Wednesday, 2016-05-25

jheskethfungi: so with the new naming thing, is that meant to apply to dns too? eg I launch, create a DNS and use a CNAME for
jheskethor do I just launch as the server name and update the records?00:15
anteayajhesketh: I don't know the answer to the naming question00:27
anteayamy nephew has arrived for tea00:27
anteayaI may or may not be back online tonight00:27
fungijhesketh: i think cname, though we didn't explicitly discuss that part of the implementation00:35
fungijhesketh: though you likely want to make sure there are no fqdn-isms baked into puppet for the service you're replacing00:36
fungii'm leaning toward this is guidance going forward for new services we build out, but unless someone does the legwork to clean up hostname assumptions in our existing puppet we likely should continue doing replacements the old way when there's some question00:37
jheskethfungi: right, so if there are fqdn-isms (so to speak), how do you launch a new node? Do you do it with the same name as the existing one?00:42
fungiand then just edit the dns records00:43
fungito switch to the replacement00:43
* jhesketh is embarrassed to admit he hasn't ever edited any openstack's dns before...00:44
jheskethfungi: what's the best way to do that.. through the web ui? (given the commands from are for creating new records rather than updating)00:45
fungijhesketh: yes, i end up doing dns changes through the rax web dashboard00:45
fungiremember the tenant that domain is under is "openstack" not openstackci00:45
jheskethyeah I found them earlier00:46
fungilogin credentials for that are in our usual password list00:46
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ianwcouple of jobs failed i think 2 hours ago with "timeout -s SIGINT 0 git fetch refs/zuul/master/Z6370fc143e874864a12f8061044c2f04" ... i'm gonna presume it was related to upgrades?01:01
jheskethfungi: so just looking at the hostname stuff... if we did we'd also need to update the site.pp to match there..01:07
jheskethshould we have something like "node /^apps\d*\.openstack\.org$/ {" for all the node definitions?01:07
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fungiianw: that sounds possible. pabelanger pretty consistently did a #status log of each of them so should be timestamped on the infra status wiki01:12
fungijhesketh: yeah, though there may also be $::fqdn references in the corresponding class in system-config or in the puppet module instantiated by it01:13
fungiyou'll want to keep an eye out for that as well01:13
jheskethoh yeah, there's heaps of that01:13
jheskethmost of those are vhost names so we should look at having vhost in the site.pp01:15
jheskethhmm, replacing $::fqdn is no small feat01:20
fungiyep, that's why i say don't let the fqdn-isms in our puppet keep you from doing upgrades for now. people who have a strong interest in that refactoring effort can tackle it after we upgrade stuff, but the upgrades are more urgent than separating out all the hostname assumptions in our config management right now01:39
fungithat was more or less the point of my second e-mail on that thread01:41
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jheskethyep that seems sensible... I looked at tackling the fqdn but I think upgrading the old way for now to move the sprint along is best01:49
fungii wound up taking the same route through the storyboard replacement build too01:50
anteayaI'm out for the night02:01
anteayathanks jhesketh for taking on the apps.o.o operating system upgrade02:01
jheskethanteaya: no trouble.. I've gotten side-tracked but will look at it this afternoon02:01
jheskethanteaya: have a good evening :-)02:01
anteayathank you :)02:02
anteayahave a good day02:02
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pabelangerfungi: it looks like the volumes on graphite.o.o are reattached this morning.  No updates on the support ticket jeblair created13:50
pabelangerI'm going to try again to disconnect one13:50
fungiworth a shot13:51
pabelangerwill do 1 at a time this time13:52
pabelanger4b5d9f10-0427-4bfb-b45b-a4d682ac4ba5 detaching13:53
pabelangerstill detaching13:54
