Monday, 2024-04-08

*** axel is now known as axel_s09:06
axel_shi, just saw that there the Security SIG has a couple of sessions this week, including Friday at 13:00 UTC, but i don't know where it takes place :)09:13
fungilooks like axel_s left without waiting for an answer12:31
fungifor anyone wondering how the ptg works, each track has a videoconference url linked from their spots on the schedule, so you can just click them12:33
fungiif anyone can't get to work, the videoconference url for the os-security track is
axel_sthanks fungi12:46
axel_si had to pack up my laptop in my bag and realised atferwards that killed the IRC webclient :)12:47
axel_s was my friend12:47
axel_ssee you then, bye!13:10
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*** mmalchuk_ is now known as mmalchuk17:47

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