Monday, 2015-01-26

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paulmoHeh, what tenacity.16:28
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tmcpeakshow gratis (solo hooy) -->
tmcpeakthank you for that16:46
paulmoYeah, he is autospamming everyone with that I guess… not clicking that for anything.16:47
tmcpeakit could be fun?16:47
gabrielahola a todos16:53
gabrielano me cayo16:57
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elmikois there any general advice, or restrictions, that should go along with resource naming in openstack? (e.g. i'm creating an instance and want to let the user name it)17:09
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tmcpeakelmiko: good question, I'm not really sure.  I don't see any reason that a user should have to use anything other than alphanumeric characters in a name17:29
elmikotmcpeak: yea, i'm kinda leaning that what. i just want to make sure there isn't some global naming policy or something =)17:30
tmcpeakdownstream consumers *should* do their own input validation, but you never know for sure17:30
tmcpeakelmiko: I was speaking strictly from the security point of view, not sure about standards etc17:30
elmikotmcpeak: thanks, that covers one base17:30
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