Thursday, 2015-04-16

mattoliverauI thought notmyname said, submit to patches to master first and then backport to kilo00:01
claygmattoliverau: great!00:01
claygpeluse: do extra kwargs like override_devices get transcribed trough the manager onto the daemons?  seems unlikely00:03
tsg_mattoliverau: thanks!  clayg: I haven't found out about global-requirements yet though00:04
claygpeluse: yeah only args appended in spawn are once and verbose00:04
tsg_clayg: clarkb just confirmed - get it on master and then backport to stable/kilo00:07
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tsg_clayg: is everything looking okay with 1.0.7?  (other than the "upgrade" issue)00:27
claygyeah i'm gravy - do you have a patch against master with the new 1.0.7 requires?00:28
tsg_clayg: I have a fix for the "upgrade" issue as well - if you think it will help I will get it in00:28
claygtsg_: i'm not that worried about it?00:29
clayghere's the swift change for 1.0.7 ->
tsg_ok cool ..00:29
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notmynameback for about 2 minutes00:37
notmynamesubmit to master first00:37
notmynamethen to proposed/kilo00:37
notmynamesyntax is `git review <target branch>`00:37
notmynamealso, we'll schedule an RC2 for in a few days, probably. that way we have time to review/land and find everything we can00:39
notmynamesince we'll do an RC2, let's take advantage of it and not require an RC300:40
notmynametsg_: oh, interesting. global reqs is on 1.0.300:40
clayghow did we even?00:41
notmynameclayg: -infra installs the larges version that's avaialble and allowed byt he open-ended requirements line00:41
notmynametsg_: clayg: look good here?
notmynameif so, I'll send it now00:41
tsg_notmyname, clayg: per compatibility requirements, we should only be >= 1.0.3 which is why we were able to get 1.0.6 into Swift requirements00:41
notmynameswift's says >=1.0.300:42
claygok, it's becoming more and more clear to me I have no idea what's going on00:42
notmynameclayg: we got in in there and didn't bump it up to the real minimum version (apparantly)00:44
notmynametsg_: have you also submitted a patch to proposed/kilo?00:45
* notmyname taps mic00:47
tsg_back here .. notmyname: you mean stable/kilo?00:47
notmynametsg_: AFAIK they have a proposed/kilo branch. is it actually stable/kilo?00:48
notmynamewhichever it is, that one00:48
notmynameie kilo isn't released yet00:48
tsg_git branch -r is showing me just origin/stable/kilo00:48
notmynameok, then that one00:48
notmynametsg_: please propose it there, too. I want to include that link in my email00:49
notmynameno need to even change the changeid. just resubmit with `git review stable/kilo`00:49
notmynamethanks. sending email now00:50
tsg_notmyname: thank you!00:51
notmynamethank you :-)00:51
notmyname...and I'm on kid duty. be back after dinner00:51
InAnimaTeyou need to make mirror of a currently prod cluster containing ~75-80TB of data00:52
InAnimaTewhat do you use to make this mirror?00:53
InAnimaTes3cmd, python-swift, etc..?00:53
InAnimaTe(btw, you need it to go as fast as possible)00:53
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claygInAnimaTe: you should try this ->
claygcschwede: ^ that's a good idea right?00:54
InAnimaTelol the swsync link is dead00:56
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clayg... well there's that00:56
InAnimaTethat might be it00:57
claygstill i'm sure cschwede and chmouel and the other enovance boys have managed that project to exist post redhat some way or another00:57
InAnimaTethinking about wrappying s3cmd with a for loop00:58
InAnimaTeso for each bucket, mkdir and download all contents00:58
InAnimaTealthought the swift command has a --all option00:58
claygwhat if you have a container that won't fit on your transfer machines disk?00:59
claygplus socket to socket would be way quicker00:59
* clayg really should see how hard it is to get the enovance sync project running00:59 lets assume the dest has plenty of space00:59
claygwell not the *dest* - just the temp machine that your downloading everything to before uploading it back into the other cluster01:00
InAnimaTelol "other cluster"01:01
InAnimaTeso we are running the sync on a box with a zfs array of 45 drives01:01
InAnimaTe(again, not my doing, what I have to work with)01:01
claygoh... hrm... maybe I didn't quite follow - is there a ring chnage involved like part power - or is the source and dest basically the same - you could try someting with the backend devices (esp. if they're both single node?)01:02
InAnimaTeso its literally, "what can provide us the fastest performance in terms of merely contacing the cluster and doing fuckloads of GET's until everything on the cluster is downloaded onto a local ZFS array"01:04