pabelangerlooks like same issue as yesterday13:57
pabelangerI am going to move to status.o.o while we wait for RAX support, fungi anteaya jhesketh or anybody else.  Do you mind +A
jheskethme too14:04
jheskethanteaya: Morning14:04
anteayajhesketh: hey there14:05
anteayawhat are you doing up?14:05
jheskethjust checking on things before I head off14:05
jrollpabelanger: what's the issue, volumes stuck detaching? ORD?14:05
anteayajhesketh: thank you, I haven't read back scroll yet, how did you do with apps.o.o?14:05
jheskethanteaya: I spun up a new 14.04 .I've left a few comments in the etherpad. Basically I think it's okay but would like somebody to take a quick look before doing the dns switchover14:06
jheskethprobably good to get docaedo to take a look14:06
anteayajhesketh: fair enough, thank you14:06
pabelangerjroll: Yes, volumes appear stuck when I detach them, this is in dfw14:06
anteayajhesketh: the etherpad has the new ip?14:06
jheskethanteaya:  or
jrollpabelanger: interesting. /me sees if this is a thing14:06
anteayajhesketh: thank you14:07
fungipabelanger: did you try halting (or rebooting) the server?14:07
pabelangerfungi: I have not14:08
anteayajhesketh: great thank you, I will share that with docado and get his approval14:08
jheskethanteaya: cool. I'm happy to switch the dns across, but maybe not right now14:08
anteayajhesketh: yup, understood thank you14:09
anteayajhesketh: have you lowered the ttl time on apps.o.o?14:09
anteayajhesketh: I pinged docado in -infra14:09
jheskethanteaya: I pinged docaedo earlier but he wasn't around.. if you wouldn't mind checking there are no other api end points or anything that might be pointing to apps.o.o that'd be handy14:09
jheskethanteaya: oh, good point, I'll do that now14:10
anteayajhesketh: thanks14:10
jrollpabelanger: if you have instance UUIDs I'm happy to dive in logs, too14:10
anteayano other api endpoints pointing to apps.o.o, I'd be happy to but would have to read or recieve instruction as to how14:10
anteayaas currently I don't know14:10
jheskethanteaya: any other alias's14:11
anteayamorning jroll thanks for the help14:11
jrollmorning anteaya :)14:11
anteayajhesketh: I don't know how I would check that, I guess I will ask docado and hope he would know if there are14:11
pabelangerjroll: sure: server 09696c29-3410-4baf-8813-05d0eb948be214:11
anteayajhesketh: in any case, leave it with me, enjoy some sleep14:12
jheskethanteaya: yeah, if you don't mind14:12
pabelangerjroll: and thanks for helping14:12
anteayajhesketh: and thanks for your work here, much appreciated14:12
anteayajhesketh: I got it, sleep well14:12
jheskethanteaya: any idea what might be?14:12
* jhesketh notes it in the dns records14:12
anteayajhesketh: I personally have no idea, but will find out14:12
jrollpabelanger: no problem, I'll see what I can find14:13
jheskethanteaya: thanks, much appreciated :-)14:13
anteayajhesketh: and I'm grateful for your work, see you tomorrow14:14
jheskethheh, it's like you're trying to get rid of me!14:14
jheskethnot at all, it was my pleasure... sorry I didn't get it online, I just wanted some people to sanity check it first14:14
fungidocaedo lives in portland oregon, so probably isn't online yet for the day14:15
anteayajhesketh: no no, not trying to get rid of you at all14:16
jheskethI'm teasing ;-)14:16
anteayajhesketh: but it must be what, midnight for you?14:16
anteayalove your company, would keep you to 3am if I could14:16
anteayaI miss not having you around more14:16
anteayajhesketh: and I agree sanity checking is great14:17
jheskethwould stay up until 3am if I could sleep in.. I'm much more productive at night14:17
anteayafungi: thank you14:17
jheskethnaww, thanks14:17
anteayajhesketh: :)14:17
anteayajhesketh: well work it out with your wife and then stay up at night14:17
anteayathat would work for me14:17
jheskethheh, I do some nights, it's more the morning meetings that constrain me...14:18
anteayaah yes14:18
jhesketh(actually one of the reasons I am still up is my wife is on a night shift, so that works out well)14:18
anteayawell get mikal to change his schedule too14:18
anteayaoh nice14:18
anteayawe can have mikal staying up all night too14:19
