Wednesday, 2019-03-06

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smcginnisYes, really great candidates this time around. Thanks everyone who ran.00:09
smcginnisAlso, thank you election officials for handling back to back elections.00:11
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/governance master: Update TC members for Train cycle election results
fungipersia: diablo_rojo: tc-members: see ^00:21
zanebfungi: expires in April?00:23
fungiwould march be more appropriate?00:24
zanebright, but that's >12 months from now00:24
smcginnisOr does the change now?00:24
* fungi checks what the *new* bylaws expect00:24
zanebtechnically the bylaws now say we don't have to have another election for 16 months00:24
smcginnisI think that question came up before as to whether these were a set time of the year and it happened to fall around the summit, or whether they were tied to the actual cycles.00:25
smcginnisBut the bylaws do give a little leeway there.00:25
mugsiefungi: should we remove the chair in this patch as well, or when we elect the next one?00:25
zanebbut terms expire whenever we have 2 more elections00:25
zanebmugsie: traditionally we've removed it in this one I think00:25
fungi"After January 1, 2019, the term for the members of the Technical Committee shall be approved by a majority of the Technical Committee (“Term”) and shall be published publicly before each Technical Committee election; if no such Term is published the Term will be twelve calendar months."00:26
fungimugsie: did i fail to remove the chair?00:27
smcginnisSo that's going forward. What did we say was the length of the term in April 2018?00:27
mugsieNope, you removed it00:27
fungiokay, good, our instructions at say to remove the chair and vice-chair in this patch00:28
fungismcginnis: what do the terms before january 1 matter for the newly-elected? or is the question more academic in nature?00:28
fungii guess i should reset the expirations on these to march 2020 instead of april00:29
zanebarguably we published before the election that terms will end a certain number of weeks before the V summit, although we won't know until much later when that actually is00:31
smcginnisfungi: It matters if we want to have extra TC members for a month.00:31
fungithat's a fair point ;)00:32
smcginnisIf the members elected last April were elected under a 12 month term, and the members elected now are started immediately, we have an overlap where technically the outgoing members are still active at the same time as the new members.00:32
fungii mean, we can choose to replace them before their terms expire, or hold the next tc elections until october00:32
zanebsmcginnis: we were allowed to have a <12 month term under the previous bylaws00:33
smcginnisIt was allowed, but did we declare what the terms were.00:33
smcginnisAs an outgoing TC member, it doesn't matter to me if I'm done now or in 3-4 weeks. Just making sure we're following anything that was stated.00:34
zaneblongstanding practice has been that terms end at the election, and we _did_ publish the election schedule in advance00:34
fungithe previous bylaws don't strictly matter, i don't think? the current bylaws don't actually say anything about terms which started before this year, and the current bylaws also say that we have to decide on the term before those seats are elected, so there is a bit of a hole i suppose00:35
fungibut given that strict procedural interpretation of legal documents is nearly always wrong, what zaneb suggests is probably closer to the truth of the matter00:36
fungiacting consistent with our past behaviors is probably a suitable means of addressing transitional holes in the current bylaws00:38
fungianyway, i *do* think, based on a rereading, that i need to switch the newly-elected seats to expire in march, so pushing that revision up now00:39
fungibasically if we wanted them to be expire in 13 months by default, we'd have needed to agree to that prior to the start of the election00:39
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/governance master: Update TC members for Train cycle election results
fungidiablo_rojo: persia: tc-members: ^ switched to march00:40
diablo_rojofungi, reviewing now00:43
fungimuch obliged00:43
fungion the one hand i understand the need to let candidates and voters know in advance of the election how long seats will be valid. on the other hand we don't plan our release and conference dates more than 12 months in advance so if we don't choose a term at least somewhat longer than the default our elections will slowly creep backward in the year each time00:47
gmannCongratulation ttx, asettle, mnaser, zaneb, jroll, mugsie and Rico Lin :)00:54
gmannI think this is first time we have 1 month overlap between old members remaining term and new members start date00:57
fungiback when we did weekly meetings their terms took effect (and the outgoing members terms ended) at the next week's meeting00:59
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zanebincidentally, do we have a meeting on Thursday?01:01