InAnimaTeour cluster is currently 10 boxes with 3x replication01:04
openstackgerritClay Gerrard proposed openstack/swift: Don't apply the wrong Etag validation to rebuilt fragments
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claygso patch 174171 is the global requirements change - but what about the swift change?01:07
claygInAnimaTe: so it's a "backup" of some kind - you just want to download everything in the cluster onto a disk01:08
claygi'd probably just use python-swiftclient's --all then yeah01:08
claygjoel wright may have some ideas on the best way to do that in practice - but he doesn't seem to be around atm01:09
claygnotmyname: I'm heading home - the reconstructor thing acoles found is resolved by - maybe *after* he agrees that's the way to go we'll make the +2's and the review kilo - hopefully in his am01:10
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claygpeluse: can you stick another +2 patch 174138 if you're on tonight - i just changed the probetests to be a little more stable - should still fail reasonably on master01:10
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mattoliverauclayg: night man01:19
InAnimaTeclayg: yeah its sounding like thats my main option01:20
InAnimaTealthough its serial. wish it was parallel01:20
InAnimaTepeluse: ?01:22
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kota_morning, again.01:35
openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/swift: Small minor refactor on ec diskfile
notmynamekota_: did you see any of the channel logs?02:02
notmynamekota_: summary is that there was an issue found and we'll be doing an RC2. so we're working on getting pyeclib 1.0.7 into the RC, and this is the chance to make sure your change is done in kilo02:04
notmynamewe've asked, but have to get approval, for the update to requirements02:04
kota_notmyname: just was reading02:04
kota_notmyname: awesome work, I hope that reguirements change approved02:05
notmynameme too :-)02:05
kota_notmyname, tsg_, clayg:  much appreciated to try the work :)02:06
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kota_notmyname: Are there what I should do on the bumping pyeclib 1.0.7 and a few change on swift clayg suggested?02:08
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notmynamekota_: the update to pyeclib is in progress. I don't think there's any more anyone in here can do right now02:09
kota_notmyname: ok, I'm waiting that02:09
notmynameotherwise, coordinate with acoles_away peluse and clayg on the changes you want/need in swift02:10
notmynamethey need to land in swift, then they can land on the backport branch for the rc202:10
kota_notmyname: making backport patch for rc2 is needed? In my understand, swift is now rc1, so I might have to done reading the irc log at first :\02:13
notmynamekota_: it is now. we've got a branch (proposed/kilo) for the kilo release (swift 2.3.0). master is ongoing and anything can land there. stuff that needs to be in 2.3.0 need to also be proposed to proposed/kilo02:14
notmynameand patches aren't backported until they are in master02:14
notmynameie we aren't tagging master with rc2, we're going to tag proposed/kilo with rc202:14
kota_notmyname: I got it. thanks to help me to clarify :D02:15
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claygnotmyname: acorwin was giving me grief about "backporting" to an pre-release version - but it makes total sense to me if kilo is a branch - you have cherry-pick (i.e. backport) changes to that branch04:01
claygnotmyname: I guess a more git workflow is to branch stable from master, then as you make changes to stable you *merge down* to master04:01
claygnotmyname: i guess you know how to merge in gerrit - could we just review it once on kilo branch and then review a merge commit to master?04:02
claygwould that be better?04:02
notmynameeffectively it's the same result. I'd prefer to do the "common" way. ie the method for putting stuff on the RC is the same as for any non-master release brach (eg the stable/whatevers)04:03
notmynameput to master. resubmit to proposed/kilo04:04
claygyeah it didn't even strike me as odd until he pointed it out04:04
notmynameat this point, there shouldn't be any extra work for us04:04
claygacorwin is always causing trouble like that04:04
notmynamebasically, about 4 years ago openstack looked at git-flow and said, "nah.."04:04
notmynameso while acorwin is totally right, it's not the *only* right way to do things ;-)04:05
claygkota_: following on notmyname's comments - if the 1.0.7 works out then we're totally going to rip out the hack and everyone should be happy (you should test that when the patch comes up tho!)04:05
