Wednesday, 2022-10-19

opendevreviewErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/security-doc master: Correct the scope of OSSN-0090
d34dh0r5-fungi: not sure why, but chanserv kicked me from #openstack-vmt12:36
d34dh0r5-ahh, that’s why12:36
fungiyeah, you need to be authenticated to the server or identified to nickserv before joining protected channels so chanserv can match you to the access list12:37
opendevreviewMerged openstack/security-doc master: Correct the scope of OSSN-0090
d34dh0r5-fungi: can you unban this nick on that channel? I'm not able to change my nick while it's banned13:14
fungiyou should be able to `/msg chanserv unban #openstack-vmt`13:15
fungi(i think that's the syntax)13:15
fungiyou're allowed to unban yourself once authenticated13:15
fungiwe'll be starting in about 5 minutes at
Tengulet's see if it works here :)14:57
Tengufungi: hm, guess I need to learn a bit more about RA and the whole IPv6 world, because I don't understand why the advertised router could be unreachable, if the rogue operator sets its security groups properly ?16:03
Tengu(and it's probably a good time to play with HE and their ipv6 tunnel thingy :))16:03
Tengubut that's for another day. getting late here..16:04
fungiTengu: ra is v6 broadcast traffic, not unicast or even multicast, so the kernel is listening for those16:04
fungiso something is causing/allowing the rogue ra to end up on the wrong vlan16:05
fungior virtual bridge even. the rogue router guest and "victim" guest might need to be running on the same host, we don't know at this point16:06
fungireally the only thing we know is that (very rarely) a persistent server in one tenant saw ra broadcasts from a test node in a completely different tenant, so added a route to it (and we only found out because the server stopped responding over ipv6 until that route expired)16:10
fungithe infrequency suggests there was probably some outside requirement like a service restart on the host or a port creation racing filters being installed or...16:11
fungiwe repeatedly tried to directly reproduce it, unsuccessfully, and given i've heard nobody else reporting it there must be some unusual combination of requirements which probably makes it impractical for an attacker to control directly16:19

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