Thursday, 2015-09-24

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dims__folks, we'll be using this channel for Oslo Documentation sprint today and tomorrow10:29
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dims__Etherpad is here -
dims__first from me -
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dims__very easy to add to other projects - mechanical changes...12:13
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dhellmanngood morning12:31
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dhellmanndims_: is gerrit slow for you this morning?12:37
bknudson1gerrit it slow12:38
bknudson1gerrit is slow12:38
bknudson1it was slowish yesterday12:38
dhellmannhi, bknudson112:40
bknudson1dhellmann: hi.12:40
bknudson1this is going to be painful with gerrit so slow12:46
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dhellmannadding source link to documentation sidebars:
bknudson1dhellmann: loading...13:27
bknudson1dhellmann: it's fixed13:40
dhellmannbknudson1: ah, much better now13:41
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bknudson1when do we start?14:03
bknudson1maybe it's just me.14:03
dhellmannbknudson1: I'm working!14:06
dhellmannbknudson1: although the glance team is meeting now...14:06
bknudson1I can take a look at that one.14:08
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dims__bknudson1: dhellmann: am back now14:12
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bknudson1I've got some doc changes that are ready for review, starting with
dims__bknudson1: dhellmann gets first dibs on that auto generate. i tend to favor it and i remember dhellmann preferred explicit14:23
bknudson1if you go explicit then somebody has to keep it up to date.14:23
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bknudson1Proposed fix for a doc bug:
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bknudson1bug 137043914:51
openstackbug 1370439 in oslo.log "log_config_append disables existing loggers" [Low,In progress] - Assigned to Brant Knudson (blk-u)14:51
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dims__Bug fix - documentation for DictOpt -
bknudson1dims__: I'll take a look.14:58
dims__thanks bknudson115:07
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dhellmannbknudson1: I've updated
bknudson1dhellmann: looking...15:23
bknudson1that's funny... what would be the point of stevedore if you had to match the module to the entrypoint?15:33
dhellmannbknudson1: yes, well, apparently that's not so obvious to everyone else :-)15:33
dhellmannbknudson1: left a note about the toctree on
bknudson1dhellmann: ok, let me look at it. I could get to the modules using the modindex.15:38
dhellmannbknudson1: ah, good point, but they don't show up in the table of contents and I suspect most folks are going to be looking there15:39
bknudson1dhellmann: ah, will look at it.15:39
* dhellmann takes a break to pick up lunch15:47
bknudson1dhellmann: update -- including the toc for the autoindex looked ok and useful to me.15:59
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tjcocozzFor atomaton would you like to see another finite state machine example?16:27
tjcocozzDo you have anything in mind?16:27
tjcocozzHere are the current examples if you are wondering:
dhellmanntjcocozz: I think some of the other libraries probably need more attention than automaton16:48
tjcocozzdhellman: okay, I am out of the office after lunch.  Point me where you need me, I have all day tomorrow16:50
dims__tjcocozz: we're using this etherpad -
dhellmanntjcocozz: I'm trying to collect some suggestions in the etherpad dims started:
tjcocozzyup i'm on it.  oslo.policy grammar fixes sound good?16:52
dhellmanntjcocozz: yeah, it would be good to have some examples how how that language works16:53
dhellmanntjcocozz: people figure it out, so there must be something somewhere, maybe in one of the doc team manuals?16:53
tjcocozzdhellmann: I will work on it tomorrow. Thanks for the help16:56
dhellmanntjcocozz: great, thanks!16:56
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harlowjawhats up folks!17:41
bknudson1harlowja: we were waiting for you17:43
harlowjaya, the 101 (ca highway) was slow17:43
harlowjastupid traffic, ha17:44
bknudson1I lived on 101 for a while (oregon, where it wasn't busy)17:44
harlowjaok, all docs are fixed?17:45
dims__we need you get started harlowja :)17:45
harlowjasometing i was thinking of17:46
harlowja was going to be 'generalized' so that oslo.messagin could use it17:46
* harlowja forget whatever happened to that effort17:46
harlowja ?17:46