claygkota_: although even if we can't get 1.0.7 - we ARE doing a RC2 - and I'd probably take a patch that does - *something* - with the encode/decode vs. reconstruct thing04:06
claygonly jerasure was effected by the bug in 1.0.6 and I nieavly thought other backends would as well - or even less likely the jerasure would be the most commonly deployed option04:07
claygkota_: now that we know the hack only helps with jerasure on 1.0.6 and might even cause problems on other backends - i'd be much more keen on having it able to turn off04:08
claygkota_: ... so - anyway RC2 is happening - but soon - so if there's something we want in there - we have got to figure that out ASAP04:08
claygnotmyname: on that - do we have to wait for a verdict on global requirements to *propose* the 1.0.7 requirements + remove the hack change to master?04:09
claygno matter what happens next I think we'll want 1.0.7 in the requirements during liberty and to remove the hack as soon as we can do that.04:09
notmynameno, we can propose to our repo whenever we want. it won't pass the gate until global requirements accepts it04:09
zaitcevI uploaded the 1.0.7 RPMs for PyECLib and liberasurecode a minute ago. bug 1212148 in Package Review "Review Request: python-pyeclib - Python interface to erasure codes" [Medium,New] - Assigned to nobody04:10
claygit'll fail in the gate or whatever - yeah that04:10
notmynameoh yeah. I completely expect that we'll have it in a matter of (dozens of) hours no matter what. but it sure would be nice to have it in kilo04:10
kota_clayg: I had a meeting and back now and reading by the log.04:12
claygzaitcev: i keep thinking i should try out tdasilva's fedora based all-in-one - the fact that you seem to have packaging together way better that distros give me more reason to think I may not have a good reason for using ubuntu as often as I do04:12
zaitcevclayg: You could, but I suspect it's going to be too much of a change for you. You're productive as you are.04:13
claygzaitcev: like basically anytime I'm spinning up a linux server/vm/cloud/instance w/e - I always pick ubuntu - but half the time when I log onto a box or am troubleshooting some issue looking back over 8 years or so it's rhel/fedora04:13
claygand i'm not even that good at debian - cirtainly not building debs04:14
claygat least a spec file makes some sense04:14
claygpeople laugh at me because i'm as likly to use aptitude than remember if info or show is a subcommand of apt-get or apt-cache04:15
zaitcevI heard that RPMs were frendlier from people who have to do both. And I'll be happy to help you out immediately in case of problems. I just don't see what you're buying by switching.04:15
claygzaitcev: i'm not so sure i'm that productive - or that i wouldn't be more productive with a different distro04:15
claygzaitcev: mostly i'd be wanting to get YOUR PACKAGES IN MY DEV WORKFLOW :)04:16
claygi've built (well fumbled around copying from other things that work until my result passes my limiting testing) both rpms and debs and rpms are *much* better04:17
zaitcevHmm... I suspect you have a grass is greener thing. The review I linked above is not through yet. So, I uploaded my packages to, but e.g. if you run "yum update openstack-swift" they aren't going to be picked as it is now. Just making sure you don't feel bait-and-switched.04:18
claygoh heh04:18
claygi should probably still use fedora in dev more than i do (i.e. more than none at all)04:19
zaitcevBy all means04:19
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claygnotmyname: maybe a working session where tdasilva and I both try to get eveyone to install vagrant-swift-all-in-one and SAIO ansible playbook by talking over each other about all the neat things they can do to aid your developer productivity?04:20
claygalirhgt playbook do your thing - vagrant up up UP!04:23
notmynameclayg: I think there's merit in an intro to swift for contributors fishbowl session. vSAIO is definitely something for that04:23
claygdfg: did you ever get notified on this ->
zaitcevThat vagrant thing looked amazing at hackathon.04:25
claygdfg: I'm sorta keen on dusting that back off - i sorta have some other ideas of stuff I want to try04:25
claygdfg: related to
claygnotmyname: there's merrit for old schoolers too - you guys are just to curmudgedy to recognize04:26
notmynamespeaking as if you aren't one of the cumudgen-y old-schoolers? ;-)04:26
claygi'm enlightened04:27
clayg(or possibly just drinking scotch)04:27
notmynamecarry on. I've got my own glass here04:28
kota_done, reading and got a summary. For kilo, we should do the change ASAP but we have to wait global requirements accepted for now. even if not reaching till kilo release we could achieve the bump and removing the hack ASAP for liberty target.04:31
kota_and +1 for the vagrant-swift-all-in-onw session :P04:34
