opendevreview | Matthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift stable/train: DNM: Also attempt to install bcrypt via wheel | 00:45 |
clarkb | mattoliver: cryptography typically publishes wheels for cryptogrpahy too and pip will prefer wheels if they are available by default | 00:55 |
clarkb | are you building cryptography because you're in that weird time where they've published an sdist but not a wheel yet or is this due to needing to run on older python versions where maybe they didn't publish wheels? | 00:56 |
mattoliver | Good question, that might be easier, I remember we started building cryptography (not for gate reasons) but because of how opensuse packaged some library (I'd need to go refamilarize my self as I don't work at suse anynore). But if that was the blocker, we don't use opensuse in the gate, so possible to add a --binary-only there and just make a doc change to warn opensuse swift users to use the the build flag. | 01:53 |
opendevreview | Matthew Oliver proposed openstack/swift stable/train: DNM: Also attempt to install bcrypt via wheel | 04:46 |
mattoliver | turns out you need to use the right syntax :P Still don't know if that works, it didn't give me the error in a vm I was playing with.. but maybe it tried to pull in too old a version, so will blow the vm away ans use a newer everything. | 04:47 |
opendevreview | Kota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/swift master: Add Kota's private email address to mailmap | 07:27 |
* kota is looking for irc web client for the next one... but it would be abandoned at that time of irc migration from freenode... | 07:33 | |
mcape | hello all! is it possible that warnings like are able to create problems during rocky-yoga upgrade? they look quite scary | 14:27 |
mcape | we have a lot of these in the logs... but objects in those shard ranges are OK | 14:39 |
DHE | when upgrading a cluster, proxies first or storage servers first? | 17:16 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Tolerate ENOENT/ENOTEMPTY on cleanup when walking db data dirs | 17:24 |
zaitcev | DHE: I always do servers first. In fact, just start with one node, see if anything crops up. Check with dispersion, look for 404s. | 17:26 |
zaitcev | stay tuned for more irresponsible recommendations by a guy who knows nothing though | 17:27 |
zaitcev | We just shut down my cluster a month ago. Cannot even test it. | 17:27 |
DHE | pfft... I'm running 2.23.1 looking to upgrade. including upgrading python itself because goddamn.... | 17:29 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: Add cap_length helper | 17:32 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift master: s3api: Better logging for non-JSON when trying to do bucket listings | 17:32 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/swift master: Add Kota's private email address to mailmap | 17:51 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift stable/ussuri: Drop tempest and grenade testing | 20:10 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift stable/stein: s3api: Prevent XXE injections | 20:16 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift stable/rocky: s3api: Use constant-time string comparisons in check_signature | 20:25 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift stable/rocky: s3api: Prevent XXE injections | 20:28 |
opendevreview | Tim Burke proposed openstack/swift stable/stein: s3api: Prevent XXE injections | 20:28 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/swift stable/ussuri: Drop tempest and grenade testing | 22:59 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/swift stable/rocky: s3api: Use constant-time string comparisons in check_signature | 23:16 |
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