Monday, 2021-10-18

*** mnasiadka_ is now known as mnasiadka10:10
fungigagehugo: ptg session is underway16:03
gagehugofungi: not sure why it defaulted to zoon16:03
gagehugozoom even16:03
fungiit always defaults to zoom unless we pick something different, i'll tell people on the zoom call we're moving16:03
gagehugosorry keystone one went a bit over 16:03
gagehugofungi: things on on your end?16:13
gagehugook on*16:13
redrobotfungi 👋16:14
redrobotfungi we're taking 5 to wait for ya16:14
fungiyep, sorry, had been going for over three hours on ptg sessions and my computer picked that exact moment to lock up completely16:18
fungiand then i didn't notice, because the computer i'm using for the ptg a/v is entirely separate from my workstation, so i just thought everyone was being extremely quiet16:19
fungigah, my machine has frozen yet again16:23
fungisorry, please proceed without me and i'll catch up16:23

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