anteayawould get to talk to him again14:19
anteayaI miss him too14:19
jheskethheh, he's a morning person14:19
jheskethbut these meetings are with other rackers in the states or sometimes uk so it's also juggling timezones14:19
anteayaah I see14:19
anteayaI thought it was your morning mikal meeting14:20
jheskethwe have those too, but they are at 10am so they are easy14:20
anteayaah good14:23
jheskethokay, now I'm off14:32
jheskethnight all!14:32
jrollpabelanger: looks like a host thing, still not sure what's up but it looks specific to your instance or your host14:36
pabelangerjroll: Hmm. Okay. Maybe I'll do what fungi suggests and stop the instances next time14:37
pabelangerassuming it reattaches14:37
jrollpabelanger: looks like it's going to retry for a couple hours :|14:38
pabelangerjroll: what do you suggest? Should I be able to power down the instances now? or simply wait until the retry finish14:39
jrollpabelanger: I'm not sure, I am far from a virt expert - trying to bug some people14:40
anteayadocado has given the all clear to swap dns on apps.o.o if someone can do that14:47
anteayaalso don't change storage.apps.o.o14:48
anteaya<docaedo> anteaya: yes, that storage DNS entry points to a rax cloudfiles instance, so should not be changed14:48
anteayaand docaedo is not aware of any aliases14:49
anteayacan I convince anyone to take up the dns switch for apps.o.o?15:16
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* anteaya delegates :)15:36
anteayawrong channel15:36
* clarkb catches up on precise to trusty sprint16:08
clarkbfungi: are we supposed to boot things with digits always now and cname to them in dns with human names?16:09
fungiclarkb: if possible that's the new exciting, i guess. but if you're replacing a server there's a good chance its existing manifest(s) assume the hostname in lots of places so we can punt on that and just do the old-style server names until someone has time to do that refactoring16:10
clarkbya the one I am worried about in the stack of hosts I would like to help with is logstash.o.o, I can look at its apache vhost config16:11
fungistoryboard.o.o didn't pass the sniff test for me, so i just replaced it with another storyboard.o.o16:12
fungigit grep fqdn turned up 4 instances of $::fqdn in the puppet-storyboard module and some in the sytem-config classes for the storyboard servers as well16:12
fungiand i don't want to conflate the "is this thing working after moving to trusty?" problems with the "did i just screw up the puppet manifest?" ones16:13
clarkbfungi: the fixup is to listen on *:port and set servername to fqdn?16:17
fungiclarkb: set servername to something which _isn't_ fqdn, passed in as a specific string constant to a class parameter instead16:22
clarkboh right because fqdn is different now16:22
fungiVirtualHost *:port and ServerName are separate concerns16:22
clarkbfungi: sort of, you can't safely colocate *'s on the same ports iwthout servername iirc16:23
pabelangertrying to launch status.o.o replacement again16:23
fungiVirtualHost *:port ends up being necessary anyway, i think, because of that apache 2.4 behavior i found with the hostname mapping only to a loopback interface in /etc/hosts16:23
clarkbfungi: maybe we should default to fqdn so that we continue to work on older hosts (if anoyne else is using the current setup)16:27
pabelangerwouldn't mind a review to fix apache on status.o.o replacement:
fungiin the case of the storyboard vhosts we were, luckily, already setting ServerName so the wildcard change to VirtualHost was sufficient to make this work on newer servers16:31
clarkbpabelanger: looking16:31
jrollpabelanger: still got nothin on that volume thing :(16:32
pabelangerjroll: :(16:32
clarkbpabelanger: do we need to enable mod_version or whatever the module that does the if checks is called?16:32
pabelangerjroll: I'll wait for it to reattach, then power off the server16:32
jrollpabelanger: sounds good, if that doesn't work then O_o16:32
pabelangerclarkb: I don't believe so. A quick test on the replacement server didn't require it16:33
clarkbpabelanger: it may be enabled by default16:33