gmannbtw TC office hour time...01:01
fungii think the expirations we list are more as a reminder01:01
gmannzaneb: i think so but have not seen agenda on ML yet from dhellmann  -
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jbryceif the tc did not vote on and publish a term for these elections, then the term defaults to 12 months. one thing we did discuss is the term does not have to be a specific calendar date and could be tied to an upcoming event such as saying "4 weeks prior to the T release" or something similar01:13
jbrycein terms of overlap, i don't know that there's a way to have that since the tc charter explicitly says the tc has 13 members. so existing members need to be replace with new members rather than overlapping and creating a 19-member body01:15
fungiyep, that's what we've done in the past01:15
jbrycethe bylaws don't require the term to start immediately after the election, the defaulted 12-month term for this election could start in a month since the tc charter does specify a "one-year term" for those existing seats that were elected previously01:17
fungiwhile we don't state it explicieffectively the sitting members (those returning/outgoing as well as the ones not up for reelection) did vote to update the governance site wto reflect the election results, ending the terms of the departing members in advance of the previously-set expirations so that the incoming members could be seated01:19
fungiwow only some of those typos were mine, i blame the rest on network lag01:20
fungianyway, if it's decided we should keep the departing members on until the april expirations, i can update the governance change before it merges to make the elected seats expire in april 202001:21
jbrycei think the only thing that the bylaws deal with that applies here is term length for the election that just happened. it sounds like that defaulted to 12 months? everything else has a chain of authority that flows from the tc charter so can probably be resolved pretty easily01:24
zaneball of the outgoing members stepped down voluntarily, so unless one of them asks to remain seated until April let's just carry on living our lives01:25
fungiyeah, i'm good with that01:26
gmannmake sense.  lets get their vote on current patch if any objection01:28
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zanebbtw since it's office hours, I assume everyone saw this tyre fire, but not everyone is on twitter so idk:
fungii hadn't seen that, thanks01:39
zanebfungi: you won't be thanking me in a minute ;)01:41
gmannfew of the comment for older release like 201301:44
gmannfor these kind of question/feedback/impression, should we start something to publish the success use case story so that people knows where it is running successfully and for what all use case.01:47
dimszaneb : haters gonna hate01:47
dimsi can see all the stuff repeating in k8s ... one by one01:49
clarkbdims fwiw that seemed to be aevas warning01:51
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fungiyeah, zaneb is right about it being a tire fire. echo chamber as well. people having a good experience using openstack likely have little incentive (and more sense than) to wade into that puddle of sharks02:03
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bauzasfungi: diablo_rojo: thanks ! not sure I'll be running again in the next 6 months tho ;)07:54
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bauzasthat will depend on what becomes OSP with IBM :)07:54
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asettleThanks gmann09:07
ttxasettle ricolin: congrats and welcome!09:22
ttxbauzas: that was close...09:22
asettlettx, thank you :)09:22
bauzasno worries, I'm not sad09:22
asettleAlthough I should make you aware, ttx - I told my mum I was voted in (and she didn't quite get it) and now she sees you as my competition to beat next time :D09:23
ttxasettle: I'll likely not run again (unless we have a dramatic shortage of candidates)09:23
asettleWell that put a spanner in her coup plans09:24
ttxI was tricked into running again against my plans by low candidacy numbers this time09:24
zhipengDo we have a final stats now ?09:25
ttxand in the end there were enough excellent candidates, so i could just not have ran09:25
zhipengthx ttx09:25
ttx279/1390 is just above 20% participation, which is par for the course09:25
asettlettx, understand09:26
ttxSo I'll play the historian role for one more year :)09:26
asettleAlways appreciated.09:27
bauzasttx: just a question, is the TC/board meeting open for anyone ? I was tempted to attend it09:37
ttxyes, it's very public09:39
bauzasthat's on the Sunday afternoon, right?09:39
ttxThere sometimes are room size limitations, but I don't think we ever had to reject people09:39
ttxalso in some venues they ask you to register09:39
ttxIt generally is Sunday afternoon yes09:40
ttxAt least on one occasion it was the whole day09:40
ttxAlso it's a Board+TC+UC meeting, and lately it included other pilot projects leadership reps09:41
