Wednesday, 2016-06-22

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Zarastoryboard bugsquash time!11:00
ZaraI know there's little in life more exciting than fixing storyboard bugs11:01
Zarabut please, form an orderly queue11:01
Zarafor the next 24 hours, I'll be checking on this channel more than I normally do, to answer questions, etc11:01
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Zarastories which include tasks that are relatively easy to get started with are listed in this worklist:!/worklist/7611:03
Zarahey pedro11:03
pedroalvarezhi! :)11:03
Zaraso for newcomers, some of those stories have a mix of harder and easier tasks, so it's worth asking questions here or in #storyboard if something catches your eye!11:03
ZaraI've probably missed a bunch of stuff, so everyone ask as many questions as it takes to get me to make sense. :)11:04
Zarawe should be both fixing bugs and marking old bug reports 'invalid', so I may ping around about things11:05
Zaraalso idk if I'm meant to change this channel topic or something11:06
Zarahi there11:14
SotKwell, I'm writing a patch to be able to edit comments11:14
SotKbut then I might sprint a bit11:15
ZaraI think my sprinting will involve me updating all those old patches I started on ages ago11:15
Zarain general they are bugsquashy patches11:16
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Zarahi persia!12:13
Zarait's quiet in here at the moment; imagine most folks will wake up in a few12:14
Zarafor newcomers, things in review live: , and,n,z12:24
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ttxyay storyboard12:39
Zarait's a slow sprint at the moment; literally everyone else in the room I'm sitting in has gone to lunch.12:40
Zaraat some point I want to go through old stories and ask people how valid they still are, but I think I should wait for more people to wake up for that12:41
Zarain the meantime,!/worklist/76 collects some of the stories with smallish tasks12:41
ttxYeah, I'm pretty busy today, I hope to carve up time to look into some bugs tomorrow morning12:41
Zara:) thank you12:42
Zarathe sprint ostensibly continues until 11:00 UTC tomorrow, but we'll be around in #storyboard as usual after that... so it's the same as always for us.12:42
ttxthe new timeline looks really good fwiw :)12:42
Zarayes! SotK is the best! :D12:43
ZaraSotK ^12:43
Zarawell he's at lunch but he'll see that eventually12:44
jroll\o/ for sprints!12:59
ZaraI'm less sprinting and more wandering along, but we'll get there.13:07
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Zarajust a note that we're still sprinting away, though all conversation is ongoing in #storyboard because we never got the hang of this here sprint channel thingamibob14:28
ZaraI'll post to that effect in here every so often14:28
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fungiheh, thanks for the heads up15:43
fungiand yeah, i'll echo ttx's sentiments. busy but want to free myself up to do some sb-related stuff later today and tomorrow15:44
anteayafungi: can you change the channel topic?15:52
anteayaso we don't have much in the etherpad yet15:53
anteayaare we just linking to worklists in storyboard?15:53
fungithe wiki section should link to the etherpad or wherever else you're working, so we can have just one url in the topic15:53
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anteayafungi: thank you15:56
fungiyou're welcome15:57
anteayaokay so regarding the nova bug needs16:03
anteayathanks for looking at the nova bug etherpad Zara, I had wondered if there was something out there and you already found it16:04
anteayamy plan for approaching marcus from nova was to have the gerrit storyboard integration in place first16:04
anteayathen ask him to try it out and ask if there was any blocking thing preventing nova team from using storyboard16:05
anteayawhich is why I hadn't gone digging myself yet16:05
anteayaare there other things on the nova etherpad list that you have started implimenting?16:05
anteayaI ask because I have not looked at the nova bug list16:05
anteayaand part of how I see my role as facilitator is to move things which are not things that are blocking migration and which potentially might cause conflict which we don't need from the lists16:06
anteayaand I don't see this as a migration blocking feature16:07
