Monday, 2018-07-16

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dhellmanntonyb : I think it would be good to fix that, but the scope of this goal is already so big I don't want to expand it if we can help it13:14
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dhellmanntc-members: the adjutant application is ready to be approved but not everyone has voted. Because that discussion involved so many folks, I want to give everyone a chance to vote before approving it. If you intend to abstain, please state so explicitly on the patch. EmilienM, mugsie, fungi, and mnaser you haven't voted (nor have I)13:32
EmilienMdhellmann: I'll vote today13:35
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/governance master: write up the python3-first goal
dhellmannEmilienM : thanks13:36
dhellmannthanks, fungi13:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: add
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: update the pti to use tox for building docs
dimscdent : can i convince you to add your thoughts to a API discussion in sig-arch over at k8s? (with how we would do this with microversions - or not!). i was just going to send a set of links to what we have done, but usually folks just gloss over that (or ignore). please take a look when you get a chance13:43
cdentdims: yes you can. got a particularly good starting link?13:44
dimscdent : ^13:44
cdentbut I must extract some form of payment. I will consider the options.13:44
* cdent clicks13:44
dimscdent : anytime :)13:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Add ansible-role-openstack-operations to governance
cdentdims: i've subscribed to that thread, and will read the existing api change docs and see where thta gets me13:53
cdentonce something gels, I'll see if I can comment13:53
dimsthanks cdent ! sounds like a plan13:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Add ansible-role-tripleo-* roles to governance
ttxdhellmann: in post-approval communications re: Adjutant it would be good to reinforce that they won't be formally included in Rocky release since it's way past membershipfreeze13:55
dhellmannttx: good point, thanks for reminding me13:56
* ttx is back in France, jetlag level 8/1013:56
dhellmannjust in time for the world cup celebrations!13:56
ttxindeed. The celebration started at my plane gate in ATL13:57
smcginnisAnd just in time for le tour.13:59
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dhellmannsmcginnis : when you've had time to catch up, we should talk about a schedule for selecting goals for stein14:55
dhellmannI think we have plenty of time, but I'd like to set some dates14:55
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smcginnisdhellmann: Yeah, I really need to try to revive that discussion.15:02
smcginnisI think we are good with the py3-first one.15:03
smcginnisI was going to propose the upgrade checker goal, though I was hoping someone else would do that since I will be proposing it looking for someone else to be the champion.15:03
dhellmannthere seemed to be a lot of interested in upgrade-related topics, too15:03
dhellmannI thought mriedem said he would do it?15:03
smcginnisI would try to enlist him since he was the one that was vocal about it. ;)15:05
smcginnisBut once that second one gets proposed, I think we should probably go ahead with those.15:06
smcginnisWe've already had more pre-discussion than at least the queens ones I think, and no one else has come along with anything new since the forum discussions.15:06
smcginnisWould be good to have them defined as folks start brainstorming their PTG topics.15:07
mriedemdhellmann: smcginnis: it makes sense that i'd at least explore the *-status upgrade check for the other projects,15:07
mriedemi just haven't had the time15:08
dhellmannmriedem : if we select that as a goal, could you be the champion?15:08
mriedemi think it's basically, (1) this is what nova did and some example checks we've done, (2) then look through the upgrade release notes for some of the other projects (keystone/cinder/neutron/glance) looking for examples they could have automated15:08
mriedemdhellmann: yeah i think so15:08
smcginnismriedem: Great, then it's OK if I propose the goal with your name on it?15:09
mriedemit really takes getting someone on the core team for each project to understand how and when the tool can be useful to spot when checks should be added15:09
dhellmannmriedem : cool, thank you. I wonder if we can have enough examples put together by the PTG for teams to implement something15:09
smcginnisKeep in mind that you wouldn't be on the hook to do implementation, just nudging and tracking.15:09
mriedemi'm pretty sure i could have something ready by the ptg15:10
mriedemsmcginnis: sure - or do you want me to propose that?15:10
smcginnismriedem: If you can propose it, that would be even better.15:10
smcginnisYou would be able to add a lot of detail that I couldn't I'm sure.15:10
mriedemok, what's the due date?15:11
mriedemend of week?15:12
dhellmannmriedem : the timeline is part of what we're trying to decide, but getting something in this week would make it easier for us to consider it15:14
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openstackgerritJill Rouleau proposed openstack/governance master: Import ansible-role-tripleo-cookiecutter
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