bauzasttx: okay, sorry I was on meeting10:10
bauzasbut thanks for the details10:11
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ricolinttx thanks!10:43
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evrardjpty to all the TC candidates, and congrats to the new and returning members of the TC.11:14
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asettleThanks evrardjp :)11:28
mugsieyeah, welcome to the new members, and welcome back to returning people :)11:33
mugsieand well done on the campaign to the people who missed out this cycle - it was one of the more intense campaigns I have seen for TC11:33
cdentasettle: you crushed it11:37
asettlecdent, a shock to me, if anyone11:38
cdentI'd go with MANDATE11:38
cdentand then proceed to change everything :)11:39
asettleI mean, last time I held a position in OpenStack that's exactly what I did so11:39
mugsieasettle: all hail our new (benevolent?) leader! :P11:41
asettlemugsie, benevolent dictatorship :)11:42
mugsiebut - cdent and asettle - this is not a time for any brexit style shenangens :P11:42
asettleo.0 oh yo don't11:42
jrollcongrats to all of our new members, and thanks to the ones leaving :)12:14
* cdent will linger like a bad smell12:20
asettlecdent, that's nice12:20
cdentdiablo_rojo: your ptl starting gun message still uses the phrase "Program Team Leads"12:21
cdentDoes anyone recall if we resolved that placement ptl elections will farm nova committers for eligible voters? It was discussed but I don't remember the outcome.12:32
jrollI don't remember that discussion, but that makes sense to me12:39
asettleDitto. They would be the best placed to vote12:40
cdentassuming a vote is needed. of late ptl elections are rare12:41
mugsieunless we want to parse out candidates from the new repo12:41
mugsiebut nova atcs is as good a list as any, based on the provenance of the code12:42
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dhellmannwe should look for melwitt's email summary of the agreement13:12
dhellmannif the election officials need to do something special, we should make sure they have13:12
dhellmannfungi , diablo_rojo , tonyb : so, what's the story with tc terms and the transition?13:13
dhellmannare we approving the new slate now with a term of March? or waiting for April until the current term expires?13:14
cdentdhellmann: (next to last paragraph)13:17
dhellmanncdent : ok, so it sounds like nothing special is needed, because the tools should look at the placement repo already13:18
cdentI had remembered it as "placement repo and nova repo" (so that people in nova now, without placement commits got a vote). but guess now13:20
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bauzascdent: from what I recall, I think we agreed on the placement repo commits only13:31
bauzasgiven those are coming from nova13:31
cdentbauzas: yeah, that's what the linked message says13:31
bauzasand tbh I think it's fair13:32
bauzasi don't see why nova contributors on, say libvirt, should chime in for the election if they didn't had to interact with Placement13:32
bauzasbut worth asking melwitt to clarify13:33
cdentthe email message is clear13:33
bauzasthen it's a no-brainer13:33
bauzascool then13:33
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jrollzaneb: I'm currently enjoying the comment thread on that HN link where running k8s goes from "just a set of systemd services" to "20+ choices for a cluster networking implementation", "Debugging involves stitching together logs", and "Before you can use it effectively, you more or less have to learn to speak it’s language."13:58
jrollthings really aren't all that different :)13:58
cdentthat latter one was a huge thing for me a couple weeks ago13:59
jrollyeah, it's very real13:59
cdentI had exactly the sort of reaction I have when I'm in a crowded foreign language speaking place13:59
bauzasrunning a distributed architecture isn't trivial13:59
jrollI don't think it's much different in openstack, but the words we use are more conventional13:59
bauzaswhatever the distributed arch is13:59
mugsieyeah. using it when someone else sets it up is OK, as long os th eapp is set up to take advantage of it, but running it (or writing a distro) is a complete pain sometimes14:00
bauzaspeople are very happy to know some tool can run from zero to the infinity14:00
jroll(e.g. setting up neutron with networks, subnets, security groups, etc)14:00
cdentjroll: sure, but I don't use openstack, I only develop for it :D14:00
bauzasbut it has a maintenance and operational cost14:00
cdenti have the same reaction whenever I try to actually use openstack14:00
bauzasthat's the exact reason why I think a single standard can't fit all the needs14:01
jrollcdent: yep14:01
bauzasor other said, xkcd #97214:01
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dhellmannzaneb : yes, we have a meeting tomorrow14:07
zanebok, cool14:07
dhellmanntc-members: sorry for the delay in getting out the agenda for tomorrow's meeting. I am working on that this morning.14:07