anteayabut i do foresee a boatload of bikeshedding on it which could bog us down for some time, to no good effect for an adoption decision16:07
anteayaso now with gerrit storyboard integration in place my one and only quesiton is there any functionality missing preventing you from working should we migrate to storyboard right now16:09
anteayato that end I do see api docs being very important16:09
persiaAnd probably overview docs to set the basic semantics.16:11
anteayapersia: I've started something here if you would care to review:
persiaYep.  I should have less travel soon, so I can add to that.16:13
anteayapersia: add to that meaning review it or add to that meaning add a child patch?16:13
anteayaI do want to expand it but haven't gotten any feedback on basic choices like capitlization and use of the :guilabel: syntax16:14
persiaI don't know yet :). If it merges before I review, obviously the latter.16:14
anteayawhich is why it is as short as it is16:14
anteayaoh well I am looking for reviews at the moment so we can get some agreement on the choices I made for the patch16:14
Zarawow, backscroll! (was afk)16:15
ZaraI think that's the first time I've seen the sprint etherpad, I'm fine with people using it or not as they see fit. I've just been linking things in the channel but I can put them there16:16
Zarathat's probably better for posterity anyway16:16
Zaraoh, nvm, been done16:16
Zarathanks anteaya16:16
anteayaZara: yes and helps if we get any newcomers as using an etherpad for a sprint is what many other projects do16:16
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anteayawelcome :)16:16
anteayaI just read the backscroll and copy pasted your links16:17
anteayaback in a minute16:17
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Zaranp, thanks :)16:17
ZaraI've already said where i stand on the guide so I don't have much to add yet; still in 'see if it helps people in this bugsquash' mode16:18
ZaraI'm also trying to make an effort to actually make stories for annoying things, and tomorrow will see about cleaning outthe old ones16:21
Zaraso that worklist should get bigger16:21
Zarain the meantime, if people want details on tasks in stories int eh worklist, etherpad is probably the best place for me to note which are low-hanging-fruit16:22
Zarabut it's quite a lot of effort to go through it all16:22
Zaraso I'd rather if someone says 'hey, this story looks interesting; which tasks are the small ones?', then I can note them16:23
Zaraon a per-story basis16:23
anteayafair enough16:23
anteayaSotK: what headway if any have you been able to make on expanding teh api documentation16:24
Zaraotherwise, it might cut into time that'd be better-spent reviewing or patching or filing stories, and I'm not sure how many people to expect16:24
anteayaSotK: I would like to help with that16:24
ZaraI can't spell, today :)16:24
anteayaZara: I can't spell any day16:24
Zarawell tbf I end up saying that every day16:24
SotKanteaya: none yet :)16:24
anteayaSotK: okey dokey16:25
anteayaSotK: any thoughts on what I can do to be most helpful?16:25
anteayapleia2: did identify the section on tokens needs to be expanded16:25
anteayaand I do think the api docs need examples16:25
anteayaI don't know how we fit examples in with the way it is generated16:25
anteayabut I do feel we need examples16:25
SotKexamples for the endpoints documentation?16:26
anteayawell that would be a start16:26
anteayaexamples of any api command our users expect to run16:26
anteayaso far I don't see any examples in the api docs, or are they there and I can't see them16:27
SotKthat means the same thing to me16:27
* SotK goes to look at wsme's autodoc stuff16:27
Zarabtw, all, SotK is politely helping out, but he is ill, and should really go home and rest at the first opportunity!16:28
anteayaSotK: oh my16:29
anteayaSotK: if you are sick, go home16:29
anteayaSotK: be well16:29
anteayaSotK: there is always tomorrow16:29
Zarait's already half 5 for us, so please encourage him to go to bed already.16:29
anteayathanks for your help but go take care of yourself16:29
anteayaSotK: see you tomorrow16:29
SotKI will soon16:29
anteayadrink lots of water and get lots of sleep16:29
Zarahe's stubbornly sitting there. I give up.16:31
SotKI suspect the easiest way to provide examples will be to include them in the docstrings of the various methods16:32
