Thursday, 2024-07-04

JayFI'm struggling a bit to find any public published policy on who is allowed to join embargo-notice14:58
JayFDoes that exist and I'm bad at google? Or is it just a case-by-case thing14:59
zigoJayF: I don't think there's any...15:19
fungiit's hard to make a clear policy for it, the vmt members come to agreement on each request for representatives of a new organization, but generally it's anyone representing an openstack public cloud or anyone with a publicly-available openstack distribution (either commercial or included in community gnu/linux distros)16:43
fungiand also openstack contributors who work on stable branch management or deployment projects16:44
JayFI think we have some members currently who fit more into the 'large downstream private clouds' and/or 'consultants to large downstream private clouds'16:48
JayFG-Research would like a representative on it, and I'm trying to determine if that would be acceptable16:48
fungii think we'd just need to talk through what they get out of it. e.g. protecting their internal deployment from malicious employees?16:49
fungiare they going to be using the advance copies of patches directly?16:50
JayFYes to both of those, basically. Many companies are now treating internal use cases like public clouds, and trying to ensure secure multitenancy. Just because there's not a bill between companies doesn't mean the posture is different :D 17:02

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