claygThe executable 'ansible-playbook' Vagrant is trying to run was not found04:39
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claygis there a way to do a PR to a project you're not a contributor to w/o a fork?04:58
claygi always end up with forks for projects just to make trivial fixes04:58
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mattoliverauno idea, I've always forked first05:52
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/swift: Imported Translations from Transifex
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notmynamettx says monday or tuesday for another rc06:37
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openstackgerritTushar Gohad proposed openstack/swift: Bump PyECLib version from 1.0.3 to 1.0.7
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openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/swift: Fix best response to return correct status
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openstackgerritTushar Gohad proposed openstack/swift: Bump PyECLib version from 1.0.3 to 1.0.7
openstackgerritKamil Rykowski proposed openstack/swift: More user-friendly output for object metadata
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openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Don't apply the wrong Etag validation to rebuilt fragments
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Filter Etag key from ssync replication-headers
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openstackgerritPrashanth Pai proposed openstack/swift: versioned writes middleware
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openstackgerritEran Rom proposed openstack/swift-specs: New middleware for Openstack Swift allowing to dynamically add compute functions along the pipeline, without the need to epxlicitly add new middleware.
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openstackgerritDenis Cavalcante proposed openstack/swift: Add storage policy support for sorting method
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: Don't apply the wrong Etag validation to rebuilt fragments
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openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed openstack/swift: Fix best response to return correct status
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tab__Hi there I would have a question regarding swift-ring-builder and swift-ring-builder account.builder create 16 2 113:05
tab__Hi there I would have a question regarding swift-ring-builder command. Let's say I want to save data with two replicas so i create these commands: swift-ring-builder account.builder create 16 2 1, swift-ring-builder container.builder create 16 2 1, swift-ring-builder object.builder create 16 2 113:07
tab__in case when I want to create another policy for saving data with 4 replicas13:07
tab__do i just call on this command swift-ring-builder object.builder create 15 4 113:07
tab__or is also needed commands for account and container so to have the same type of redundancy13:09
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acolestab__: you can have different level of redundancy in object vs container vs account rings13:31
acolestab__: and you only have one account and one container ring in a cluster13:31
acolestab__: so you just need to create a second object ring for your second policy13:32
acolestab__: btw, in your example your second object ring builder file should have a different name to first e.g. object-1.builder13:32
openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Make the reaper use same timestamp for replica deletes
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petertr7Hi - if anyone has a moment or expertise on CORS, I would really appreciate some help with my question on Ask.Openstack:
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claygacoles: why you deserve to take a few easy ones15:19
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claygacoles: but man, you really fixed the heck out of that tombstone reaper bug15:19
acolesclayg: :)15:20
acolesclayg: as ALWAYS its a few mins to fix the code and then hours in the tests :/15:20
hurricanerixGood morning everyone15:21
acolesclayg: like, why am I not getting an X-Backend-Timestamp returned? oh, cos we aren't sending policy index ;)15:21
acoleshurricanerix: hi15:21
hurricanerixLooks like I will be making it to Vancouver. =)15:23
acoleshurricanerix: great!15:24
hurricanerixacoles: Yeah, this will be my first Summit, so I am looking forward to it.15:25
acolesits a great location too15:25
hurricanerixOh nice, any recommendations of things to do?  My wife is flying out on the Saturday after OpenStack, and we are going to stay an extra week.15:26