harlowjadims__ do u know 'Oleksii Zamiatin' ?17:46
dims__harlowja: da17:46
dims__harlowja: he is writing the zmq o.m driver17:47
harlowjaguess zmq > examples right now17:47
harlowjaanother question for folks17:52
harlowjathe code docs there include link to [source]17:52
harlowjathat one for example doesn't link to [source]17:52
harlowjado people think we should all just link to source (its a small sphinx change/config setting)17:53
harlowjapretty sure (that line)17:53
harlowjai sorta like being able to see the source if i want on the doc page, but others might not17:53
bknudson1it's work to link to source?17:54
harlowjaadding one line to conf.py17:54
harlowjaotherwise no17:54
harlowjabut depends on your defintion of work :-P17:55
harlowja(do note that it doesn't link to git)17:55
bknudson1I'm not a fan of linking to source.17:55
bknudson1it embeds the source?17:55
harlowjaseems so17:56
bknudson1that's pretty common17:56
bknudson1is this really useful: ?17:56
harlowjafor person that is clicking on docs and just wants to know, i guess17:56
harlowjafor super-duper program like bknudson1 maybe not17:57
harlowja*progammer, not program17:57
harlowja(don't think u are a program)17:57
bknudson1I'm always looking at source code, but that's usually because the docs are inadequate17:57
bknudson1and it usually takes a lot more than just looking at the function17:58
harlowjai always take apart my engine when i need to change the oil, cause the docs are inadequate, lol17:58
harlowja*car engine17:58
bknudson1if you had a tesla ...17:58
harlowjaanyways, just wanted to see if people think we should just either include links to source, or remove it, or something else :-P17:59
harlowjawas pretty sure opinions would vary, but meh, who knows18:00
bknudson1harlowja: does the doc build take a lot longer?18:00
harlowjai don't notice any time difference18:01
harlowjasphinx afaik has to scan all the code to build the api docs anyway18:01
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harlowjabut if u have a 386 it might be slower18:01
harlowjabut ya, u should upgrade to 48618:01
* harlowja just saying18:01
bknudson1I ask because when I'm fixing up docs I often wind up building 4-5 times to get it right and if it slows a lot that would impact me.18:02
bknudson1I can never guess what it's going to look like when it's rendered18:02
harlowjai've never noticed any change18:03
harlowjaya, i build everything locally -> a htdocs folder, that i can then view it on18:03
harlowja*usually* do that18:03
harlowjaie sphinx-build  doc/source/ /home/y/share/htdocs/taskflow && doc8 doc/source/ ...18:03
harlowjaand profit18:03
harlowjathen view from browser to said machine hosting htdocs18:04
harlowjapartially created by me, ripped it out from taskflow tools folder (where it was born)18:04
bknudson1we need to get that in the gate18:04
harlowjamost projects i think are using it18:04
harlowjaoslo could adopt it18:04
harlowja*no but18:05
harlowjapretty sure thats common in most places (not everywhere)18:05
harlowja*varies somewhat based on project18:05
harlowja (what taskflow does)18:06
harlowja'sphinx-build -b doctest doc/source doc/build' is something we should probably also do in common18:06
harlowja^ tests any inline doc code18:06
harlowja*not everyone is using that (taskflow does)18:07
harlowjaarg doc @ not looking right, (me) must of busted it somehow18:08
bknudson1I'll add implementing doc8 in keystone projects to my list18:10
bknudson1it's a long list so don't expect it any time soon18:10
harlowjasome people don't put it under the py27 tox env though, so it won't be gated on18:10
harlowjaputting it under a [docs] env doesn't get automatically ran afaik18:10
harlowjai think is the right way (but i might be wrong)18:11
harlowja^ runs testr, checks the doctest in doc(s), runs doc818:11
bknudson1keystone gates on -docs18:11
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bknudson1and we have warnerrors in [pbr] so that catches bad rst18:11
bknudson1does doc8 catch :raises: something ?18:12
harlowjadoctest is the other one i think people forget18:12
harlowjaunsure, it might18:12
bknudson1rather than :raises something:18:12
harlowjathats code level docs right?18:12
bknudson1yes, it would be in the docstring18:12
harlowjaya, doc8 is just validating some stuff on rst files, txt files18:13
bknudson1oh, I don't care about that18:13
harlowjanot parsing code trees/code18:13
bknudson1I want to validate docstrings18:13
harlowjaits probably possibly18:13
harlowjajust never tried that18:13
harlowjadoc8 right now is just using (which helps do basic linting)18:14