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anteayaSotK: yes, seems that we should just opt to abuse the autodoc feature rather than trying to fight it16:33
anteayaI'm reading
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anteayaSotK: I was going to take a try at tokens to start16:44
anteayaSotK: what do you want to start with?16:44
Zaraah, he's gone to catch a tram16:51
Zarahe might look back in a bit, but I hope he doesn't.16:52
Zaraproblem is if I go 'GO HOME YOU ARE ILL' he takes it as a challenge. ¬_¬16:52
anteayayeah I know that behaviour16:52
anteayaglad he has gone to find a tram16:53
ZaraI mean he will mutter something about free will and how he was going to sit there *anyway* because he had things to do but that's my version and I'm sticking to it. :P16:54
anteayaZara: :)17:02
ZaraI'm leaving for the evening but I'll check back periodically, and maybe even update some stories!17:10
anteayaZara: thank you17:11
anteayahave a good evening17:11
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pleia2o/ zaro17:37
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pleia2zaro: I'm around all day, so just lmk if you need other changes made to get this plugin going17:56
anteayaa patch to expand the api documentation with some examples17:58
anteayanow with link:
pedroalvarezanteaya: +1 to that idea18:14
pleia2anteaya: were does this documentation end up? on the api docs?18:15
anteayapedroalvarez: thank you18:15
pedroalvarezpleia2: here, I believe:
anteayaif you pull it down in your storyboard clone and run tox -edocs it will appear in file:///home/anita/work/storyboard/doc/build/html/webapi/v1.html18:15
anteayaor your path to file18:16
pleia2I'll just wait for the docs job to run :)18:16
anteayapedroalvarez: yeah that's it18:16
pleia2tested all the commands and they work, once I see them inline I'll chime in on the review18:16
pleia2er, rendered18:16
anteayaI'm going to submit a new patch since I need some suggestions on how to address the line wrapping18:16
anteayafor the POST comand18:17
anteayaand yay working commands!18:17
pleia2pedroalvarez: how to verify the've been generated is to either follow anteaya's instructions above, or to wait for the gate-storyboard-docs job to run and then click on the results of that job to see the rendered documentation18:18
pedroalvareztrying the former currently18:19
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anteayaphone person at my house, going to have to pay attention to it now18:26
anteayaback in a bit18:26
pleia2anteaya: gave a wrapping suggestion in the review18:28
anteayapleia2: awesome thanks18:28
anteayagood news is that my modem can get internet in the house18:29
anteayanow we just have to figure out how to get wires without shorts in them into the office18:29
pleia2good luck :)18:29
zara_the_lemur__thanks for working on these. :) I'll look at them first thing tomorrow18:35
anteayazara_the_lemur__: thank you18:48
anteayapleia2: the bashisms don't fix the line wrapping in my local build18:49
anteayaI don't understand why some of my additons are not rendered18:50
pleia2anteaya: can you take a screenshot?18:50
anteayathey are in the docs draft18:51
anteayaunder Create a new task, Modify this task and Delete this task I have Example: TODO in the source yet that isn't rendered in the docs-draft18:52
pleia2ah, that was quick18:52
pleia2I see, I guess it's trying to be clever18:53
anteayaclever doc generation makes me tired18:54
pleia2and I guess Example: is not a known thing in this doc rendering (like18:54
anteayaany idea how we uncleaver it?18:54
pleia2Parameters: and Return type:)18:54
anteayawell it does render the example here:
anteayaso I would accept your argument if it failed to render all my additions in tasks.py18:55
pleia2yeah, but no special formatting18:55
anteayaI don't understand what you mean18:55
pleia2I meant that Parameters: and Return Type: have nice formatting18:56
anteayaoh I don't care about formatting yet18:56
anteayaI just want my additions to be rendered for starters18:56
pleia2they are related18:56
anteayathey don't appear at all, even with unly formating18:56
anteayaI'm not understanding yet, I'll listen for a bit18:56
pleia2heh, maybe I'm confused18:57
anteayawhy does it render Example: curl
anteayabut not Example: curl
pleia2oh, I was looking at