clarkbpabelanger: we should probably explicitly enable it whenever we add a dep on it16:33
pabelangerclarkb: sure, let me check16:33
clarkband it is mod_version16:33
pabelangerclarkb: looks to be a builtin function now16:37
clarkbpabelanger: but we support precise too16:38
clarkbif its enabled there by default too I am less worried16:38
clarkbI seem to recall we ran into this with the git0* hosts because centos6 to centos7 is similar migration path for apache16:38
pabelangerclarkb: that is true, let me see how to enable it for other OSes16:39
pabelangerlooks like include ::apache::mod::version should be enough16:41
pabelangerHmm, we are still using puppet-httpd16:41
pabelangerlet me see what is needed to migrate to puppet-apache16:41
pabelanger fixes a race condition on status.o.o16:56
pabelangerkeeps bouncing on me16:56
fungiclarkb: yeah, what we ran into with the centos6 migration is that the change to detect the apache version broke the centos6 production servers because it assumed mod_version was always present17:06
fungiwhich apparently was the case on typical centos7 deployments or something17:06
fungiso apache failed to start because configuration explicitly referenced version driectives in conditionals even thoug the module to provide them was absent17:07
pabelangerwe only need to worry about it on ubuntu-precise now17:09
pabelangercentos7 and ubuntu-trusty and above have it baked in17:09
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: mind reviewing
pabelangerpleia2: danke!17:30
pabelangerpleia2: mind +A?17:31
pleia2yep, just saw that \17:31
fungisorry, my primary computer picked this moment to overheat and power itself off, and then i discovered my alternate was frozen17:31
fungiback now17:31
pleia2fungi: yeesh, quite a morning17:31
clarkbfungi: did you apply ice to the alternate?17:32
fungiclarkb: i'm allowing it to add to the thermal entropy of the room for a few minutes instead17:33
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pabelangerfungi: okay, looks like volume has reattached17:59
fungipabelanger: yeah, try halting the server, and if that still doesn't work then we can try to openstack server reboot it18:00
fungihard reboot (whatever the osc syntax is for that anyway)18:00
pabelangerhalting system18:02
pabelangerfungi: okay, that worked. Both volumes are detached (available)18:05
pabelangerand volumes attached to the new server18:07
fungiexcellent. i guess update/close the ticket18:07
pabelangerfungi: sure. Do you mind stepping me through the attachment process for lvm?18:08
fungimy guess is something about the old system wasn't responding to or updating metadata in the hypervisor in the way nova expected to indicate the volumes were unused18:08
fungii don't know exactly what signaling that process relies on normally18:08
fungipabelanger: sure, reattachment is easy18:09
fungipabelanger: see the openstack server volume attach syntax in our example guide18:09
fungiafter that, look in dmesg output, you'll likely see it discover the volume group on its own18:09
fungiif lvs reports the existence of the logical volume, then you should be ready to mount itt18:10
fungiif not, we may need to vgchange -a y first18:10
fungior vgscan18:10
fungithere are a few tools to help the kernel along if udev triggers don't automagically dtrt18:11
fungibut in my experience this usually _just works_18:11
pabelangerand I see /dev/mapper/main-graphite18:12
pabelangerokay, mounted!18:14
pabelangernow to remember the fstab syntax18:15
pabelangerlooks like:18:15
pabelanger/dev/mapper/main-graphite  /var/lib/graphite/storage  ext4  errors=remount-ro,noatime,barrier=0  0  218:15
pabelangerokay, rebooting server to make sure things come back up properly18:16
pabelangerthen cutting over DNS18:16
anteayaanyone who has the time to change the dns for to that is the only thing left to do for that server18:20
pabelangerDNS updated for graphite.o.o18:25
pabelangeranteaya: I can do that now18:25
anteayapabelanger: thank you18:25
anteayanote there is a dns entry for, do nothing with that entry18:25
pabelangeranteaya: There should also be an IPv6 address to. We'll need to update that18:26