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dhellmanntc-members: here's that agenda:
cdentthank dhellmann14:41
dhellmannand see also : (especially asettle, jroll , ricolin )14:42
* jroll puts a thumb up14:42
* zaneb will finally be able to attend again14:42
jrollthanks for the ping14:42
dhellmannjroll, asettle, ricolin : please vote RC+1 on when you have a minute14:47
dhellmannsorry, RC is "Rollcall"14:47
asettleSorry, dhellmann arguing with Thunderbird14:47
* cdent sets down his RC +1 power and looks at it fondly14:47
smcginnisCan they RC yet?14:47
jrollooo fancy new button14:47
cdentsmcginnis: yeah, you squeked in, I did not14:47
asettleOh that's fun14:48
asettleNew button14:48
asettle\o/ I sense the powah14:48
dhellmannsmcginnis : according to the process document I'm working from, they are on the TC as soon as the election is done14:48
dhellmannthe voting on that patch is a formality14:48
smcginnisJust wondering about Gerrit ACL changes.14:48
dhellmannoh, yes, I just took care of that14:49
dhellmannI have also formally asked all of you to start selecting our next chair ( ) so go file your patch if you want to run14:50
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed openstack/governance master: Add Mohammed Naser nomination as chair
ricolindhellmann, +1ed on
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dhellmannricolin : thanks15:18
fungidhellmann: my take on the transition is that in the past the new members have taken their seats immediately following the election (or at the first tc meeting following the election back when we did weekly meetings)15:19
dhellmannthat was my recollection, so I was surprised that there was any question15:19
smcginnisI only brought it up because we generally refer to the TC term as being a 12 month thing.15:20
smcginnisSo just making sure we are being accurate and following anything we've stated for term lengths.15:20
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gmanndhellmann: thanks for agenda.15:55
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fungismcginnis: dhellmann: if there's some question as to term lengths being terminated prior to their expiration, i think we could get by setting the expectation that departing members voting +1 roll call on the governance change proposed by the election officials to replace them is an acknowledgement they're stepping down "early"17:06
fungior i guess code review +1 instead as they're removed prior to approving that change17:12
smcginnisfungi: Yeah, that's fine. I think we're all good.17:18
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dhellmannfungi : I agree17:55
lbragstaddhellmann for tomorrow's community goal update -
dhellmanneasy enough, thanks lbragstad18:11
dhellmannand evrardjp18:11
evrardjphard to type while cutting onions18:12
fungii was trying to do precisely that yesterday18:13
fungican absolutely confirm18:13
dhellmannplease, folks, don't mix knives and typing. your hands are your livelihood.18:13
fungic'mon now, i've built my own one-handed chording keyboards from scratch, so i can spare one hand18:14
cdenta friend of mine is working with some people doing a project using "the onion architecture"18:14
cdentand he hates it18:14
dhellmannfungi : sure, but could you build a keyboard like that with 1 hand?18:14
cdentso he wants to do a lightning talk where someone just takes an onion to the lectern and chops it18:14
fungidhellmann: hah, was just about to say that in retrospect, i did use both hands to build those keyboards... what if i need to repair one?18:15
dhellmanncdent : "layer upon layers and when you're don't it's just tears?"18:15
dhellmannfungi : right! plan ahead!18:15
cdentdhellmann: exactly18:15
cdentfungi: this reminds me. a) have you ever used a twiddler, b) have you used the most recent one (i had one in the late 90s and am considering another)18:16
dhellmannhow long did it take you to learn to type with it? I've considered them in the past, but never actually tried to use one.18:17
smcginnisI would try one if they were cheaper.18:18
fungicdent: i'm familiar with twiddler's design but have never used one18:18
cdentit was useful within a few days, but I never used it enough to get good at it to think of it as more than a novelty. I think these days I'd probably try harder18:18
cdentwhen I had it there was a typing tutor and a typing game that came with it, and that worked well18:19
fungimy chorders are all derived from the "spiffchorder" design, in turn based on steve mann's "septambic keyer"18:20
fungii found the best way to train myself on it was to keep a printed chord chart on hand and just force myself to use it for normal everyday typing activities18:21
dhellmannthe new one looks like a TV remote. I thought the old one had a strap to hold it onto your hand while you used it. Maybe I'm thinking of a different one, though.18:22
cdentit did and looked less dumb18:22
* persia discovers that there is only one twiddler left in stock at any of the available retailers, and decides to wait for the next batch to be made to avoid depriving anyone18:22
