Wednesday, 2018-10-24

dangtrinhntGood morning, It would be great if you can take sometime review this:
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dangtrinhntkr-ironman, hi :)06:09
kr-ironmannice to meet again06:10
dangtrinhntyou can read the documentation to have an overview of Searchlight06:11
kr-ironmanis there any korean ?06:28
dangtrinhntLet me look into it06:34
dangtrinhntianychoi_ may know it better than me :)06:35
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dangtrinhntkr-ironman, I guess your company is using OpenStack?06:53
kr-ironmando you know "TACO"06:55
kr-ironmanopenstack installed over K8S06:55
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dangtrinhntkr-ironman, no :)07:13
dangtrinhntI only know Kolla07:13
kr-ironmanTACO is using Kolla and Helm07:17
kr-ironmanHelm help deployment Kolla image to K8S ^^07:18
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kr-ironmanIt is more complex than ordinary openstack on physical host07:19
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dangtrinhntkr-ironman oh wow07:25
dangtrinhntI will look into it07:25
dangtrinhntThanks for suggestion07:25
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kr-ironmanIanychoi, Hello08:22
kr-ironmanAre you korean ?08:22
ianychoikr-ironman, hello08:22
kr-ironmanI am Jung Seok Kim in korean08:23
ianychoiNice to see u through IRC, kr-ironman !08:24
kr-ironmandid you join openstack korea meetup last time08:24
ianychoiyep maybe we know each other08:24
ianychoiI organized the meetup last Friday08:24
kr-ironmanBoss ^^08:25
dangtrinhntianychoi, kr-ironman was the only one that asked me questions last Friday08:26
ianychoiNot boss, one of organizers and leading them :)08:26
kr-ironmanleader is boss ^^08:26
ianychoihaha yep just a little bit different atmosphere on both words08:27
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dangtrinhnthey, tomorrow we will have a team meeting at 21:00 Korean time, I would like to invite you guys to join us. ianychoi, kr-ironman08:34
kr-ironmanthank you08:34
thuydangHi and welcome kr-ironman. I will join the meeting.09:04
kr-ironmanHi thuydang. nice to meet you09:06
kr-ironmancan i join IRC cellphone or Ipad ?09:21
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thuydangTry Mutter irc client09:29
kr-ironmanI just install Mutter09:30
kr-ironmanwhat is server name ?09:30
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kr-ironmanjoin again by cellphone woo09:47
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kr-ironmanoh ~12:44
kr-ironmanI am so late12:45
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kr-ryangood morning ~^^23:48
dangtrinhntmorning :)23:50
dangtrinhntkr-ryan, is that you Mr. Kim?23:58

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