pleia2I thought we were still talking about the line wrapping, sorry18:58
anteayaoh sorry18:58
pleia2is included at all when the api docs are rendered?18:59
pleia2I guess it is19:00
anteayayeah because it renders that one line out of 519:02
pleia2the console output complains near that line in the file, but it renders the other ones it complains about19:04
anteayaokay so an issue we need more input on19:04
anteayalet's go back to your point about line wrapping19:05
anteayaand the bashism not showing up19:05
pleia2finding someone who knows more about how this rendering works would be good19:06
anteayaI just submitted another patchset to make pep8 happy19:11
anteayathen once docs render I'll see if Doug Hellman has a moment to take a peek and offer some direction19:12
anteayaand I have internet again!19:13
pleia2yay :)19:14
anteayausing my phone as a hot spot for multiple hours gives me such a head ache19:16
anteayaI think I'm going to get some food19:17
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anteayadhellmann: hello would you have time to look at this docs-draft: which is a patch to put some examples in the storyboard api docs:
anteayadhellmann: two questions, why are some of my edits not being rendered, for instance this command: curl from line 284 of
anteayadhellmann: and second question, how should I line wrap the example that starts at line 174 in this file:
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anteayastoryboard is using sphinx autodoc:
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anteayadhellmann: and I don't understand autodoc19:36
anteayapersonally I wish it was a lot less clever then I could just edit the docs and get what I wanted, I hope19:36
dhellmannanteaya : looking19:38
anteayathank you19:38
dhellmannanteaya : literal blocks need to start with a double colon and the literal text needs to be indented.19:39
dhellmannanteaya : I commented on the patch where it's possible to do mult-line19:39
anteayathank you19:39
dhellmannanteaya : for the multi-line example if you get the literal formatting right you can insert those backslashes and they will show up in the output19:40
anteayacool, thanks I'll add colons and see what happens19:41
anteayamy gratitude19:41
anteayaalso does the query example help you at all?19:41
anteayais that useful or not useful to you?19:41
dhellmannanteaya : I'm really more interested in being able to do that sort of thing in the UI and bookmark the results than using the API, but if documenting it in the API makes more sense that's a good way to start19:42
anteayadhellmann: okay good to know, so is that command itself of use or do you need more?19:42
dhellmannanteaya : based on the response on the storyboard story where we were discussing this, I'm not sure storyboard actually does what I want with saved queries specifying the individual fields19:42
anteayayeah I haven't come across the concept of saved queries myself in my conversations19:43
anteayaso it is possible that currently storyboard doesn't understand that19:43
dhellmannthere was something like that that you showed me but it has a different name and it didn't seem to let me query in the ways I expect I'll need to19:43
dhellmannyeah, this may not be a thing they expected anyone to want to do, yet19:44
anteayathat is possible19:45
dhellmannanteaya : I want to replace this spreadsheet using something in storyboard so I can assign the individual tasks we were tracking to the project teams:
anteayayou saying you want this is the first I'm hearing of this feature19:45
anteayaright, hmmmm19:45
dhellmannwe wouldn't need the contact detail columns in storyboard, necessarily, since we could use the tool itself to contact the owners19:45
anteayadhellmann: have you time to make a story saying that, then perhaps we can break it down into individual tasks?19:45
dhellmannI think before I can express what I want clearly I need to understand the model storyboard has for tracking stuff a bit better, and that's going to mean me spending time reading documentation and experimenting19:46
dhellmannand I'm not going to have time for that this week, unfortunately19:47
dhellmannthe one thing I'll note is that so far it seems like the UI either assumes stories/tasks are associated with an owner or a project, and the views reflect that assumption19:47
anteayaI understand19:47
