Thursday, 2024-03-28

opendevreviewTim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Add support of Sigv4-streaming
seongsoochoHi long time no see :-) .   I'm testing ec container now, and my development team wants to use 1.6.2 version of liberasurecode .  My proxy server 's os is ubuntu 18.04 . so I can install 1.5.0 from apt repo. and I build and install my own liberasurecode from github repo.  So, Two versions coexist on my proxy-server. How can I check which version of liberasurecode will be used by pyeclib?10:02
clarkbseongsoocho: you can do a pip freeze or pip list to see which version of pyeclib is reported. Generally if you apt-get install a python pacakge then pip install a different version of the same package the two versions will live side by side in different dist paths. Then depending on what is in your PYTHON PATH the version that is newest is win. A pip freeze will give you an15:15
clarkbindication of whether or not this is the case15:15
seongsoochoclarkb:  thanks. but what I want to know is what version of liberasurecode the pyeclib library will actually use, because liberasurecode doesn't come from the pip list.15:19
clarkboh sorry I see its the linked C lib that you're curious about. I think that depends on your pyeclib install. Running ldd against the appropriate artifacts in that package should tell you what you are linked against15:25
seongsoochoclarkb:  oh thanks. I found it from . thanks for your help15:33
opendevreviewJianjian Huo proposed openstack/swift master: common: add memcached based cooperative token mechanism.
opendevreviewClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift master: expirer: randomize task_container iteration
opendevreviewClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift master: sq: make test better
opendevreviewClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift master: expirer: randomize task_container iteration
opendevreviewClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift master: sq: make test better
opendevreviewClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift master: wip: use bucketized skipping in expirer

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