Thursday, 2015-07-23

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jasonsbjose-idar: hallo04:30
jasonsbjose-idar: if you are available tomorrow at 10am pacific time there will be a weekly meeting here in openstack-tailgate04:34
jasonsbjose-idar: are you welcome to attend04:34
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jasonsbhi all14:48
jasonsbi'll be missing the meeting today.  taking vacation day (heading out the door right now)14:48
malinienjoy jasonsb !14:52
maliniwe'll have logs & actions for you ;)14:52
jasonsboh can't wait14:54
jasonsbactually i would like to get the inspector thing going14:54
jasonsbtry to spend some time in next few days.  i got a little busy at work last few days :(14:55
gemahey guys14:56
gemawas I supposed to chair today's meeting?14:56
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gemaI have had a special week and cannot remember anything about last thursday before the storm x)14:56
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malinigema: yeap - you are our chair today :)15:01
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gemamalini: ok, I will try to get 10 mins for the agenda later15:03
gemaI haven't been able to do anything at all this week :S15:03
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spyderdynecan anyone point me to the talks we submitted?16:22
spyderdyneneed to document title, presenter list, and track for each one of them for internal purposes16:23
spyderdynebut i dont know how to find them16:23
malinispyderdyne: 1Testing Beyond the Gate - Openstack Tailgate16:32
malini2Testing Beyond the Gate - Validating Production Clouds16:32
malinithey shud be under ur OS profile16:32
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maliniI am going to join the meeting a lil late today - will be late by ~ 15 min16:41
gemaspyderdyne: they are on your openstack page16:48
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gemaspyderdyne: you can either log in here: or go to (proposal A & B)16:51
gema#startmeeting tailgate17:00
openstackMeeting started Thu Jul 23 17:00:11 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gema. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:00
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'tailgate'17:00
gema#topic rollcall17:00
gemaanyone around for the meeting today?17:00
jose-idarI am here17:00
gemahello jose-idar, can you introduce yourself, plz17:01
gemaI don't think I know you17:01
gema(whilst the others arrive ;)17:01
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jose-idarHi!  I'm QE for CloudBlockStorage at The Castle (for Rackspace).17:01
maliniwelcome jose-idar :)17:02
gemacoolio, another rackspacer :D welcome!17:02
jose-idarYou can blame me for things like Opencafe and data driven testing :)17:02
gemagood, will do :D17:02
gemamalini: o/17:02
spyderdynei think htey call themselves rackers :)17:02
gemaups :D17:02
jose-idarhi malini!17:02
malinisome of us do :)17:03
maliniits great to have you here jose-idar17:03
gemaanyone else around today? ( I think we'll move into topics at 5 past)17:04
jose-idarsuper interested in what ya'll have going on.  specifically the mission statement.  I love the idea of a community growing around the idea that Openstack needs far more than just gate tests.17:04
gemajose-idar: indeed, you are going to have to give us an intro to data driven testing17:04
gemawe'll embrace it, I think :D17:04
jose-idar!  definetly a goal :)17:04
openstackjose-idar: Error: "definetly" is not a valid command.17:04
gemaopenstack: we are good, thanks17:05
gemaalright, moving on17:05
gema#topic Actions from last week17:05
maliniI am trying to find our 'master' etherpad link17:05
malinianybody has it handy?17:05
spyderdyneposted my email ocnvo with Boris on etherpad:
malinithanks gema..17:06
gemaspyderdyne: context?17:06
malinijose-idar: the link has some stuff we have been talking over the last 2-3 months17:06
gemaspyderdyne: oh, your first action17:06
jose-idarreading now, many thanks17:06
gemaACTION: : spyderdyne composing a spec to present to rally on topic of rally cleanup17:06
spyderdyneone of my action items was to contact Boris and discuss ways to provide better cleanup after rally tasks in the event of some type of failure17:07
gemaspyderdyne: what was the outcome of the conversation?17:07
spyderdynethey are working on the cleanup feature and it will be similar to the bash example i provided in the thread17:08
spyderdyne(stolen from KloudBuster)17:08
gemaspyderdyne: so you'll be collaborating with them on that or let them do their thing and then review?17:08
spyderdynei will be monitoring and assist if they want help with it17:08
gemaspyderdyne: ack, keep us posted17:08
spyderdynebut it is already WIP17:08
spyderdynewill do17:09
gemaACTION: : spyderdyne to give more updates on HA testing17:09
gemaany news?17:09
spyderdyneHA test plans are created. working with another Cisco internal team on them.  Unable to run due to PTO and our target environment not being ready yet17:10
gemaspyderdyne: do you want me to keep this action on the list or do y ou want me to drop it?17:10
spyderdynei would rather not share them until we know they work.  will update as i get more to share17:10
gemamaybe a better way of doing this is you schedule a presentation whenever you are ready to share17:10
spyderdynekeep it17:10