dhellmannin my case, I want a more global view19:47
anteayayes, I get that19:47
anteayathe view of all the things19:47
anteayaby the way, gerrit and storyboard can talk to each other now19:48
anteayathat is new19:48
dhellmannok, just trying to boil down what I think is essentially different about what I'm looking for19:48
dhellmannok, nice19:48
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dhellmannso when a patch merges a story status is updated?19:48
anteayaright now we have storyboard-dev and review-dev able to talk to each other19:48
anteayadhellmann: oh yeah, I'm grateful to hear your thoughts19:49
anteayaand think talking about it a few times will distill it19:49
* dhellmann is trying to be helpful and not flail about with vague feature requests19:49
anteayahappy to keep chatting about this until we find something actionable19:49
anteayaaren't we all19:49
anteayaand thank you yes19:49
anteayawe are fine with the failing but are grateful at attempts to keep it to a minimum19:50
anteayaor flailing labelled clearly as such19:50
anteayathat's fine too19:50
anteayaflailing and failing19:50
anteayaonly one l difference19:50
dhellmannhow do I move things between lanes in a board?!/board/119:51
dhellmannoh, or maybe one doesn't do that by hand?19:52
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anteayaclick and drag19:53
anteayayes you do it by hand19:53
SotKthat board's lanes are automatic, which don't yet have any way to be modified by hand19:53
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anteayaSotK: ah thank you19:54
dhellmannSotK : k, thanks, that's what I thought19:54
anteayaSotK: I wonder if we should have some what of seeing if a board has automatic lanes?19:54
anteayato prevent user frustration when failing to succeed at click and drag19:54
SotKautomatic lanes are darker than manual ones currently, but that isn't hugely helpful in a board which only has one type19:56
SotKdhellmann: what do you mean by a "more global view" ooi?19:57
anteayadhellmann: no automatic worklists on that board19:57
* SotK goes to look at patches19:57
dhellmannSotK : my impression is, and this could be wrong, that the storyboard UI assumes I'm either interested in looking at tasks associated with 1 project or assigned to me. To track the end of release work, I need to see specific tasks associated with any project and assigned to people I won't know in advance19:58
dhellmannSotK : I could probably do that with a board with manually managed lanes, but then I (or someone) have to update their state properly as tasks are completed19:59
dhellmannSotK : I'm looking for a way to query for the tasks, maybe via a tag or other characteristic, and then organize them based on whether they are complete or not20:00
SotKdhellmann: Have you had a chance to play with the search page (!/search) yet by any chance?20:03
SotKthe UI could use some love there, but it allows you to filter tasks and stories20:03
anteayadhellmann: could you give an example of what you would want to query for?20:04
SotK(typing in the search box on that view will offer suggested filters)20:05
SotKon storyboard stories are tagged (rather than tasks), and currently there is no way to filter tasks by "tags on the story this task is for"20:06
SotKthe most annoying part of the search page is that there is no way to bookmark a set of filters20:07
SotKmaybe that is the feature most needed here20:07
dhellmannSotK : ok, doing it by story would be fine20:11
dhellmannand yes, being able to bookmark a search would be useful for a lot of cases20:11
dhellmannis there a list of possible filters somewhere? because I haven't had a lot of luck getting it to suggest them for me20:11
SotKaside from finding it in the code, I don't think there is20:13
SotKwhat happens when you start typing in the box ooi?20:14
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anteayaSotK: what is ooi?20:15
pedroalvarez"out of interest"20:16
anteayaah thanks20:16
pleia2anteaya: did you figure out why those lines aren't showing up?20:16
anteayapleia2: no20:16
anteayadhellmann: gave me a suggestion which I implemented and pushed but my local build doesn't render the missing bits yet20:17
pleia2well, hopefully this ps at least can get the multi-line thing sorted20:17
