Monday, 2024-11-11

opendevreviewClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift master: add backoff sleep to REPLICATE
mattoliverAre we still up for a Dickinson college sync today if it's veterans day in the US (just found out)?20:26
timburkemattoliver, i'm up for it, anyway -- we'll see if nathang15, boosungkim-dson, and jamesng are around; if nothing else, the two of us can chat ;-)22:35
timburkedid you get an etherpad together, or should i do that?22:36
mattoliverGot a message from nathang15 So sounds like he'll at least be there :) 22:36
mattoliverI got one together, then the dickinson crew made a jitsi meetpad so moved it there.22:36
mattoliverI messaged you in slack, but can link it here too.22:37
timburkeah, i hadn't looked in slack yet -- thanks22:43
mattolivertimburke: hmm, internet outage in my area.. hopefully it'll be back soon. I guess I'll need to try and tether23:47

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