gema#ACTION spyderdyne to give more updates on HA testing17:11
spyderdyneroger roger17:11
gemanot sure if the bot works with capitalized actions17:11
gemaI guess we'll find out17:11
gemaACTION: spyderdyne, jasonsb to send out the google survey link on per project testing strategies17:11
gemajason is not around today17:11
gemaso another one on you spyderdyne17:11
spyderdynei completed the survey questions and turned them over for merciless editing17:12
gemaspyderdyne: where are we editing them?17:12
malini& we were merciless enough to not edit it :-$17:12
spyderdynei would like everyone to take a few minutes to review them and give notes or approve before we try sending them out17:12
maliniwill do spyderdyne17:12
gemaspyderdyne: can you send an email requesting a review and we can do this over email?17:12
gemamaybe send a google doc where we can add comments?17:13
gemainstead of the one where you are supposed to answer the questions17:13
spyderdynei tried digging everyone's email addresses out but failed to do so17:13
gemaspyderdyne: send it to the mailing17:13
malinispyderdyne: are u in the tailgate ML ?17:13
spyderdynecurrently the questionaire is open to editing by anyone who has the link that i provided last week17:13
spyderdynewe will tighten that down once we are happy with it17:13
malinijose-idar: we need to get you added to tht17:13
jose-idarah. thanks!17:14
gemaspyderdyne: I get a weblike page where I can answer the questions, not a document I can edit17:14
spyderdynewill send the invite out to that addr then17:14
malinisame here17:14
spyderdyneb/c it is unlocked for everyone right now17:14
spyderdynethat will change once we are ready to push it out17:14
malinispyderdyne: all I can do with tht is answer the questions17:15
spyderdynelive form:
gemaspyderdyne: I have created a public doc, can you copy the questions there and then ask the mailing to comment?17:17
gemano, sorry17:17
spyderdyneresponses #link
spyderdyneedit form #link
gemaspyderdyne: that still doesn't allow us to have a conversation, just edit17:18
spyderdynenot messy at all right? ;)17:18
gemaspyderdyne: totally x)17:18
spyderdynewill create a new etherpad for forms discussion.17:18
gema#action spyderdyne to start a questionaire review on the ML17:19
gema#action malini to get jose-idar on the mailing17:19
malinilet me do tht right away - I have very short term memory17:19
spyderdyneetherpad discusison #link
gemaspyderdyne: any #link command preceeded by words, won't be picked by the bot17:20
gemaI was wondering how to make all those links appear in the log17:20
gemaspyderdyne: just for the future17:20
gemaspyderdyne: in any case, put them in your email, together with the one we can all review and collaborate on, that way everybody has them handy17:21
gemaok, that settles the questionaire actions, cos our mailing review substitutes the action about finalizing details17:22
gemanext actions are mine17:22
gema#action gema to submit a few test runs of refstack and get familiar with it17:22
gema#action gema to talk to matthew about stable tempest kilo and report back17:22
gema#action gema to send out the defcore details on actionable gaps17:22
gemaI am sorry folks, we were flooded on the night from thursday to friday and my week went downhill from there17:23
gemahopefully this week will be more productive workwise :)17:23
jose-idarmalini: jose.idar@rackspace.com17:23
malinigema: oops! I hope everything is in a recoverable state17:23
malinijose-idar: I already emailed the ML owner & added you in cc17:24
gemamalini: yep, all sort of ok, plenty of furniture in the wrong place, that's all17:24
spyderdynethey shoudl be captured by the bot now17:24
gemaspyderdyne: perfect, thanks17:25
gemamoving on to next topic then17:25
gemaunless you guys think I am missing anything?17:25
gema#topic inspector gadget17:25
gemaanyone present and able to talk about this topic?17:25
gemaspyderdyne: does that mean yes?17:26
gemaor shall I add an action for jasonb on this one?17:26
gemanot sure if we are allowed to give actions to non present people :D17:27
spyderdynei wasnt involved in that work17:27
spyderdynewe are17:27
spyderdynethey can decline them if they need to17:27
gema#action jasonb to give an update on inspector gadget efforts17:27
gemaI am not going to make questionaire a topic again cos we kind of discussed next steps already17:27
gema#topic AOB17:28
malinisounds good17:28
maliniwhat is AOB ?17:28
gemaany other business?17:28
malinianybody made it to the defcore meeting?17:28
gemaI didn't , was dealing with  house stuff :/17:29
maliniI keep forgetting :/17:29
gemamalini: don't worry, I am still traumatized, it'll fade :D17:29
maliniI meant, I keep forgetting to attend the defcore meeting17:29
gemaahhh x)17:29
malinitrauma is my permanent state17:29
gemaput it in your calendar17:29
gemathe machine will annoy you to no end17:30
gemaso you remember17:30
malinigood point17:30
malinifor anybody else who need te info 'Weekly on Wednesday at in ircs://'17:30
gemaI think this week was their midcycle17:31
gemaI may be wrong17:31
gemamaybe they didn't even do the meeting yesterday :?17:31
gemaanyway, the only other topic is next week's chair17:32
gemaany volunteers?17:32
maliniI can take tht17:33
gemathanks :D17:33
maliniyw :)17:33
gemawe have some time, jose-idar do you want to tell us a bit about data driven testing?17:33
