Monday, 2016-01-25

openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/storlets: Add unittests for verify_access
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openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/storlets: Add unittests for verify_access
cdorontakashi: we are having some trouble with the storlets installation script. We are using a script which we download from the internet. Currently, when you run it you get the following message: You're using an outdated location for the script, please use the one available from
cdorontakashi: as a result, the functional tests cannot pass07:44
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openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/storlets: Use sphyinx compatible comment format
openstackgerritTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/storlets: Use sphinx compatible comment format
kota_reading the abstruct, it seems great.08:44
kota_takashi: i think "demonstrate the use case" is for IBM and "present a PoC" is for NTT.08:46
takashicdoron: sorry for my late response. so we have to resolve that pip problem to pass the gate testing08:46
kota_takashi: so just seems to be needed to add "at IBM" between "the use case" and "and" in the last paragraph.08:47
takashikota_: sounds good for me! :-)08:48
takashicdorom: So now we have to improve and merge patch 270988 , to allow other patches to get merged, right?08:52
patchbottakashi: - update location of get-pip script08:52
takashikota_: The main reason of my previous comment is that I'm interested in the integration of storlets and Spark in IBM08:54
cdorontakashi: yes. I haven't had the time to see why patch 270988 doesn't work either08:55
patchbotcdoron: - update location of get-pip script08:55
takashikota_: and I thought we can make the abstruct more atractive, if we will present some test result about that.08:55
takashikota_: but your idea also sounds good for me. :-)  so I think it's depends on what they'll talk in the summit08:56
takashicdoron: OK. I'm also going to check that patch.08:59
kota_eranrom: can i make sure all presenters except NTT staffs for Austin summit in your plan?09:18
kota_eranrom: i expected just only you from IBM but not sure, for now :/09:18
kota_eranrom: it is needed to get green light from NTT09:23
takashicdoron: It seems that the jenkins failed to install docker registry because it found the inconpatible python-simplejson, maybe installed via apt. I think we have to fix the installation scrpit.09:31
takashicdoron: The log says docker-registry needs python-simplejson 3.1.3, but the env already has 3.3.1 installed via apt (when installing swift and keystone), which can't get uninstalled in pip.09:34
openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/storlets: Add meeting and irc info into  CONTRIBUTING.rst
takashibut I'm not sure why we did not meet this error before... :-(09:42
cdorontakashi: would you like to try fixing patch 270988 ?09:48
patchbotcdoron: - update location of get-pip script09:48
takashicdoron: I'd like to do, but unfortunately I can't take time for that soon... :-(09:51
cdorontakashi: okay. Eran and I will try to fix this. Thanks!09:51
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openstackgerritDoron Chen proposed openstack/storlets: update location of get-pip script
openstackgerritDoron Chen proposed openstack/storlets: update location of get-pip script
openstackgerritMerged openstack/storlets: update location of get-pip script
openstackgerritDoron Chen proposed openstack/storlets: add support for sending parameters through headers
openstackgerritDoron Chen proposed openstack/storlets: Add meeting and irc info into  CONTRIBUTING.rst
openstackgerritDoron Chen proposed openstack/storlets: Use sphinx compatible comment format
openstackgerritDoron Chen proposed openstack/storlets: Add unittests for verify_access
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