we don't get more user participation.15:38
ttxbasically the UC is not as much needed today15:38
mnaseri wouldn't say merge as much as dissolve because it doesn't really serve much *tbh* (and i totally appreciate the work the folks on there are doing, it's just significantly less and less)15:38
zanebttx: let them go to the board and ask for it to be removed from the bylaws if they want15:38
ttxwhile ops representation at the TC is more needed than ever15:38
fungii suspect what jungleboyj desires is part of what's sapping the uc of juice... the tc's activities are already user-focused leaving little else for the uc to do or care about15:39
jungleboyjttx ++15:39
ttxOne way to solve both is to say that there is a single "community" and representation for it15:39
jungleboyjfungi: That may be the case.15:39
mnaseryes, because we're not really doing much tEcHnIcAL work realistically15:39
evrardjpin the case of a dissolve, what would be lost that we want to continue?15:39
ttxcall it TC or TC+UC or CC15:39
jungleboyjttx: ++  I think that is what we should get to.15:39
evrardjpAUC being ones15:39
mnaseryou can still be an AUC if we do this15:40
evrardjporganising ops meetups are another one15:40
mnaserorganizing ops meetups will still go on, i dont think they'll "stop" in the absence of a uc15:40
fungidoes the uc organize ops meetuips?15:40
mnaserand if anything yes, i agree with the tc+uc15:40
mnaserno they don't15:40
fungii thought those were effectively self-organized already15:40
evrardjpmnaser: correct, but we need someone to take care of that. I just don't want to "loose" something, this is why I am querying for investigation first :p15:40
fungiso losing the uc doesn't lose ops meetups15:40
evrardjpI am too slow to type :p15:41
evrardjpI see15:41
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fungithe other primary output of the uc in recent years has been analysis of the openstack user survey15:41
fungiwhich has really wound up falling on folks outside the uc as well15:42
evrardjpwell, sorry for my wording, but if it's not relevant, why do we have it then? I am confused.15:42
evrardjpexcept legacy15:42
mordredthey're mentioned in the bylaws15:42
fungievrardjp: because very hard-to-edit sections of the osf bylaws say the uc must exist15:42
evrardjpyes indeed but bylaws can be changed, even if it's hard15:42
evrardjpyes I remember that part when we wanted to change it last time :p15:42
fungithe recent and relatively minor rewrite of the bylaws we went through last year was quite costly15:43
jungleboyjI have never found the implied development vs operators split to be healthy for the community.15:43
jungleboyjfungi:  Lawyers required?15:43
zanebit changed the whole scope of the foundation, I wouldn't call that minor15:43
fungibecause it's a legal document which needs a fair amount of contract lawyer time to go back and forth over, and then it needs a vote of the entire foundation membership and the gold members and the platinum members, and then it has to be filed with a government body somewhere15:43
fungiwe can certainly push specific updates there, but it will probably take a couple years to get done15:44
evrardjpwouldn't it be easier in this case though? "This is defunct, we just need to remove it"15:45
mnasernothing is easy with lawyers15:46
evrardjpthough I am not a lawyer ...15:46
mnaserand esp satisfying all the foundation members who also have a whole bunch of lawyers too15:47
evrardjphaha yeah I remember some meetings :p15:48
fungiyeah, the vote of the platinum and gold member classes ultimately ends up being a vote of their individual legal departments15:48
* jungleboyj is not a fan of legal stuff.15:49
evrardjpjungleboyj: this conversation is far from the "T" of TC15:49
fungiso... all of the things we've been talking about we would change in the tc to incorporate operators and include aucs as tc election voters and so forth... couldn't the tc still do that whether or not the uc technically still exists?15:49
evrardjpthough I guess these are technicalities? :p15:49
jungleboyjevrardjp:  He he.15:49
zanebif there's going to be a change I think it should be driven from the UC to the board in the first instance. it's inappropriate for us to start the discussion with how we can take over the UC imho15:49
evrardjpI agree with zaneb15:50
mnaserwe can take this discussion elsewhere15:50
evrardjpit's not a takeover too15:50
evrardjpthis is not how we do things :p15:50
mnaseri agree its not a tc thing, but its an openstack thing, and we all care about it so i see it as that sort of discussion15:50
ttxlet me drop a bomb thread with my TC hat off15:50
fungiis there any risk if there are a handful of people who want to run for uc seats just to be able to say they're on the uc, and never actually have time/interest in doing anything, but also have a vested interest in keeping it in existence and so would have no reason to ask the board to dissolve it?15:50
evrardjpyeah everyone is welcome to talk about openstack things in general in tc office hours, that's kinda the goal :p15:51
evrardjpttx: that's probably better. But I think it needs to be discussed with UC first before starting a potentially seen hostile thread on the ML.15:51
