Wednesday, 2016-03-23

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openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/storlets: Use contextmanager for storlet invocation descriptors
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eranromHi Kota13:00
kota_eranrom: :)13:00
eranromDo you know if Takashi plans on joining?13:01
eranromHi Takashi13:01
kota_takashi: o/13:01
takashieranrom, kota_: o/13:01
eranromI wrote a couple of items in the agenda:
kota_ok, looking13:02
eranromUnfortunatelly, I do not think URV guys are joining today, but I can update you on their doings.13:03
kota_eranrom: what does URV mean?13:03
eranromURV is a university in spain, we are working with on a eu reseach project13:04
kota_ah, ok. cool.13:05
eranromso they have done a couple of cool things:13:06
eranrom1. They added storlet pipelining13:06
eranromwhich means that one can invoke more then one storlet at a time - say first compress and then encrypt13:07
eranrom2. They added the ability to run on object also in PUT - I still need to learn about the use case here - which means the computation is made X313:08
eranrom3. they added policies mechanism that allows to e.g. run a decompression storlet automatically if the object is found to be compressed13:08
eranromI am trying to encourage them to contribute back, at least some of the stuff...13:08
takashieranrom: cool13:09
eranromyeah, would be really great to increase our community :-)13:10
kota_sounds awesome :-)13:10
eranromBeing in spain, they are very interested to make something for the next summit in Barcelona13:10
eranromOtherwise, pluse asked me if we are an official OS project. Aparently, we are pretty much qualified13:11
eranromWanted to ask you for your take on this.13:11
kota_I'm with :-)13:12
eranromok, cool. I will have a deper look at the requirements and get back. what I recall so far is that we need:13:13
eranrom1. to have a mailing list13:13
kota_when asking to my boss about that, he don't have opposite opinion, just curious how it works for us/coummity.13:13
eranromkota_,: I am not sure exactly what it means. nor am I sure that the current OS documentation is very clear on that. Anyway I will have a deeper look and also send the link to the relevant OS docs13:14
takashieranrom: Requirements for OpenStack official project was changed when big-tent was introduced, and I'm not so sure about the latest one13:15
eranromI hope that what pluse sent me is the latest one.13:15
kota_eranrom: that sounds enough thanks.13:15
takashibut I think it's more open for each community than before :-)13:15
eranromwhich is good...13:15
eranromalright. next is the log upload feature13:16
eranromThe original use case was for end users to be able to have a log of the actual execution of their storlets13:17
eranromI am not sure it works in all cases, and I am less sure that we have done a proper desing work for it.13:17
eranromat the time (before we were open) we needed something quick to have the ability13:17
eranromfor an internal Hackathon13:18
eranromThe reason I brought it up, is that Takashi made some good remarks on the code, and I was not sure we want to continue maintaining this13:18
takashieranrom: Does that feature work now? I think I saw a bug report which says we should fix that.13:18
takashi(I didn't test it yet13:19
eranromwell, I am not sure. I think that it may work for either GET or PUT but not both (and surely not in COPY)13:19
takashieranrom: ok13:20
eranromalso, I think that a better approach would be - not ot upload on every execution, but rather expose an API to get it.13:20
eranromI see two options:13:20
eranrom1. We kill the feature13:20
eranrom2. We re-design - re-implement13:20
eranromI guess the question is whether you thing this is important13:21
takashieranrom: let me sure about my understanding13:21
takashiUsing log feature, storlet log, generated by storlet java application, is stored as a object in the swift after storlet execution13:22
eranromtakashi: correct13:22
takashiso with that feature, application developers can see how their application works on storlet platform13:23
kota_ah, got it now :)13:23
takashiI think the feature is needed, because these application logs are not for operators, but application developers13:24
takashiIt helps them to know how their application works on the storlet. They can find the reason why their application does not work in error case.13:25
eranromI have a couple of thoughts here:13:25
eranrom1. Have a tool where developers can test their storlet locally. Perhaps an embedding of the storlet engine outside of Swift13:26
eranrom2. Improve the logging so that each onvocation gets to a different file - currently, parallel invocation on the same node get to the same log file13:27
eranrom3. consider changing the API so as to get it on demand rather then upload upon execution13:28
eranromSo it needs some re-design IMO13:28
takashifor 1, yes. It's very useful :-)13:29
takashifor 2, yes. Now I think adding transaction-id to log name may work, but need some more thought about it.13:30
eranromok, I am happy to write a new desing for review. Might take a couple of weeks13:30
takashifor 3, I'm not sure. I think uploading a log file as swift object is a good idea, for me.13:30
takashieranrom: ok. I'm waiting for that, or I'll send you my idea if I get.13:31
eranromalright. So once I have something I will post it in IRC13:32
takashieranrom: thx :-)13:33
eranromAnything else for today?13:33
takashia small one13:33
takashiIf you have some time, please review patch 29435813:34
patchbottakashi: - storlets - Use contextmanager for storlet invocation descriptors13:34
takashiThis is the last patch which introduces contextmanager for fds13:34
eranromsure, will do - hopefully today13:34
takashiI'm going to do two things after that patch get merged13:34
takashi1. Make sure all fds are closed in error case13:34
takashi2. Refactor InvocationProtocols. I'm writing my draft as patch 296422 now, but should rebase it.13:35
patchbottakashi: - swift - Use logger.exception when generating logs about ex...13:35
takashioh, sorry. wrong one13:35
eranromsouds great.13:35
takashipatch 29587513:35
patchbottakashi: - swift - [WIP] Pass logger instances to AccountBroker/Conta...13:35
takashiI think I should be more careful...13:36
eranrom:-) no worries13:36
takashipatch 29440613:36
patchbottakashi: - storlets - Merge StorletInvocationXXXProtocol13:36
takashiYes, this is the right one!13:36
eranromDo you think there may be a way to automate the fd leak test?13:36
eranromI never gave it any thought13:36
eranrommight be impossible13:37
takashieranrom: I'm wondering if we can add some checking in unit tests, but not sure now13:37
takashithat's all from me today13:38
eranromtakashi,: thanks. BTW also thank you for reviewing the container sync patch.13:39
takashieranrom: you are doing great job about that!13:40
eranromand thanks for joining.13:40
kota_eranrom: thanks!13:41
takashieranrom, kota_: thx13:41
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/storlets: Use contextmanager for storlet invocation descriptors
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