pabelangeranteaya: ack18:26
anteayaI don't know how to get the ipv6 address for that server, sorry I didn't ask for it earlier18:26
pabelangernp, I can find it quickly18:26
pabelanger2001:4800:7819:105:be76:4eff:fe04:70ae for your records18:27
anteayathank you18:27
pabelangerokay, DNS changed18:27
anteayathanks pabelanger18:27
pabelangeranteaya: the old server is still running. We should clean that up as soon as people are happy with the replacement18:28
anteayathanks, I just pinged docaedo in -infra18:28
fungisimilarly, i have the old storyboard.o.o halted, will be deleting it later today18:28
fungithe new one seems to be in good shape per the denizens of #storyboard18:29
pabelangerokay, I restarted nodepoold to pick up the DNS change for graphite.o.o, looks to be logging correctly again18:35
pabelangerwe'll need to do that same for the other services18:35
anteayayay graphite18:36
pabelangerSo, shockingly, this is the output of iptables on graphite.o.o now18:37
clarkbpabelanger: does an iptables-persist or whatever it is called restart fix that?18:38
pabelangerclarkb: YES18:39
clarkbI wonder if it is racing something at boot18:39
pabelangerI should check other servers I upgraded18:39
pabelangerokay, they all work as expected18:41
jeblairi will see about fixing cacti18:43
pabelangeroff to pick up my daughter from school, then will try status.o.o again18:43
jeblairoh, ha18:43
jeblairi forgot to turn off debug logging, which is why the disk is full18:43
jeblairclarkb, pleia2: May 24 16:52:26 cacti puppet-user[26190]: (/Stage[main]/Apache/Apache::Vhost[default]/File[15-default.conf symlink]/ensure) created18:47
jeblairso, puppet ensured that the default site was created... i can't imagine we actually wanted that to happen...18:47
jeblair(this is why returns the ubuntu default page)18:47
pleia2looks like cacti is another we configure completely in system-config?18:51
bkerojeblair: that might be the default behavior for the apcahe module18:51
pleia2bkero: yeah, that's what I'm gathering18:52
jeblairtwo questions: why didn't this break on the old host?  how do we turn it off?18:52
bkeroWhich shouldn't be a problem if you're doing name-based vhosts for the sites you actually care about18:52
pleia2could be apache 2.2 > 2.4 weirdness again18:53
jeblairindeed, this is not an actual vhost18:53
jeblairmaybe we should make it a proper vhost18:53
bkeroThat sounds like the proper solution18:53
bkeroHmm, it should be getting a proper vhost18:54
bkero  ::apache::vhost::custom { $::fqdn:18:54
jeblairbkero: yeah, but we set custom content, which doesn't actually vhost18:54
bkerojeblair: can you see if there's a file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ for cacti?18:55
bkeroIt should be triggered by http://localhost/cacti18:55
jeblairbkero: yes, it looks like modules/openstack_project/templates/cacti<whatever>18:56
jeblairand has been working18:56
jeblairso that file is fine18:56
jeblairi just wrapped it in a virtualhost on disk with a servername of cacti.openstack.org18:56
jeblairand now works18:57
jeblairso i will puppet that up18:57
* bkero prefers to avoid having to specifying paths when a subdomain already exists18:57
jeblairthis is an *old* server config :)18:57
bkeroI can feel the cobwebs18:58
jeblairwow, it's not as old as i thought:  it's a whole 1.25 years after gerrit...19:00
jeblairwe probably stood it up manually before then19:00
pleia2still before my time :)19:01
jeblairoh, yes, in fact the first comment says as much19:01
jeblairpleia2, bkero, clarkb: remote: Add VirtualHost to cacti vhost19:07
bkerojeblair: lgtm19:15
pabelangerand back19:39
pabelangerjeblair: I just noticed landing page doesn't seem correct19:40
bkeropabelanger: it will once patch lands I assume19:41
bkeroSee earlier ^19:41
pabelangerbkero: sure, checking backscroll19:41
jeblairpabelanger, bkero: yes, that patch addresses that19:41
pabelangerGreat, see it now19:41
pabelangerlaunching status.o.o again19:58
jeblairpabelanger: hrm, i'm not seeing some graphite data i'm expecting from zuul20:26
pabelangerjeblair: which?20:27
pabelangerjeblair: is it possible the service needs restarting to pick up the dns change?20:27