gemaI am quite interested in what you have to say17:33
jose-idarOnly that through much experimentation, I've found it to be a huge leap forward from the way Tempest approaches testing in general.17:34
gemawhat is it exactly?17:34
jose-idarIn practice, (implementation through, say, unittest), it's as easy as test methods that take parameters17:35
gemayep, but what is it?17:35
jose-idarThere's a lib called ddt for python that adds this to unittest, and we use a similar library internally.17:35
jose-idarthe gist is that you write a test that makes a single assumption, and drive that assumption over many sets of data.17:36
gemajose-idar: can you give me an example of what one of these test cases would look like writen in english17:36
gemarather than implementation details17:36
jose-idarcreating a server over combinations of imaegs and flvors for instance.17:36
malininot to hijack from jose-idar, but here is an example testscenarios claims to do something similar & is openstack blessed17:37
jose-idarthe idea is the make the tests simple and non-enviornment dependent.17:37
malinilet me try again17:37
jose-idarmalini: Awesome!  I couldn't remember what that was called, but that's where I first saw ddt17:37
jose-idarthe lib17:37
malinitestscenarios is the openstack approved lib to do something similar - But I haven't had any luck understanding it & the docs are sparse17:38
gemamalini: that's because everybody talks implementation17:38
gemaI wanted to understand how you conceptualize the tests, so if I got it right17:38
jose-idarIf we could get tempest to allow this kind of test writing, it would make testing on things that are not devstack much easier and more useful.17:38
gemajose-idar, you'd take the outcome of a combinatorial tree and implement your test cases from there17:38
gematrying to cover as many combinations as it makes sense, etc17:39
jose-idarfor a complete scenario sure, but filtering those datasets down is just as important17:39
gemajose-idar: have you heard of classification tree method?17:39
jose-idarIt's proven very useful for security to write fuzzing tests this way, iterating over known sets of sql injection strings for example.17:39
malinihmmm….I believe combinatorial is where testscenarios comes in17:39
gemathis is what I would use to trim down :D17:40
jose-idarin practice though, the datasets are largely driven by buisness logic17:40
jose-idaryou may not want users using certain combos of images and flavors, for example17:40
spyderdynearent you already telling images what flavors they can use?17:41
spyderdynethe image meta should return a list of valid flavors right?17:42
jose-idarsure, but relying on the mechanisms that nova relies on is only testing half of the problem.  You could also check the combinations they dont' allow, for example.17:42
gemaas a negative scenario17:42
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spyderdyneso run though all flavors and record the result, marking a fail as a pass for a disallowed flavor17:42
jose-idarand for the most part, making the tests generate the datasets on the fly via api calls at run time solves a lot of problems17:42
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maliniAFAIK negative tests were not in the scope of old tempest17:43
gemajose-idar: but you need to verify that those apis are returning the right thing17:43
jose-idargrabbing that list and inverting the expectation is an instant, complete set of negative tests.17:43
gemamalini: there are some negative tests, I believe17:43
gemabut not many17:43
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gemathere were, I don't know where they are now17:43
jose-idargema: yep! We've even had tests that take their expectation as a parameter, for example.17:43
gemajose-idar: that is all very interesting17:44
gemawe'll need to keep chatting about this as we start to generate tests17:44
jose-idarIt'd be an easy way to decrease coverage gaps and increase visibility of edge case bugs17:44
gemato make sure we make the most of the development effort, we don't have a lot of manpower17:44
gemabut we do have a lot of gaps17:44
jose-idarit's also great for stress/perforamance testing.17:44
gemayep, I will probably grab your help afterI send the email with the gaps/tests from defcore tot he list17:45
gemaso that you put me on the right track to start adding coverage17:45
jose-idarsounds like a plan!  Like I said, i'm just really excited about the prospect of making things better all around :D17:46
gemajose-idar: likewise17:46
gemawe all are :D17:46
gemacoolio, anymore questions/topics/concerns/rants?17:47
gemathen I will give you guys 10+ mins back on your day :D17:47
openstackMeeting ended Thu Jul 23 17:47:55 2015 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)17:47
openstackMinutes (text):
malinithanks gema!17:48
gemathank you all for coming!17:48
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gemamalini: forgot to say you are chairing on an action17:48
malininp..I'll remember tht17:48
gemamalini: ack, thanks :D17:48
gemagood night folks, and have a lovely weekend17:49
maliniyou too17:49
gemawill send the email to the list tomorrow morning :D17:49
malinihope you get ur sanity back!17:49
gemauhmmm... I never had it malini, let's not kid ourselves ;)17:50
gemathx :D17:50
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