dhellmannSotK : if I happen to type a word that matches something, it offers some suggestions. I think it showed me the option of searching based on a tag even when there were no items with that tag (I typed "any")20:17
anteayapleia2: since dhellmann and SotK are talking about an issue important to doug I was just waiting until they finished20:17
dhellmannanteaya : what's your patchset again?20:17
anteayapleia2: it didn't for me locally :(20:17
pleia2anteaya: yep, that's fine20:18
pleia2I'm going to see about lunch20:18
dhellmannok, let me take a look20:18
anteayadhellmann: thanks20:18
anteayapleia2: good idea, enjoy lunch20:18
anteayadhellmann: SotK I confirm!/search?q=any20:20
anteayabeing able to have a list of tags already in use I think would be really valuable20:21
anteayaSotK: you already have something up about that don't you?20:21
SotKyeah, causes it to only offer tags that exist as suggestions20:22
dhellmannanteaya : try that latest version20:23
anteayathe newline20:24
anteayait always evades me20:24
dhellmannSotK : if I know the thing I want to search for is a tag, is there a syntax to do that or do I need to type the name and select it from the list?20:24
dhellmannanteaya : also the double backslash, which I should have realized you'd need20:24
dhellmannSotK : a lot of this is really just me figuring out how to use the tool, so I apologize for asking such basic questions20:24
SotKyou need to type the name and select it20:25
SotKno problem :)20:25
dhellmannok, so that'd be another nice thing, if I could say something like tag:"the thing I know is a tag"20:25
anteayadhellmann: thank you20:25
dhellmannbetween that and having bookmarkable searches, it would be easier to share views with other people20:25
dhellmannanteaya : np20:26
anteayadhellmann: you can try the patch for having it only offer tags that exist here:!/page/about20:26
dhellmannanteaya : I can't always remember what rst stuff is "rules" and what is adopted style any more. The extra blank line after :: is a case of that20:26
anteayadhellmann: yep20:27
anteayadhellmann: if I go to that link and type t in the Jump to... search box20:27
dhellmannI get all sorts of things, nice20:28
anteayaI get four project groups, 5 repos and 5 stories that come up20:28
anteayadhellmann: are they useful things?20:28
dhellmannthis may also be a case of "the UI is smarter than you're used to"20:28
anteayathe icons match the icons on the left20:28
dhellmannit says "what would you like to search by?" and my first thought was "what are my options?"20:28
anteayayeah, same with the docs generation too20:28
anteayaha ha ha20:28
anteayame too20:28
dhellmannmagic? telepathy? :-)20:28
anteayachocolate, vanilla, strawberry20:29
anteayaha ha ha20:29
anteayaSotK: I do notice your patch suggests groups, repos and stories, but I don't see any tag suggestions20:29
anteayaperhaps storyboard-dev has no tags20:30
anteayamaking tags in -dev I get some great errors:  400: GET Invalid input for field/attribute offset. Value: 'NaN'. unable to convert to int20:31
anteayabut even after making three tags 'aaa' 'bbb' 'ccc' I can't see them in the suggestions using the js-draft interface20:32
anteayadhellmann: now locally the things that were not showing up are still not showing up for me:
anteayabut lets wait until the docs job finishes20:33
dhellmannanteaya : what line of what file is something that doesn't show up?20:33
anteayathey are all in the tasks.file20:35
anteayaline 283 does not render20:35
anteayaall the edits in the stories file render20:36
anteaya4 of 5 edits in the tasks file do not20:36
dhellmannhmm, I see the example under "GET /v1/tasks" in my local build20:37
anteayamaybe it will show up in the docs draft20:39
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anteayadhellmann: here is the build from patch 7:
anteayacurl isn't rendered20:43
anteayaif it is rendering for you locally, do you have any idea what might be different for your local env and the docs jobs?20:43
anteaya(and my local env?)20:43
anteayaand pretty boxes around the example commands, thank you!20:44
dhellmannthe link you sent was to the wrong API endpoint20:44
anteayaah okay thank you20:45
anteayaI am trying to first of all create examples for the stories section of the docs20:45
anteayaI think we again have come up against the generator being too clever20:45
anteayahow do I get the stories section to have examples for every command?
