Thursday, 2024-10-03

opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ossa master: OSSA-2024-004; Ironic CVE-2024-47211
JayFfungi: please review14:55
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ossa master: OSSA-2024-004; Ironic CVE-2024-47211
fungilooking now14:57
fungiJayF: i added a few quick inline comments15:06
JayFfungi: you want me to move the note about unmaintained from lines 25/26 to the bottom?15:07
JayFor did you miss I had it there altogether15:07
fungioh , hold on15:07
fungiah, it ended up in a mitigation section, okay (we don't normally put mitigation text in advisories, but that's fine i guess)15:08
JayFI can move it if it should move15:09
JayFI don't care just wanting to validate intentions15:09
JayFalso, you think like master:\n\thttp... or master/epoxy:\n\thttp15:09
funginah it's fine, no need to delay this further, we should just make sure not to copy it to future ones (and sorry, juggling this while on a conference call)15:09
JayFI'm thinking leave out release name since it doesn't exist?15:10
JayFI'm still pushing a patch so happy to flly improve :D 15:10
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ossa master: OSSA-2024-004; Ironic CVE-2024-47211
JayFthat should fit in a bit better15:10
fungiwe've included the current cycle name with the master branch patch link in prior advisories15:11
JayFack one sec15:11
JayFfungi: I find no examples of master branch being used in the last few ossas15:12
JayFand our policy says we only support released things, so that matches my understanding15:13
fungiJayF: yes sorry, we usually say "2025.1/Epoxy15:13
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/ossa master: OSSA-2024-004; Ironic CVE-2024-47211
JayFaha makes sense15:13
JayFthat's why it didn't pop out as needed when looking back15:13
fungicheck every past ossa, we always include a link to the master branch patch it just doesn't say "master"15:14
JayFthat makes sense in refelction but when looking at older examples I wasn't clicking links before lol15:14
fungino worries15:14
JayFthe latest update should be g2g15:15
* JayF notes the public security change for next time, too15:16
JayFugh closes-bug line15:17
JayFI'll close it manually15:17
JayFnext time I'm budgeting morning time for coffee before trying to do this :D 15:18
fungino worries. mostly helps to have it included in the very first patchset so the bug gets it linked on initial proposal too15:18
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ossa master: OSSA-2024-004; Ironic CVE-2024-47211
JayFfungi: ^ is not updated, and there is no post job running 15:24
JayFthere it is15:25
JayFthat's weird, the job was done15:26
* JayF suspects some kind of afs magic happening on the backend?15:26
JayF we need to update the sorting on that renderer, I think15:26
JayFI might take a look to see 15:26
fungiyes, the promote job writes new content into the writable volume, then every 5 minutes we run a `vos release` command to copy the new state to the read-only replicas used by our webservers and such15:27
fungiJayF: and yes, we do still need some function to more smartly sort the entries15:27
JayFis that how all docs work and I've just never noticed?15:27
JayFyeah, I might look at that now15:28
fungior maybe just not sort them and leave them in the order they've been added in the yaml15:28
fungiwhich is probably simpler15:28
fungiJayF: yes, docs.o.o, governance.o.o, releases.o.o, etc all work identically with regard to content publication15:28
fungiif you have an afs client configured you can find their content in various subdirectories of /afs/ which are then mapped to vhosts on static.opendev.org15:29 is really just an apache front-end to afs15:30
JayFI haven't run a machine with an AFS client in ... 15 years?15:31
JayFCVE publication requested, with a link to our OSSA15:35
JayFand an email to openstack-announce is all that's left, I think15:36
JayFfungi: was there a wiki page to update? I ask b/c rosmaita's email looks like a wiki page copy pasted :)15:39
JayFoh hey, detailed instructions in the doc15:39
JayFgreat job you15:39
fungiJayF: no wiki page involved. see the process document, we usually just paste the interim rst rendering into e-mail directly15:40
rosmaitaJayF: you might want to look at , it has some more detailed instructions15:40
JayFI found it15:40
JayFthe instructions in the doc were sufficient for me to find it15:41
JayFbut I'll look at that, they could be clearer15:41
fungiyeah, i wasn't sure how to reflect that in prose15:41
fungithe openstack docs theme seems to intentionally omit the usual rst source document links you find in other sphinx themes15:42
JayFemail out15:42
JayFoh I didn't realize it could be gotten from there at all15:42
JayFI pulled it from the gate job from where it merged15:43
fungiJayF: did you mean to sign the announcement?15:43
JayFI think at this point I'm setup to sign anything 15:43
fungilooking at the version in the moderation queue, it doesn't look like you signed it15:43
JayFreject it, I'll resend one there15:43
JayFaha sent from wrong email15:44
JayFthat's why15:44
JayFthat one was supposed to be signed but doesn't appear to be? wtf15:46
fungiyeah, no signature on it15:47
JayFmy thunderbird says it's signing it15:47
JayFbut that's clearly a lie15:47
fungithe ones you sent me last week worked15:48
JayFthe one I just sent looks good15:49
JayFyou wanna sanity check?15:49
JayFI used the tried and true repair method of "oh crap it just worked the second time without anything different or any explanation as to why it didn't work before"15:50
JayFevery engineer's favorite resolution15:50
fungilgtm, approved it15:50
JayFI don't know if just opening the key manager fixed it or what, I upgraded thunderbird the other day 15:50
JayFhonestly this is the only case in the universe you have to use pgp email for these days, the support is rough in gui clients15:51
fungii dunno, i sign every message i send to any public mailing list, or when acting in an official capacity15:51
fungiin mutt i just hit p,s and then it prompts me for my passphrase to unlock the signing key when i hit send15:52
fungibut i get that support varies among muas15:53
JayFmy thunderbird signs anything from by default, or at least, is configured to15:53
JayFI honestly hadn't thought about the implications  of adding an employer email to my key so I just haven't15:53
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ossa master: Update process doc
fungii add addresses if i use them for public interaction, and then revoke their respective uids if i no longer have control of them later16:03
fungibut also i keep a fairly short expiration on my keys and just extend it periodically16:03
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/ossa master: Fix formatting for OSSA-2024-004 notes
fungiJayF: i just noticed the last note in that ossa got it sentence split up between two entries ^16:17
JayFis one +2 sufficient in ossa?16:18
funginot a big problem, just wanted to push up the quick fix before i forget16:18
fungiyeah, just you reviewing that would be plenty. thanks!16:18
fungii even self-approve stuff in ossa when necessary16:18
fungianyway, now i'm really disappearing for the next few hours16:18
JayFI figured, I think in practice I-personally will follow a "one +2 is OK" rule -- excepting cases where stuff is pre-reviewed e.g. in a bug and we know nobody else is around16:19
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ossa master: Fix formatting for OSSA-2024-004 notes

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