Monday, 2015-07-06

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openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack/searchlight: DevStack: Keystone V3 Service/Endpoint Creation
*** sigmavirus24_awa is now known as sigmavirus2413:24
openstackgerritSergey Vilgelm proposed openstack/searchlight: Remove unused oslo incubator files
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/searchlight: Tidy up searchlight entry points
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/searchlight: Replace exception_to_str with oslo exception_to_unicode
ekarlsois it possible to enable just certain plugins ?17:22
sjmc7ekarlso yes, in setup.cfg17:26
sjmc7they're listed as entry points17:26
ekarlsosjmc7: yeah, but is there a config option like enabled_plugins = glance,foo etc ?17:29
sjmc7not currently, all via stevedore17:33
sigmavirus24TravT: thoughts on having the default be "everything stevedore can discover" and then allowing overrides via an (enabled|selected)_plugins option?17:40
sigmavirus24nikhil_k: same q ^17:40
TravTsigmavirus24, that makes sense to me.  the other alternative that isn't mutually exclusive would be a disable_plugins option17:43
sigmavirus24TravT: yeah. I tend to prefer to have opt-in type options rather than opt-out17:45
sigmavirus24The problem that I've seen people have with things like --enable --disable on CLIs is that they'll pass the same thing to both and get angry no matter what behaviour you choose17:45
TravTyeah, i think you are right.17:46
sigmavirus24So having both in a config setting makes me really nervous about people doing bad things17:46
sigmavirus24And it's not even necessarily bad, just things that cause indeterminate behaviour17:46
TravTLet's avoid that confusion then17:48
TravTand go with enabled17:48
sigmavirus24I can see the idea for wanting disabled_plugins17:49
sigmavirus24I would just rather they be mutually exclusive options17:49
sigmavirus24Like, we might grow to have 20 plugins17:49
sigmavirus24And they want to disable 117:49
sigmavirus24they can A) Uninstall it17:49
sigmavirus24B) put all other 19 on that one line17:49
sigmavirus24then when they install another 5, they have to add those 517:49
sigmavirus24We could definitely implement both, but if a deployer supplies both options, we would need to either: A) choose one to obey and issue log warnings that both were supplied. B) Crash17:50
sigmavirus24where crash is just a hard error on start-up preventing the servcie from even launching17:50
* sigmavirus24 doesn't know which is the "better" way17:50
sigmavirus24I personally would love config validation at start-up to prevent me from running a jacked service that maybe wasn't going to do what I intended anyway17:51
sigmavirus24but I can see how this could cause problems with bad deployment technology17:51
TravTwhat, you don't like having to debug a hundred things later only to discover that you screwed up one line in a config file?17:51
sigmavirus24As someone who wants to implement searchlight for openstack-ansible, no18:50
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed openstack/searchlight: WIP - Add nova instances plugin
sjmc7TravT, i'll make the devstack update for the entrypoints change now18:59
TravTsjmc7, thanks.  i've been haggling over things in horizon all morning.  was about to kickoff a new devstack, but can wait for your update so I can test it.19:03
sjmc7ok. be done in a couple of minutes19:03
ekarlsoso hmmm19:08
ekarlsothe searchlight-index thing19:08
ekarlsothat does a list for all things at once ?19:09
sjmc7TravT or ekarlso, is this right in the devstack plugin?  "if is_service_enabled searchlight; then <install, configure, start>" ?19:10
sjmc7does that mean enable_service searchlight is needed as well as enable_service searchlight-api ?19:10
ekarlsosjmc7: no, enable_service is done in the settings file :p19:10
sjmc7"# we have to add searchlight to enabled services for screen_it to work" ?19:11
ekarlsoso you only have to enable_service searchlight-api19:20
sjmc7hmm. ok19:20
sjmc7TravT - you want to have to enable searchlight-api and searchlight-listener, or have all or nothing?19:24
sjmc7i think existing devstack usually allows pretty granular control19:24
TravTsjmc7 i think we should enable both since they are different processes19:25
sjmc7yep, ok19:25
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed openstack/searchlight: Devstack plugin changes for additional entrypoints
sjmc7take a look at that TravT ^19:26
sjmc7i've not had a chance to test it properly19:26
TravTok, i just am at a point to kick off devstack run with that patch19:28
openstackgerritTravis Tripp proposed openstack/searchlight: Document Listener and Manage Entrypoints Dev Docs
ekarlsoso guys19:46
ekarlsohow can I check what's added to the index ?19:46
ekarlsokibana ?19:46
sjmc7worth looking at the elasticsearch API19:47
sjmc7if you want everything, curl localhost:9200/_search19:47
sjmc7will give you ten random results19:47
ekarlsoor just kibana I gues..19:47
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed openstack/searchlight: WIP - Add nova instances plugin
sjmc7if you want a web frontend,
ekarlsoelastichq is nice too sjmc7 :)19:52
ekarlsoso, wwill it store any data returned by serialize() ?20:00
ekarlsohmmms, I wonder if kafka would be a nice fit for openstack + searchlight20:02
ekarlsosince then you could potentially replay updates if the listener service goes boom20:02
ekarlsoor resume from position rather20:02
sjmc7if oslo supports it, sure20:03
ekarlsosjmc7: I found out it was easy to make a generator that just loads n items pr page20:08
ekarlsoalot nicer to load 50-100 domains / records then to load all :P20:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack/searchlight: Replace exception_to_str with oslo exception_to_unicode
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed openstack/searchlight: Devstack plugin changes for additional entrypoints
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed openstack/searchlight: Devstack plugin changes for additional entrypoints
openstackgerritTravis Tripp proposed openstack/searchlight: Add Manage command Main invocation
openstackgerritTravis Tripp proposed openstack/searchlight: Document Listener and Manage Entrypoints Dev Docs
openstackgerritTravis Tripp proposed openstack/searchlight: Document Listener and Manage Entrypoints Dev Docs
openstackgerritTravis Tripp proposed openstack/searchlight: Don't retrieve image members for public images
*** sigmavirus24 is now known as sigmavirus24_awa23:52

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