anteayaand in the tasks section the  GET /v1/tasks/(task_id) doesn't have an example because it is showing up in the stories section20:47
dhellmannI'm pretty sure is being pulled from TasksNestedController.get_all20:47
dhellmannif you look at line 310 of you'll see where it creates the sub-controllers20:49
* anteaya looks20:49
SotKanteaya: it suggests tags for me, where are you expecting the suggestion to be?20:51
SotK(it is in the large search boxes on either!/story/list or!/search)20:51
anteayadhellmann: I see it now, thank you20:52
dhellmannanteaya : while you're in there, that docstring could use some clarification. Like "all of the tasks associated with the story"20:53
anteayadhellmann: I'll take a look20:56
anteayaSotK: let me submit this patch then will respond, thank you20:57
anteayadhellmann: thank you I was able to add examples for just stories for now20:58
dhellmannanteaya : \o/20:59
anteayathank you dhellmann21:01
anteayaif I can get one section working I'm hoping I can just do the same with the rest of the sections21:01
anteayaI haven't beeen able to figure out how to edit these docs prior to now21:01
anteayaSotK: ah I was in the Jump to... box21:02
anteayaSotK: which I call search but perhaps I shouldn't call the Jump to... box a search box21:02
anteayaand I find it odd that the Jump to... box would have different functionality than the large search box21:03
anteayaand yes, the tags I made show up when I type 'a' or 'b' in the large search box21:03
anteayadoes Jump to... just offer a truncated version of search?21:07
SotKJump to... offers a selection of things which match what you type21:08
anteayain which case I would be in favour of ditching Jump to... and just going with Search21:08
anteayabut not tags apparently21:08
SotKno, because there is no "tag view"21:08
anteayaokay, I find that confusing21:08
SotKso, when you click on a project that appears, it takes you to the project view21:09
anteayaif search offers me everything I would be in favour of just using search21:09
anteayadoes search do the same thing?21:09
SotKsearch offers a selection of things to filter the results by21:10
SotKif you pick a project there, it shows you all the things related to that project21:10
SotKthe "Jump to..." box is meant as quick navigation, not search21:11
anteayaokay so right now I have no way of suggesting what someone should use for what case21:11
anteayaand if tags are offered in one view and not another I see that as a potential point of confusion21:11
pleia2it is confusing21:12
anteayaif search shows all the things I'm in favour of search21:12
anteayaand remove Jump to...21:12
anteayaI can get to projects via search21:13
anteayaif I am working with someone and I say use search and they use jump to... we waste a lot of time21:13
anteayasince the results are potentially different21:13
anteayaspeed is less important to me than consistentcy21:14
anteayaI need to know that they are clicking the thing I tell them to click otherwise I can't support them21:14
anteayavia irc21:14
anteayayay all the stories api commands have example boxes:
anteayaand none of the other sections do21:17
anteayanow to populate the TODOs with real commands21:17
anteayathank you dhellmann21:17
anteayaand I do think having the patch offering known tags in response to searching is very valuable21:19
anteayathanks for writing that SotK21:19
anteayahas anyone successfully modified a story via the api?21:32
anteayaI'm working on figuring out a command for that now21:32
anteayathis was supposed to modify story 19 and instead it created story 20:
anteayathat token I forgot to redact and will delete when I am finished21:35
anteayaI don't think anyone spamming the storyboard dev server is a big risk here21:35
SotKanteaya: you'll want to make the request to, and include `-X PUT` in that command somewhere I think21:53
SotKanteaya: my opinions on search are documented here:!/story/2000402#comment-704221:54
* SotK would like to discuss ways to solve all the search confusion at some point, but not when I'm about to go to sleep :)21:55
SotKthanks for this examples work btw!21:57
anteayaah I was missing -X PUT21:58
anteayaunderstood thank you21:58
anteayasleep well and I hope you feel better tomorrow21:58
anteayathanks so much for your excellent timing and getting a chat with Doug in, I really appreciate it21:58
anteayathanks SotK that worked22:00
anteayapleia2: can you create a story in storyboard-dev? I want to see if I can modify a story I don't own via the api22:13
