Wednesday, 2015-10-21

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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/security-doc: Updated from openstack-manuals
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/security-doc: Updated from openstack-manuals
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/security-doc: Updated from openstack-manuals
openstackgerritMerged openstack/security-doc: Updated from openstack-manuals
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michaelxinhi, guys.06:59
michaelxinHere is the first version of the logo for the openstack security group.06:59
tkelseyhello michaelxin :) awesome will check it out06:59
michaelxinPlease send me your feedback06:59
michaelxintkelsey: Thanks.07:01
tkelseyoh cool :) i like it, thank you michaelxin. I'll send it on to others in the UK TZ when they come online07:01
michaelxintkelsey: Thanks.07:02
michaelxinwhat's a good way to share it to get feedback?07:02
michaelxinShould I send it to security email list?07:03
tkelseyhumm, im not actually sure, but the ML seems like a good idea to me07:03
michaelxintkelsey: got it.07:03
michaelxinwill do it.07:03
tkelseyprobably the best way to cover everyones timezone, I'll poke people to go check it out when I see them07:04
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michaelxinemail sent07:09
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/security-doc: Updated from openstack-manuals
tkelseymichaelxin: I have made a very small tweak to the logo, just a suggestion, the shape of the padlock bar was irritating me lol07:25
tkelseywould need the graphics designer to make the actual changes if you think this is worth it, since thats just a crude mock up07:26
michaelxintkelsey: Very good07:30
michaelxinWe do have a graphic designer working on this.07:31
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michaelxinI will send the info to her.07:31
tkelseythank you michaelxin :) just a suggestion/feedback I like it very much in general07:31
michaelxintkelsey: Glad to hear it. :)07:32
michaelxinDid you get the email that I sent to the gropu?07:32
tkelseynot yet, but somtimes takes a little while for ML mails to come through07:33
michaelxinI used <>07:34
michaelxinIs it still working? Or should I use dev list?07:35
tkelseyi thnk07:35
tkelseythats ok, I have mails sent to that address07:35
tkelseyprobably just ML lag :) I'll let you know when i see it07:36
michaelxinhalf an hour already. :-(07:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/security-doc: Updated from openstack-manuals
tkelseyhumm, i have nothing yet07:39
tkelseyI have dev mails from 4 mins ago, but nothing on the sec list07:40
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michaelxinLet me try one more time.07:50
tkelseyok michaelxin maybe use the dev list with the [security] tag in the subject07:50
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michaelxinIt was blocked07:56
michaelxinThe reason is that I attached the image file07:56
michaelxinI removed the attachment and it should go through.07:57
tkelseyah i see07:58
tkelseyyes I have it now :)07:58
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tkelseyI will reply with my suggestion as well07:59
tkelseythanks again michaelxin07:59
michaelxinany time.07:59
michaelxinIt is time to sleep07:59
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openstackgerritTim Kelsey proposed openstack/bandit: Collecting metrics code in one place
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hyakuheitmcpeak: ping13:41
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sigmavirus24tkelsey: what's up?14:07
sigmavirus24oh you updated the review14:07
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tkelseyhey sigmavirus2414:07
tkelseyyeah, thanks for input14:07
sigmavirus24Love the update tkelsey14:08
* sigmavirus24 dropped the approval hammer14:08
tkelseyheh :) good stuff, thanks sigmavirus2414:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/bandit: Collecting metrics code in one place
tmcpeakit does look much nicer that way14:09
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sigmavirus24We could probably get rid of the dictionary accesses into `_totals` but I'm not concerned about that14:12
sigmavirus24something like `metrics.totals('label')`14:12
sigmavirus24but again, not important14:12
sigmavirus24This is 100% better than it used to be14:12
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jian5397hi, guys, is it ok for us to use OpenStack official logo in our design?16:18
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michaelxinI think that it is ok.16:18
michaelxinBut the graphic designer wants to be sure.16:19
elmikonot sure, but i meant to send some email about the logo16:20
elmikothanks for reminding me =)16:20
michaelxinelmiko: Thanks.16:23
michaelxinwhen will we get response back?16:24
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elmikomichaelxin: i dunno, but i think we should probably talk with someone from the foundation16:28
elmikothe language in that agreement seems to indicate the we shouldn't change the logo, but i'm not sure for this application16:28
tmcpeakmichaelxin: I like the logo!16:28
tmcpeakgood stuff, thanks for having it done16:29
elmikoyea, i like the idea not sure i love this version. but great effort =)16:29
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michaelxinelmiko: What can we do to improve it?17:36
michaelxinelmiko: so that you can like it.17:36
michaelxintmcpeak: Thanks.17:36
sigmavirus24michaelxin: you should talk to Van @ Rackspace. He'll have a good idea17:42
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elmikomichaelxin: not sure, let me thinkg about17:55
elmikoi think, for me, the locking clasp part (on top) just seems a little flat17:56
elmikodon't get me wrong, i don't dislike the design, just offering up my opinion =)17:56
michaelxinelmiko: Tim also raised the concern.18:15
michaelxinHere is what he recommended.18:15
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tmcpeakmichaelxin pirate-01 .. perfect :P18:27
michaelxinI love her creativity. :-)18:27
elmikoi love those urls lol ;)18:29
elmikomichaelxin: yea, i think the tweak is better18:30
elmikoassuming we can't have ossp-pirate-0118:30
michaelxinelmiko: got it.18:31
michaelxinelmiko: If you insist, we can use a pirate 0118:31
elmikomichaelxin: my thanks to you and Rachel, it's some nice work =)18:31
elmikohaha, yes!18:31
michaelxinelmiko: Any time. Rachel is doing all the work. :-)18:32
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michaelxinShe should have the flyer ready by EOD today.18:32
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michaelxinelmiko: when will you arrive Tokoy?18:33
elmikoi'll be there saturday evening18:33
michaelxinSunday afternoon18:34
michaelxinTime to learn Janpanese18:34
tmcpeaksweet, that should be quick and easy18:35
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michaelxinHere is the instruction from our HR about Japanese18:38
michaelxinHello = Konnichiwa18:38
michaelxinGoodbye = Sayounara18:38
michaelxinPlease = Onegaishimasu18:38
michaelxinThank You = Arigat?18:38
michaelxinExcuse me = Sumimasen18:38
michaelxinSorry = Gomen'nasai18:39
michaelxinHelp = Tasukete18:39
michaelxinBathroom = Tearai18:39
michaelxinWater = Mizu18:39
michaelxinGood tasting = Oishii18:39
michaelxinYes = Hai18:39
michaelxinNo = Lie18:39
michaelxinSouns easy18:39
elmikoyea, so easy =)18:40
elmikoi went with the easier route, my wife is coming along and she speaks japanese18:40
elmikoi didn't really have a choice ;)18:40
elmikoshe loves japan18:41
michaelxinWhere do you stay?18:43
elmikoshinigawa prince, i think18:44
elmikohow about you?18:45
michaelxinGrand prince18:54
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michaelxinhere is the first draft of the flyer21:08
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michaelxinelmiko: What do you think?21:11
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