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claygacoles: how do you know I didn't *mean* "inexplicitly"15:27
* clayg is pretty sure that's a word15:27
claygi think it means implicitly - right?  if it's in-explicit15:27
acolesclayg: oops, sorry, i thought you meant couldn't be explained, i didn't know inexplicit was a word15:30
claygacoles: crap man - i was kidding - i'm sure that's not a word - you knew exactly what I ment15:31
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acolesclayg: but google says it *is*15:31
* acoles would hate to upset clayg15:31
claygwhy!?  a) it's almost impossible to do b) I *deserve* it!?15:32
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acoleshurricanerix: stanley park is nice, cypress mountain iirc, drive up to whisper are things i have done on previous visits15:32
claygacoles: why have you been to vancouver?15:33
acolesclayg: i hae friends there - i guy i was once in a band with!15:33
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acolesbut not bryan adams!15:33
pelusea band?  what did you play?15:34
claygi have this huge smile on my face right now15:34
acolespeluse: the fool. tadum :D15:34
acolesbass guitar15:34
claygof *course* you play bass15:34
pelusekeving and I both play guitar (thrash metal stuff)15:35
pelusewe should start a punk band or something15:35
acolesso this friends went to vancouver for a 9 month work placement 21 years ago15:35
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hurricanerixacoles: nice, thanks for the recommendations.15:36
acolespeluse: my sons may be a better bet than me these days15:36
acoleshurricanerix: idk if the time of year is right for whale sight seeing trips15:36
acoleshurricanerix: we gave a day to that and saw a bear :P15:37
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acolespeluse: so back in the day we were inxs/rush inspired - at least the others were - i just played bass :/15:38
peluserush - way cool15:38
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acolespeluse: my friend wanted to go to london and be full time musos, but i was earning a wage and liked that. so he became an actuary, i guess to rub my nose in it :)15:40
pelusewe've go to have more fun than an actuary though!15:41
acolesi think so15:43
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acolesrsFF: are you here?15:59
notmynamegood morning16:01
notmynamejust checking emails, irc buffers before going to the office16:04
notmynameI love that acoles play{s,ed} bass in a band!16:04
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acolesclayg: i like this but you raised the bug, you like the formatting?16:09
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notmynameok, looks like there have been some changes overnight to RC patches16:20
notmynameproposed/kilo branches don't exist any more. surprise!16:21
notmynamethey are now stable/kilo16:21
notmynameso the patches we land on master for rc2 need to be backported there (`git review stable/kilo`)16:21
notmynamewell, not that cmd exactly16:22
notmynamerebase/cherry pick to stable/kilo first, then git review16:22
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acolespeluse: i left a comment on the dup'd FI GET trello card16:23
acolespeluse: basically agree with clayg ^^16:23
openstackgerritKamil Rykowski proposed openstack/swift: Replaced setting run_pause with standard interval
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notmynameI'm trying to follow what clayg wrote in
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notmynameoh, I got it16:33
notmynamekilling the 3rd drive isn't that there are 3 FAa gone16:33
peluseyeah, that 'history' part was my experiment back when we were providing the FI as a hint on all GETs (as the node index)16:34
acolesnotmyname: i *think* the long post with 'Some history' is out of date info wrt to what landed16:35
acolesoh, what peluse said !16:35
peluseit don't work like that no more :)16:35
pelusebut still a related exposure just much much less16:36
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notmynamecommute time16:45
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openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack/swift: Allow middleware to override metadata header checking
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acolesi'm calling it a day.17:24
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notmynamehelloo, again17:42
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claygacoles_away: yeah i don't have a strong opinion on patch 164019 - it's great i'm sure17:57
claygnotmyname: interesting so patch 174138 merged to master and is needed for RC2 - so I should 'git review stable/kilo' or some such syntax - or you can do that?18:11