persiapity the new version only has 16 keys though.18:22
cdentI think the new one has a strap too, the pics don't make it clear18:22
persiaThere are definitely replacement straps available for twiddler318:23
fungiwith the spiffchorder, i was proficient but still painfully slow within a few days of occasional use (maybe an hour or two each day forcing myself to use it), and within a couple weeks i was typing maybe 20wpm so still nowhere near as fast as a normal keyboard but manageable. i can probably get up around 40wpm currently but i don't use it that often, mostly just on the treadmill (which i also don't use18:25
funginearly often enough, as my waistband can attest)18:25
* dtroyer scans scrollback to discover this is, in fact, not a new twitter client18:25
fungiyeah, i think we veered way off on a tangent after evrardjp tried to chop onions while typing18:26
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: automatically derive the release team PTL for delegating those changes
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: add vote list to status report
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fungicdent: as to why you were presented the rc vote option but couldn't apply it, this is because the gerrit ui is implemented as monolithic javascript your browser caches. if you did a force refresh of the change with the voting modal showing, you'd see it remove the option to set an rc vote now that you're no longer in a group granted that permission19:01
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cdent_fungi: yeah, I figured that out eventually19:59
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fungia shortcoming of the gerrit webui which may be solved in their newer polygerrit ui20:02
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mriedemdtroyer: lbragstad: i took a gander at the osc goal
mriedemit sounds like it's basically work on osc for glance/nova/cinder?21:09
mriedemor still too early to tell21:09
lbragstadmriedem i was just parsing those comments21:09
lbragstadappreciate the quick feebdack21:10
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dtroyermriedem: I think it should be more than that…the point of goals (to me) is to get the community to a certain defined point (py3, etc) where some places need more work than others21:10
mugsiethe bigger problem is that the glance team is very unlikely to get on board with this.21:11
mugsieeven if someone else does the osc work,  they are very likely to keep the glance cli21:11
dtroyerI thought leaving the things that are directly in the OSc repo was appropriate, everything else is in plugins21:11
dtroyermugsie: I have never cared about projects keeping their CLI, they can do what they want.  For those in the repo, we will do this21:12
mugsieoh, OK, on first read this read like we should be getting rid of it21:13
mugsieoh, that is in the goal21:13
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dtroyerit is written that way actually, I think that is Artem's slant21:13
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smcginnisIt would be better without that.21:16
smcginnisCinder in the past has said getting to parity is very good, but any discussions about deprecating cinderclient CLI would have to wait until after that point.21:16
dtroyerand we were >< this close to parity once upon a time… (tokyo-ish maybe?) and then lost it again :)21:17
mriedemsort of...21:18
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mriedemboot from volume with osc is still kind of a mess21:18
mriedemgranted, the --block-device interface with nova boot makes me want to tear my eyes out21:19
mugsieright now it is nova/cinder/glance specific, with "everyone else do SDK development"21:19
dtroyerI said close, and meant cinder specifically21:19
mriedemfrom my pov for nova i'd like to just fill cli gaps in osc and hit a very low bar regarding api versions, i.e. mitaka or newton21:21
mriedemi think that is beneficial and achievable *for nova's users*21:21
mriedembut this won't be one size fits all21:22
mugsieyup, but I would hope that would be an aim for nova, regardless of this merging21:22
dtroyermriedem: yeah, I agree that putting specific microversions in there isn't great.  also, to say we supprt _all_ of them has never been in the OSC playbook21:22
mriedemmugsie: i would hope that too, but people want to add more features than actually make them usable in tooling21:23
dtroyerSo keep in mind the idea in my view is to plant a couple of flags in the snow and wave at the community and say "come here" and sort out the details for each project to get there.  no two will be the same21:23
mriedemdtroyer: yeah we wouldn't support all21:23
mriedemsome don't make sense21:23
* mugsie knows that dance21:23
dtroyera) cli parity, b) minimize use of python-*client libraries in favor of SDK, starting with glance and followed by swift (for those in the osc repo)21:24