harlowjabut its not afaik (yet?) getting into the nitty of activating sphinx and extracting code docs...18:14
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harlowjait could, just untaggling sphinx and figuring out how that all works is a pita, lol18:14
harlowja*using (and docutils from what i remember)18:15
bknudson1if you run doc8 after sphinx you should be able to look at doc/source/api18:15
harlowjasounds like doc8 :-P18:15
bknudson1I just realized maybe the docs job doesn't run tox -e docs, but instead tox -e venv sphinx whatever18:16
bknudson1harlowja: doc918:16
harlowjabknudson1 ya, afaik its `tox -e venv`18:16
harlowjadoc9 works for me, lol18:16
harlowjai did try to figure out how sphinx was doing all it stuff at one time18:16
harlowjabut it got complicated real quick18:16
bknudson1if it's just importing and looking at __doc__ ?18:16
harlowja^ that was a fun one18:17
harlowja^ dive into sphinx land18:17
harlowja'I am still diving down...'18:18
* harlowja hasn't spent a lot of time on doing much to doc8 in a while, but i welcome anyone to help ;)18:18
dhellmannI've added a list of a few of the standard doc features to each project in the etherpad so we can check them off as we do them (or discover that they are done)18:40
dims__dhellmann: ++18:41
bknudson1dhellmann: with I get "/opt/stack/oslo.log/doc/source/configfiles/index.rst:5: WARNING: unknown document: opts"18:42
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bknudson1(I update the review)19:03
dhellmannbknudson1: looks like I forgot to add a file to that patchset19:15
bknudson1opts is in the parent directory19:15
dhellmannoh, hmm19:16
bknudson1so use ../opts19:19
dhellmannbknudson1: fixed19:22
bknudson1I tried it and it built clean for me.19:23
dhellmannharlowja: I don't understand your comment on
harlowjadhellmann oh, probably my fault19:35
harlowjai think the main complaint was thats oslo.log right?19:35
harlowja'underlying messaging system.' in oslo.log?19:35
harlowja'underlying logging system.' ?19:35
dhellmannyeah, ok19:35
harlowjathats all19:36
dhellmannharlowja: looks like we're both working on oslo.versionedobjects :-)20:11
bknudson1I get a lot of errors when building oslotest.20:11
harlowjai'm done, ha20:11
bknudson1building docs for oslotest20:11
* harlowja opening bug for pbr, it probably should rst-escape (or something) generated changelogs...20:12
harlowjabecause not so hard to cause sphinx to blow-up when including it20:12
dhellmannharlowja: yeah, I noticed that, too, good idea20:12
dhellmannI'm not sure how we escape things like that20:12
dhellmannbknudson1: from master, or from one of the proposed changes?20:12
bknudson1I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong20:13
bknudson1ImportError: No module named oslo_config20:13
dhellmannbknudson1: no, that was an issue, I've fixed it in one of my patches20:13
bknudson1the proposed changes probably fix all this.20:13
bknudson1ok, thanks20:14
dhellmannwe should probably put our names on modules when we start working on them to avoid duplicating effort :-)20:14
harlowja opened20:14
openstackLaunchpad bug 1499519 in PBR "Escape changelog RST" [Undecided,New]20:14
dhellmannharlowja: how about abandoning in favor of since the latter is the basis for the patch that adds discoverable options to o.vo?20:14
harlowjathe reason for blank changelog was so people running `sphinx-build` wouldn't crap out, but i guess we can just tell people to run `python build_sphinx`20:16
dhellmannyeah, we only support running it through tox, and tox installs the lib and that causes the changelog to be built20:16
harlowjafair nuff20:17
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dhellmanna better query to show only things worth reviewing:*+is:open+file:%255Edoc/source/.*+NOT+is:owner,n,z20:58
dhellmannone more time:*+is:open+file:%255Edoc/source/.*+NOT+is:owner+NOT+label:Code-Review%253E%253D0%252Cself,n,z20:59
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dhellmannok, folks, I'm going to take off. I'll check back in tomorrow for more reviews and to see if there are any other additions/cleanups I can make21:20
harlowjaok let's see here21:27
harlowjamore docs!21:27
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harlowjaok, think we are doing pretty good22:22
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dims_harlowja: ++22:44
harlowjadims_ let me know what u think about
harlowjathat one may be controversial :-P22:46
dims_not really, we don't use it anymore. so its fair22:46
harlowjafair nuff with me, ha22:47
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