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/python-swiftclient: Uncap library requirements for liberty
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notmynameclayg: done:
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/swift: Updated from global requirements
openstackgerritDenis Cavalcante proposed openstack/swift: Add storage policy support for sorting method
openstackgerritDenis Cavalcante proposed openstack/swift: Add storage policy support for sorting method
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openstackgerritSamuel Merritt proposed openstack/swift: Fix conflict SLO reponse
openstackgerritSamuel Merritt proposed openstack/swift: Functional test for SLO PUT overwriting one of its own segments
rsFFhi acoles,18:44
claygpeluse: acoles_away: so you know how if you send an object server an etag via ssync that doesn't match the md5 of the body of the object the object server returns 42218:51
notmynamenow I understand all the stuff that we need to fix for RC. thanks clayg. also, if you have questions, ask clayg ;-)18:51
claygthere's a nother case when an object server will return a conflict if it thinks the data your sending it isn't "good for it" in some way18:52
claygpeluse: acoles_away: can you GUESS what header might trigger and http 4xx error when ssync tries to rebuild a fragment to what was previously a handoff node?18:53
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notmynamereview dashboards updated to not include ec sections. (see topic)19:13
claygtorgomatic: I might need to riff with you on the desired behavior of this double_handoff_revert testcase i'm writing19:17
claygtorgomatic: it has something to do with how we're going to handle X-If-Fragment-Not-In: <csv-of-fragments-proxy-already-has>19:17
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peluse /msg NickServ identify intel32120:56
pelusewell thats nice20:56
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notmynamepeluse: you ok? :-)21:02
pelusemy client is all jacked up21:03
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pelusejust another day in paradise :)21:03
notmynamepeluse: I'd suggest you change your password. also, I recommend 1Password. doesn't matter what you use. just use something21:03
peluseyeah, I can't even do that now, tells me I'm not logged in21:03
notmynamewbhuber_: did you mean to ask in here?21:03
wbhuber_yep here it is:21:04
wbhuber_Regarding erasure code installation with Swift 2.3.0, I've been trying to deliver a patch on the swift installation (via SAIO) with the right pyeclib version.  I thought of moving the step 5 in "Getting the code" section before building a development installation of swift.  Do you have any concerns with this change?   My first try was to insert the python-pyeclib earlier in the doc, particularly the installing dependencies s21:04
wbhuber_but that wouldn't have worked since it is an older version (1.0.5 vs 1.0.7).21:04
wbhuber_this was mentioned yesterday during the swift mtg.21:04
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notmynamewbhuber_: do you have a patch up for review now?21:06
wbhuber_no, not yet.  just wondered if you guys have a concern with this nit of doc change.21:06
wbhuber_ill get something out in a review later today21:07
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notmynamewbhuber_: it's probably totally fine21:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/swift: More user-friendly output for object metadata
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VinshHey there swift...  question about this:23:10
Vinshswift-init container-server.1 container-server.2 start23:10
VinshStarting container-server...(/etc/swift/container-server/2.conf)23:10
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Vinshswift-init claims to accept multiple servers to start in one line.. but seems to be skipping the first one for me23:11
Vinshwhat am I doing wrong?23:11
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zaitcevWhat does happen if you do  swift-init container-server.2 container-server.1 start  ?23:19
VinshIn this case it will stay with 2...   It seams to glue to which ever started first in a session for subsequent attempts.23:20
zaitcevI suspect you don't have a useable config for 123:21
zaitcevls -l /etc/swift/container-server/23:21
VinshIf I start 1 on its own with swift-init it works.  I think that the syntax for swift-init is telling me to do this for example:23:21
Vinshswift-init object-server.1 container-server.1 start23:22
Vinshvs 2 of the same server type on one line.23:22
VinshBummer, I was hoping I could start both the object-server commands at one time.23:22
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