Wednesday, 2024-09-25

opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/security-doc master: Updated from openstack-manuals
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/security-doc master: Fix testing
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/security-doc master: Fix testing
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/security-doc master: Replace references to Chef by Ansible
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/security-doc master: Update .gitignore file
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/security-doc master: Fix testing
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/security-doc master: Replace references to Chef by Ansible
opendevreviewDr. Jens Harbott proposed openstack/security-doc master: Update .gitignore file
opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/security-doc master: Updated from openstack-manuals
opendevreviewMerged openstack/security-doc master: Fix testing
opendevreviewMerged openstack/security-doc master: Updated from openstack-manuals
fungiJayF: when would be a good time to work with you on updating the ironic projects on launchpad for vmt access to private bugs (and correcting project owner/maintainer settings where they're stale)?17:17
JayFI have meetings+lunch from 10:30 (+:13 from now) through like, 2:30pm PST17:18
JayFI am happy to work on it after that17:18
JayFor we can async work on it and I can slot it in as I have time17:18
fungiin theory i'm freeing up from an afternoon meeting around 2:30pm pst as well, though that's starting to get into evening time for me17:22
JayFmy 2-2:30 just got cancelled, so I'm even more early17:46
fungihow does your tomorrow look? any better?17:48
JayFfree except for an hour17:51
JayFbut I'm happy to do it this afternoon too17:51
JayFwhatever works for you17:51
JayFtoday is my only real heavy meeting day17:51
fungitomorrow would definitely work better for me since i'm about to have appointments and other scheduled things for the next few hours17:53
rosmaitaJayF: easy review for you when you are bored:
fungiyeah, i figured a fresher set of eyes than mine on that would be good, just because i have so much of the process internalized already20:22
JayFI'm always happy to review anything21:15
JayFbut don't always do a good job of working my way around to repos that are less in-my-face in the day to do21:15
JayFso please do send 'em on in the future if needed, even in DM is okay21:15

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