jeblairpabelanger: oh hrm.  nodepool has been restarted, and we have data from that20:27
jeblairpabelanger: that could be it20:27
fungibkero: yeah, i think stats exports are going to whatever ip address zuul resolved from its config at start20:28
pabelangerYa, I did restart nodepool. But we need to schedule the other services20:28
fungier, jeblair ^ (sorry bkero)20:28
jeblairwell... i've been wondering if we want to restart zuul for
clarkbyes the statsd lib does name resolution at import time iirc20:29
bkerono worries20:29
fungibkero: you had changes up for the paste.o.o upgrade, right? i have bandwidth to tackle that one now20:31
bkerofungi: I do!20:32
bkeroLemme get the review link20:32
pabelangerokay, moving to my next server.20:42
fungibkero: i think i see a problem with that change. see my inline comment20:45
pabelangergoing to do eavesdrop.o.o20:45
pabelangerHmm, this was going to be tricky20:46
pabelangerneed to rework the file system first20:46
fungioh, yeah eavesdrop has state in /var/lib20:48
fungiand then we symlink into it from /srv20:48
bkerofungi: ok, fixed20:48
fungipabelanger: we could make /var/lib/whatever a logical volume and /srv/whatever another volume20:49
fungiand stick them in a main volume group on a cinder device20:49
fungibkero: coolnezr20:49
pabelangerfungi: ya, I think that will be easiest.20:50
clarkbhrm logstash.o.o will need some plumbing to use something other than fqdn in the vhost name20:50
pabelangerfungi: so, 1 cinder volume, 2 partitions. I should be able to follow: but use 50% for parted command20:52
pabelangerfungi: does that sound right?20:52
fungibkero: wrong name on that class parameter--it will likely fail tests anyway, but see inline new comment20:53
fungipabelanger: don't need two partitions. you can just create two logical volumes in the volume group you make20:54
bkerofungi: ah, my bad. Fixed.20:55
pabelangerfungi: gotcha. That's using lvcreate right?20:55
bkeroHah, that's kind of curious. It should still work, but this is the default:
bkeroSo if we didn't set it in the lodgeit::site resource, it would do the right thing by default21:01
fungipabelanger: yep, just make sure to figure out how much space you want to assign to each lv so that you don't exceed the space available to the vg21:02
pabelangerfungi: okay, I created a 50GB SSD volume21:04
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pabelangerfungi: or I can go less21:04
pabelangerwe are only using about 10GB today21:04
fungipabelanger: for some reason i thought jeblair said 75gb was the smallest available size for ssd in rackspace21:05
jeblairfungi: for sata21:05
fungithought that was 100gb21:06
pabelangerI am not sure what the smallest SSD is21:06
jeblairthe limit is smaller for ssd, but i don't recall21:06
jeblairfungi: i did too, seems they lowered it?21:06
pabelangerlet me try 25GB21:06
fungibkero: oh, interesting. that's a strangely dysfunctional default whose memory i'd apparently repressed21:06
jeblair(if i were to guess, i'd guess 50 for ssd)21:06
pabelangerInvalid input received: 'size' parameter must be between 50 and 1024 (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-382a88ec-dfeb-44de-a84b-490cc92592ad)21:07
pabelangerthere we go21:07
pabelanger50 is the smallest21:07
pabelangerjeblair wins!21:07
fungiand just wait 'till you see what you've won!21:08
anteayaa new car?21:11
fungia new car filled with bees21:20
bkeroApparently that's what happens when a queen is accidentally trapped inside.21:20
fungi(god save the queen?)21:21
pabelangerokay, ready to mount the new volume on eavesdrop.o.o, but waiting until meetings are finished21:21
pabelangerit would be cool to have a link on eavesdrop.o.o showing the current meetings in progress21:22
clarkbI am going t owork on a new logstash.o.o shortly21:22
fungipabelanger: that's an awesome idea... i wonder if we should compute that from our schedule data or attempt to extract state info out of the bot21:24
fungileaning toward the former so that if there's no meeting we can see what/when the next meeting is supposed to be for each official channel21:24
