Wednesday, 2016-05-04

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odyssey4metonyb any luck with that requirements web of horrible brokenness?07:28
kashyapCan someone review & +W this, a clean upstream backport that impacts users --
kashyap(Not the backport that impacts users, but the bug, which this change fixes. :-) )07:43
tonybodyssey4me: my day didn't go as planned but I'll look at it now07:56
odyssey4methanks tonyb - let me know if I can help in any way07:57
tonybodyssey4me: Thanks07:58
tonybodyssey4me: you're right that is a mess.08:05
odyssey4meyeah, I don't know what the best solution is there - either revert that change and try to unwind things more granularly, or to step selected requirements forward a bit, or change the lower bound?08:06
tonybWe need to unwind things so that u-c selects 1.7.2 rather than 2.0.0 for python-openstackclient if I read the branch config correctly08:14
odyssey4meperhaps I see that 1.8.0 has the same oslo.config requirement - then 1.9.0 jumps08:25
odyssey4meit's a little concerning that none of the tests are picking this up :/08:27
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kashyaptonyb: apevec: Thanks, both!09:15
Davieytonyb: hey09:20
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odyssey4memtreinish where do I register a bug for g-r/u-c for stable/liberty ?12:42
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mriedemmrunge: are you good with this?
mriedemdoug-fish: ^13:19
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doug-fishmriedem: I am!13:27
mrungemriedem, hmm, good question.13:36
mrungemriedem, chrome is non free, but it does the job more reliable :-/13:37
kashyapmrunge: Been using Chromium just fine :-)13:51
kashyapBut I admit, on F22, it was crashing to hell and back.  On F23 and above it's much better.13:51
mrungekashyap, that patch explicitly configures "Chrome"13:52
kashyapmrunge: Yeah, just noticed it.13:52
mrungeI wonder how that's distributable with linux distributions13:53
mrungekashyap, is chromium already in Fedora? I somehow doubt that13:53
kashyapmrunge: No, it's not, I'm afraid.  I'm using Tom Callaway's repo13:53
mrungeok, thanks for the confirmation13:54
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kashyapmrunge: Oh, look, my info is outdated, there's an in-progress Fedora package review here: bug 1270322 in Package Review "Review Request: chromium - A WebKit (Blink) powered web browser" [Medium,Assigned] - Assigned to zbyszek13:56
mrungeuh oh, currently blocked by glibc cross compiled for arm. thanks for the pointer kashyap !13:58
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odyssey4metonyb mriedem FYI
mriedemok, will check it out in a bit15:00
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mriedemodyssey4me: +215:18
odyssey4methanks mriedem15:19
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mriedemarmax: mestery: there is a request for freeze exception in the ML for stable/kilo + neutron
mriedemthe related bug doesn't even have severity set19:37
armaxmriedem: looking19:37
mriedemlooks like some kind of mess with the arista plugin19:37
mriedemanyway, fyi19:37
armaxmriedem: if kilo is security vulnerability only as I expect, I don’t think the exception should be warranted19:39
mriedemyup, it is19:39
armaxmriedem: irrespective as to whether this is a plugin specific issue or not19:39
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