Thursday, 2016-09-15

bkeropleia2: Okay, JJB reviewed.00:10
pleia2down to 40200:10
clarkbthats 20% ish?00:11
bkeroSotK, Zara: Do we stlil have those scripts to pull bug day contributions down?00:11
pleia2yeah, 496 to 40200:11
bkeroMy boss likes to know what I'm up to so I can keep doing these bug squashes.00:11
pleia2I scheduled this for 24 hours, so I'll leave the channel open until 1600 tomorrow in case jhesketh or anyone wants to go over any of the remaining projects ;)00:12
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jheskethpleia2: sadly I don't think I'll be able to get to sorry.. so much to do before I fly :-(00:14
pleia2jhesketh: I certainly understand that!00:14
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Zarare: bugs and features, I've been using tags for that. it should be possible to filter an automatic worklist by those tags later, so that makes sense to me.09:16
Zara(as for scripts to pull down contributions, I don't think I made those last time. I think I can magic something up that fetches events by user id.)09:21
SotKI had a thing that did it, but its on a machine I don't have access to right now I think09:22
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Zaraahhh, right, I think I can do it anyway09:30
Zara(it'll start getting events from the start of the bugsquash until after and match on a user's id)09:30
SotKthat seems like a sensible approach :)09:37
Zarahah, now this would be easier if the python client supported the events endpoint yet.09:38
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Zara(I'm working away at it, anyway, should be something ready by the time folks wake up)10:07
Zara+ I'll document these scripts someplace10:07
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Zarathis particular script will take ages to run, so I've turned it into a race.10:24
Zaraat this rate I'll have time to animate some pygame cars before it's done10:25
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Zarayou know what's not very smart? querying per story and then again per event...11:51
* Zara runs a more sensible version of her script11:51
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Zara(I'm not sure exactly what data people want, this is just numbers for 'did something to a story on/after the 14th sept', but I'll paste the script in the etherpad so people can see how to refine:12:19
Zaraliz: 11312:19
Zaraclark: 7612:19
Zarabkero: 9112:19
Zara(so currently that's just numbers for any changes, rather than 'number of stories affected' or something)12:19
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Zaraoh, maybe I should've said-- I updated the etherpad at the bottom
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clarkbthat says I did something I will accept it :)15:01
clarkbZara: good ot know about using tags for bugs/features/wishlist15:01
ZaraI can modify it so it says 'number of marvellous changes by clarkb' if that's likely to be more impressive :P15:03
clarkbZara: the other thing I had was dealing with duplicates. I just made a comment in each story pointing at the other saying "this other story is a duplicate" is there a better way to do that?15:03
Zarano, we've been using comments (with a link to the duplicate)15:04
ZaraI suppose you could tag as well but I don't know that it adds anything15:04
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pleia2thanks Zara15:36
pleia2marking something as duplicate is very nice in other trackers, comments get a bit lost in noise when a bug gets lengthy15:37
pleia2using labels for things like wishlist is ok if we can search by them, but I think we were struggling with remembering what tags we used (feature vs. wishlist, gatefailure vs gate-failure, for instance) so it may also be nice to see what tags we've used before for a group maybe15:41
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bkeroZara: \o/ thanks17:02
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