pabelangerfungi: parsing the bot would be interesting. But maybe we can use some JS magic to read the exiting ical start times21:25
pabelangerLooks like I have to way a few hours for the mount21:27
pabelangerI'll go grab some food and hang out with the family. I'll circle back later tonight to finish up21:28
fungiawesome, thanks!21:29
clarkbdropping TTL on logstash.o.o dns records now21:31
clarkbcurrent logstash.o.o is on a standard 2GB flavor, should I switch to performance or use the new "general" flavors21:38
clarkb(anyone have an opinion? I lean towards using performance)21:38
fungii've confirmed that the ttl for paste.o.o is still at 5 minutes21:38
fungiclarkb: i've been sticking with performance since it's what we've documented21:39
anteayaclarkb: let's try performance21:39
clarkbok going to use performance 2GB which has the same memory and cpus21:39
anteayafungi: ah did we?21:39
fungianteaya: system-config launch/README example commands anyway21:40
fungii guess we're running a bit of a backlog in the check pipeline21:41
clarkbjust waiting on the change to test current stuff for logstash on trusty to be tested. If that comes back green will start the boot21:56
anteayafungi: ah21:57
anteayafungi: yes appears we have a dearth of trusty nodes21:57
clarkbhrm I might need to dig in and see if nodepool is happy22:27
clarkbwe have 450 ish used instances22:33
anteayathat would make things unhappy22:33
anteayado we22:33
clarkbwhich roughyl lines up with our capacity if we are a couple clouds down22:34
* clarkb guesses bluebox and osic are still effectively off?22:34
anteayaI haven't heard anything to the contrary22:34
fungino, we got the fip cleanup patch online and working yesterday22:34
anteayaah wonderful22:35
fungithough pabelanger spotted a bunch of stale used nodes not transitioning to delete i think?22:35
fungii wonder if that's an ongoing issue suddenly22:35
clarkbfungi: the vast majority of instances in bluebox and osic are building22:36
fungioh, hrm22:36
clarkbso I don't think its a state transition issue22:36
clarkbin osic its 70:27 building:used22:36
clarkbForbidden: Quota exceeded for instances, ram: Requested 1, 8192, but already used 100, 819200 of 100, 819200 instances, ram (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-de1bc677-c2e6-45f1-b0f2-9ea776dd858b)22:37
clarkbwe do have 100 instances there, a bunch of them don't have fips22:39
clarkbI wonder if we are just slowly going from building to ready due to fip situation22:39
clarkbthe rate for osic is set to .001 so thats not it. I wonder if we just have a really slow attach time period or a high fail rate? maybe racing against hte cleanup cron22:42
clarkbok finally got the trusty tests to run, they passed so attempting to build new host now23:07
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: Ya, I cleaned up a bunch already today.  Mostly because nodepoold was stopped for ~45mins23:12
pabelangermust have been about 400 nodes leaked23:12
clarkbOSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/clarkb/.ansible/tmp'23:13
clarkbam I doing this wrong?23:14
fungiclarkb: you likely ran with sudo once and now you're running without?23:15
fungithat happened to me once and so i blew away ~/.ansible23:15
clarkbhrm ya23:16
* clarkb cleans up23:16
fungithen later discovered that there are a number of things still not working due to insufficient permissions if you try to as non-root anyway23:16
fungilike hiera values not making it onto new servers23:16
* clarkb prepares for it to fail again23:17
clarkbfungi: do I need to sudo -H it?23:17
fungiclarkb: you probably also need to do something to keep sudo from filtering envvars if so?23:17
clarkboh ya23:18
fungii used an interactive root shell23:18
clarkbhrm puppet failed with exit code 6 but no logs printed23:25
clarkbfungi: is ^ where you were saying you have to keep it and check syslog?23:26
fungiyeah, add --keep23:27
fungiand then ssh into the broken instance (if you can) and look in its syslog23:27
pabelangerlooks like meetings are done for a bit23:32
pabelangergoing to stop meetbot and move files to cinder volume23:33

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