evrardjpstill IMO, the next step would be an evaluation of what it would take and gain. If it's a lot of effort for little value, I would rather we put our energy somewhere else.15:52
njohnstonI agree, I think this needs to be a very, very open process - first by getting the sense of the existing UC, and if they approve then perhaps even letting the community know so people who may have what they see as a vested interest in the UC feel good that their concerns are not going to be drowned out by developers.15:53
ttxI'll loop them in first see what they think15:53
evrardjpnjohnston: agreed15:53
fungiat one point the uc agreed (was it the in-person meeting in dublin?) to dissolve, and then months elapsed and they never followed up on that decision15:53
evrardjpoh I wasn't aware of that.15:54
ttxyeah it's not the first time I discuss it with UC members15:54
ttxJust *different* UC members15:54
evrardjpalso, I would like to know what would be the legal problem of not having an UC elected or an empty UC, without changing the bylaws.15:54
jungleboyjSo it sounds like a discussion that may need to be taken up again?15:55
fungiright, the sitting uc members agree to wind down the uc, then at the next election they don't run again and get replaced by new folks with essentially no hand-over of information as to what was underway15:55
ttxI'll contact the current members and get a read15:55
mnaserwe're pretty close to an individual board member election (with the gold one having one by yesterday)15:55
jungleboyjttx:  That sounds like the right place to start.15:55
evrardjpagreed with jungleboyj15:55
jungleboyjDon't want this to seem hostile.15:55
mnaserit would be interesting to bring this up to the board to discuss once the election is done (it seems a bit much to bring it up now before starting)15:55
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ttxmnaser: can I cc you on that thread? I could use your middleman position15:57
evrardjpttx: on that thread, I would like for it to be clear about where does this come from. You have multiple hats, so does mnaser :)15:58
evrardjpin other words, thread lightly :)15:59
ttxIt would be my "I wrote that damn governance" hat... not TC or UC15:59
mnaserttx: sure, i know we talked about working on this in shanghai15:59
evrardjpttx: hahaha yeah16:00
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gmannI agree on UC things and but did not get the meaning of 'merging' ? Most of the UC tasks/mission are done by projects team or operators/users during events/ML etc [1]. IMO merging into TC itself is not needed as such. we can just say UC is no longer maintained as separate team but inbuilt unto projects team(or better say contributors) . 1
gmannmerging into TC will require the TC  mission statement and roles change, so does the future potential candidates.18:30
gmannbecause last mission statement of UC should not be in TC scope which is more of managerial task than technical- 'Work with the user groups worldwide to keep the OpenStack community vibrant and informed'18:33
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fungihow much of what the tc does now is "technical"?18:54
smcginnis"governing board" might actually be more accurate than "technical committee" at this point.19:06
njohnstonWe should make sure that the wording is always focused on evolving or transitioning the role of the UC into a different form and avoiding anything that would hint at "ending".  Over lunch I was imagining reading a headline in The Register that went something like, "Nobody Uses OpenStack Anymore: Cloud Mavens Disband Body Representing Users Due To Lack Of Interest".19:16
fungii've started to just amuse myself with the continuous stream of news articles saying nobody uses openstack. if nobody is using it, why do news outlets continue to run articles about how nobody is using it? nobody uses car phones these days either. how many articles do you see about car phones?19:22
fungiit's laughable how many articles essentially boil down to the author saying "i assume !x because it's been a while since i've personally heard anyone say x"19:24
fungii assume jumping off tall buildings is safe, because i don't personally know anybody who has died from doing it19:25
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clarkbfungi: it all has to do with clicks19:45
clarkbbashing openstack is apparently good for clicks19:46
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openstackgerritJeremy Freudberg proposed openstack/governance-sigs master: Minor tweaks to Multi-Arch SIG scope
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smcginnisJust an FYI on the V release naming - last I heard from the Foundation, they expected the copyright and legal review on the selected name(s) to be completed probably late next week.22:24
smcginnisNo hard dates, but that is the expected timeframe so far. Hopefully we'll have things finalized soon.22:25
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/governance master: Adopt js-openstack-lib into openstacksdk team
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