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fungichallenge here is that we've gotten pushback on similar goals in the past because we couldn't reliably predict what work each project was going to need to accomplish the goal21:25
lbragstadthe "pre-work" was meant to mitigate that uncertainty in a sense21:26
fungii don't personally see how we can ever avoid that being the case with goals impacting dozens of projects designed and built in parallel by different groups of people21:26
dtroyerfungi: that is why this is honestly a bad candidate for this goal mechanism…and part of the reason I didn't push it earlier21:26
clarkbas a user I'll say that if I have to break out the other clients I basically give up at this point. osc's support for clouds.yaml configuration alone makes it the only client I bother with anymore21:27
fungii don't know, i'm more inclined to say that it's not a problem with the goals or the champions, and that figuring out what each project will need done is at least in large part the responsibility of those projects21:27
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fungiif we identify a likely candidate cycle goal and provide the high-level target, and teams don't dig in and provide feedback suggesting that they don't know how to achieve it in their projects, then we can only reasonably assume they're okay with figuring it out as they go if it gets selected21:29
dtroyerfungi: in this case we are using the in-repo APIs as an example, plus have a couple of people already working in this area.  but it still isn't a clean fit for how I've seen the goals designed in the past21:29
fungii have to concur with clarkb though, if a feature isn't usable via the unified client then for me it may as well not exist21:33
fungi(my perspective as an openstack user)21:33
fungii'm more inclined to find a workaround to whatever problem that feature would have solved then work out how to do it with a project-specific utility21:34
dtroyerclarkb, fungi: you guys apparently don't use any of the interesting new-ish swift features, that bit hasn't been updated in years.21:34
fungidtroyer: at the moment we barely use swift at all21:35
fungiwe're looking to start storing zuul job logs/artifacts and storyboard attachments in swift21:36
fungibut also that's features from an application development standpoint, not an interactive user standpoint21:36
mugsiezuul logs + aritfacts seems like an ideal use21:36
* smcginnis wonders how the python3 support work is going in swift21:41
clarkbsmcginnis: they are working on it now21:41
smcginnisNot quite there yet.21:41
clarkbsmcginnis: changes like that that tack on more testing as they port things21:45
clarkblooks like pretty decent progress actually21:45
smcginnisOh good.21:45
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notmynamesmcginnis: swiftclient is fine with py3 (and has been for a while). we've kept making py3 progress in swift itself. measured by unit test coverage, we've recently passed about 60%, and we're pretty close to running some func tests under py3 too.22:05
notmynamewe're still targeting the "end of T" goal from a while back22:05
notmynamedtroyer: is osc using it's own swift client code, or is it importing (and old version of) python-swiftclient?22:11
dtroyernotmyname: It is based on the swiftclient code from before python-swiftclient was a thing.  I re-worked the APIs a bit to fit what I was planning to use as a low-level SDK.22:13
dtroyerAPI=python API22:13
notmynameya, ok. I remembered something like that. thanks :-)22:13
mriedemafter today can i just close out the upgrade-checkers goal for stein?22:16
mriedemnot sure what that all entails besides closing the story22:16
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dhellmannmriedem : I think as champion that's your call to make. It sounds to me like it's done-ish if not actually done22:20
mriedemthere were like 4 projects with open changes but they've been that way for months, so i'm not holding my breath22:20
dhellmannyeah, I think telemetry is close to being shutdown so I wouldn't count on them22:21
dhellmannI'm certainly going to close out the python 3 goal work at the end of the cycle22:21
mriedemthere just wasn't something in saying "at the end of the release close out the story and any remaining tasks" or something22:21
dhellmannyeah, it seems we focused more on the start of the process than the end22:22
mriedem"and send an awesome summary to the ML recapping the adventure"22:22
dhellmannsend your net promoter score survey to all participants22:22
dhellmannmaybe you can work with lbragstad and evrardjp to clarify the wrap-up steps in that doc22:23
mriedemi was waiting for you to say that22:23
dhellmannI hope I didn't keep you waiting too long :-)22:23
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/governance master: Document goal closure
fungiyou are a veritable wish-granting genie22:51
mriedemi have those same mc hammer pants on too22:51
fungisomehow this does not surprise me in the least22:52

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