Tuesday, 2024-12-03

opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ossa master: Add OSSA-2024-005 (CVE-2024-53916)  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ossa/+/93620015:34
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ossa master: Add OSSA-2024-005 (CVE-2024-53916)  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ossa/+/93620015:45
fungirosmaita: ^ you had reviewed an earlier iteration of that if you have a moment to revisit17:58
fungiJayF: or i can single-core approve if you want to send the advisory before your eod19:50
JayFis it time to now?19:50
fungii was going to pop out for a quick bite, and then check back in about an hour19:51
fungiwhich should put it after your lunch19:51
fungiwe could also wait for the neutron changes to merge, but then you'd need to update the advisory date, so just trying to save you more work19:53
fungianyway, i'll bbiab19:53
fungithanks rosmaita! JayF, if i approve it now do you have time to send to the usual mailing lists? or should i prepare to do that part?21:19
JayFI'll take care of it before my EOD21:20
fungiapproved in that case21:20
fungiif you can manage it in the next ~2.5 hours, that will put it within utc 2024-12-03 too, for maximum correctness21:21
JayFmy EOD during !DST is 0000 :D 21:25
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ossa master: Add OSSA-2024-005 (CVE-2024-53916)  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ossa/+/93620021:30
fungiJayF: publication completed, so you can copy https://security.openstack.org/_sources/ossa/OSSA-2024-005.rst into your e-mail if that's easiest21:45
JayFgah, had to send twice to oss-security@, accidentally sent the first one unsigned :( 23:08
JayFemails out; CVE folks requested to update the description23:13
fungiJayF: did the message to openstack-announce and openstack-discuss go out? i haven't seen either one arrive23:15
JayFI just approved the one to -announce23:16
fungicool, that's why i didn't see it in the moderator queue then23:16
JayF-discuss is not listed on .... nope23:16
JayFI missed that one, sending23:16
JayFwas about to cite it being missing when it wasn't missing :D 23:16
JayFwill approve the one to -discuss23:17
JayFsince it's coming from my @jvf23:17
fungiyeah, we usually send one with announce/discuss both on the to line, then a separate post to oss-security to avoid cross-posting horrors23:17
JayFto avoid spamming them. Like I have 2x in a row by accidentally not GPG signing the first one /o\23:17
JayFdid it for -004, did it for -00523:18
JayFone day I'll get it right the first time 23:18
fungiit happens23:18

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