anteayaI should be able to22:13
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anteayaso I have a 405 Method not allowed when trying to DELETE a story I created:
anteayaI think the database expects me to archive the story not DELETE it22:28
anteayain which case we shouldn't have DELETE in the api docs22:28
anteayaand can we archive using the api?22:29
anteayaI think I have got commands for all the things I can get commands for in the stories section23:06
anteayaI question whether deleting is allowed23:07
anteayaI think I'm going to go for a walk23:07
pleia2anteaya: sorry, had to step away for a few, still need?23:09
anteayawell yeah if you can create a story in -dev that I can try to modify23:10
anteayaI'd be grateful, thanks23:10
pleia2anteaya: I have an existing one from when I created from the api the other day23:10
pleia2at least, I thought I had one23:11
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pleia2anyway, I'll make one happen either way23:12
anteayathanks I appreciate it23:12
pleia2ah yes!/story/1723:12
anteayaor you can try to modify one of mine23:12
anteayaoh awesome, thanks23:12
anteayayeah, so it appears that anyone can chance any other owner's story via the api23:16
anteayaappart from purpose vandalism, anyone can make a typo in the curl command and wipe out another user's story23:16
anteayafungi: any suggestions?23:17
anteayafungi: right now any user with a valid token can modify any other user's story via the api23:17
anteayafungi: one person could either intentionally or by mistake take out our entire instance with one keystroke23:18
fungihrm, seeing how far back i need to read to have context on what you're asking23:18
anteayapleia2 created story 17 and I just changed it via the api:!/story/1723:19
fungiyet you're unable to change it via the webui?23:20
fungijust making sure i understand teh risk being described23:20
anteayaoh no I can change it via teh web ui23:20
pleia2I have admin access so I can change the text of any story, so I'm not a good one to test this23:20
anteayayeah I just edited it again via the web ui23:20
fungican you elaborate on the perceived risk then? you can do something via the api that you can also do via the webui...23:21
fungiis the api your primary concern there?23:21
fungishould you not be able to modify "other people's" stories?23:21
anteayaif I want to change story 18 and mistype and change 1723:21
anteayathat is a mistake and removes liz's story23:21
anteayaif that was done in a loop23:21
fungiremoves or changes?23:21
fungii mean, you can also do that in loop with a command-line web client23:22
anteayaher prior title and description are no longer present in the ui23:22
fungiyou could do that via lp as well23:22
anteayaif you percive no risk I'm fine with that23:22
fungiwe backup the database23:22
anteayaI'm wrong23:22
anteayaokay thanks, happy to be wrong23:22
anteayasorry for the noise23:22
pleia2I appreciate that you're being diligent :)23:23
funginot necessarily wrong, worth thinking about from a vandalism perspective. having a database transaction log also means we can _probably_ roll back those modifications discretely. i'd defer to someone with more dba background on that though23:23
fungimediawiki addresses this by keeping a complete edit history (independent of any the database might have kept) but that could be overkill for this23:24
fungisb has some audit logging for this at least, i gather, so we could also identify someone doing it maliciously and block their account23:25
anteayasure if we have a discussion about it and are happy with current status I'm fine23:25
anteayathe idea just loped through my head so thought I'd share23:25
fungipleia2: on the topic of sb, you didn't commit your sb-dev cert add in private hiera (also my original suggestion was to put it in public hiera but that can always come later)23:25
fungianteaya: thanks!23:26
pleia2fungi: whoops, thank you23:26
anteayathank you23:26
fungionly noticed because adding pgp keyfiles for the signing node23:26
pleia2fungi: shall I do the commit now?23:26
fungii committed the file i edited and left your edits staged in case you were still doing something there23:27
pleia2ok thanks23:27
fungiso yeah, commit at will23:27
anteayamy lastest api doc examples passed tests so I'm going to go for a walk now and will check back later23:27
pleia2I just got distracted after adding it :\23:27
fungiit happens!23:27
anteayapleia2: ha ha ha23:27
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