Wednesday, 2015-09-09

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gemajasonsb: the defcore meeting is ongoing15:16
jasonsboh thanks15:17
gemajasonsb: not on irc15:17
gema(sorry ,, just remembered to tell you, since I didn't see you on thelist)15:17
jasonsbyay i joined15:21
malini1gema: o/15:30
gemamalini1: o/15:33
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malini1gema: hope your house is back in shape15:34
gemamalini1: it is15:34
malini1gema: are you going to the summit?15:34
gemamalini1: not that I know of, yet15:34
malini1gema: I am - just blocked my tickets15:34
gemamalini1: \o/ excellent news :D15:34
malini1gema: you should come…maybe cookies for your boss?15:35
gemamalini1: my boss wants me to go, it's higher up that I'd need to send cookies :P15:35
malini1cookies all the way up :-P15:37
gemamalini1: lol15:37
gemaanyway, gotta disconnect15:39
gemajasonsb: can you stay for the rest of the meeting and report back tomorrow with anything that happens?15:39
malini1which channel is it in?15:39
gemaI made a note about the attaching of a floating ip to a VM for neutron15:40
gemathat's a test we could create15:40
jasonsbi can15:40
gemajasonsb: thanks15:40
jasonsbbut first time i'm attending so im a little out of context15:40
gemajasonsb: this is a new format15:40
gemajasonsb: they normally meet on IRC15:40
gemajasonsb: they are just going through the different cappabilities for the different components15:40
gemaand discussing the capabilities and maybe also the tests they have for them15:41
gemathis is the page with all the stuff they are reviewing15:43
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gemaok, now I am gone for sure15:53
gemajasonsb: thanks for covering!15:53
jasonsbsure ony 8 min left15:53
jasonsbthis is interesting15:53
gemajasonsb: of course, that's what I have been telling you for months :P15:53
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hogepodgegema: jasonsb: this week the meeting was over the phone. In general we are using IRC though. For our scoring meetings it helps to be able to talk over one another.18:02
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jasonsbhogepodge: i got it19:01
jasonsbhogepodge: i need to get it on my calendar so i dont miss it19:02
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gemahogepodge: yep, I read that on the mailing, was there for most of it19:41
gemahogepodge: it was interesting19:42
gemaI think I finally understood today what you guys are trying to achieve19:42
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hogepodgegema: yeah, and what is that?20:06
hogepodge(that sounds way snarkier than I meant it; I sincerely want to know what the perceptions of our goals are)20:07
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