Thursday, 2015-07-02

*** sigmavirus24 is now known as sigmavirus24_awa01:40
TravTekarlso: i just went through the devstack patch and it just has a couple issues to address, but then i think we can get it in.05:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/searchlight: Add tox -e docs gitgnore .DS_Store
ekarlsoTravT: cool06:01
ekarlsoTravT: u around still ?07:59
openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack/searchlight: Add devstack plugin
ekarlsoyo guys, any around here ?08:58
openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack/searchlight: Add devstack plugin
openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack/searchlight: DevStack: Keystone V3 Service/Endpoint Creation
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openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack/searchlight: Add devstack plugin
openstackgerritKamil Rykowski proposed openstack/searchlight: Remove duplicated entry from .gitignore
openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack/searchlight: Add vagrant as a contrib folder
openstackgerritMerged openstack/searchlight: Remove duplicated entry from .gitignore
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openstackgerritTravis Tripp proposed openstack/searchlight: Developer manual install docs
sigmavirus24we're not using notifications in searchlight, right?14:44
sjmc7in what sense?14:44
sjmc7we're listening but not sending14:44
sigmavirus24sorry, should have been more explicit14:45
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TravTCourtesy meeting reminder: lakshmiS, mclaren, nikhil, rosmaita, sigmavirus24, TravT, krykowski, david-lyle, wko, kragniz, sjmc715:01
TravTekarlso ^15:01
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ekarlsoshouldn't there be a listener btw for the notifications ?15:50
nikhil_khi team16:00
nikhil_kplease add your possibity to join Glance mid cycle :)
nikhil_ksigmavirus24: hi hi hi :))16:01
* sigmavirus24 can't make it16:01
nikhil_kand we are in infinite loop16:01
nikhil_ksigmavirus24: sorry to hear; if you can virtually that would be awesome!16:02
sigmavirus24I probably will be16:02
nikhil_kTravT: sjmc7 lakshmiS ekarlso ^16:02
TravTnikhil_k, i just pinged my boss again last night about it.16:03
sjmc7is that the same week as horizon, TravT?16:04
TravTwith most of the searchlight team not looking like they are able to make it, getting harder to justify.16:04
lakshmiSok for virtual meeting :)16:04
TravTsjmc7 it is the week after16:04
sjmc7ok. yeah, probably not gonna be able to swing that16:04
TravTi saw flaper87 can't make it now.16:05
TravTguess we could have had it the week before and co-located. :)16:05
TravTbut i'll see what my boss says16:05
TravTdavid-lyle: ekarlso: re: designate16:05
TravTwe should probably talk about what that means for horizon16:06
TravTanybody seen an error like this before?16:23
TravTttripp@ubuntu:~/devstack$ source openrc admin admin16:23
TravTbash: enable: searchlight-api: not a shell builtin16:23
TravTi didn't have that yesterday...16:24
TravThmm... although the stack log shows a bunch of searchlight activities.16:25
TravTit didn't actually startup either.16:25
sigmavirus24That's complaining that there's no function called searchlight-api though I think16:25
sigmavirus24"not a shell builtin" makes me think that bash is trying to execute eitehr enable or searchlight-api as bash functions/builtins16:26
TravTekarlso:  this is what i have in my local.conf16:27
TravTenable_plugin searchlight
TravTenable searchlight-api16:27
TravTprobably just sleep deprivation16:28
TravTis it supposed to be enable_service?16:29
TravTthink that's it16:29
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TravTekarlso: are you there?16:59
TravTdevstack plugin worked.  all i have are very minor comments.  nothing functional16:59
TravTas soon as those are addressed I can +216:59
TravTsigmavirus24: ^16:59
TravTjust FYI17:00
ekarlsoTravT: yeah17:21
ekarlsoTravT: regarding the settings file I dont think what you wanted is possible17:26
TravTyeah in reading it17:26
TravTi didn't think it looked possible either17:26
TravTI've already got that documented in the glance plugin rst in my patch17:27
openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack/searchlight: Add devstack plugin
ekarlso^ done17:28
TravTall right. i'll pull it again right now17:28
TravTand try out17:28
TravTshould only take a min17:28
ekarlso: )17:30
TravTekarlso: everything just ran for me.17:37
TravTThanks!  so nice to have this17:37
sigmavirus24TravT: cool18:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/searchlight: Add devstack plugin
ekarlsoyay :D19:19
ekarlso+1 to me :p19:19
ekarlsoTravT: when's the listener gonna be in ?19:20
TravTekarlso: i'm not sure.  sjmc7 had a few fires come his way.  Maybe he'd be okay with you or kamil co-authoring the patch and finishing it out?19:36
TravTi've done a lot of co-authoring in other projects and I think it can be really effective19:37
sjmc7what listener?19:37
sjmc7the entrypoints? i can do it today or over the ewekend19:37
TravTi think he's talking entrypoints.19:37
TravTnot trying to pressure sjmc7. :)19:38
sjmc7i need pressure. like coal19:38
ekarlsosjmc7: :p19:38
ekarlsoi mean the thing that listens on the MQ for notifications and spews them to ES19:39
TravTbtw, just so everybody knows.  tomorrow is a US HP holiday.  I'll probably actually take it off.19:39
sjmc7it exists, it just has no entrypoints19:39
TravTlakshmiS_ was starting to look at that19:39
TravTyou and he overlap a bit more in timezone, I think ekarlso19:39
TravTso you could check in with him tomorrow.19:39
TravTwe talked about it a bit in the meeting this morning19:40
TravTwait, now i'm just confusing thing19:40
* ekarlso thinks TravT needs a keg of coffee19:40
TravTi'm thinking of the bug where ceilometer is ack-ing the notifications and we don't get them19:41
* TravT needs to eat lunch19:41
ekarlsoTravT: basically there's no thing atm to put stuff into ES or ?19:41
TravTso, there is a listener19:42
ekarlsoah ok then, so what sjmc7 said then ;)19:42
TravTlook here:
TravTline 21319:42
TravTand then sjmc7's patch will add the new entrypoint for it19:43
TravTand then line 308 of the above is the bug I'm thinking of19:43
TravTfeature: "Does not interfere with ceilometer"19:44
ekarlsois'nt that just to have services post notifications to two topics19:44
TravTwell, that's what lakshmi is looking into... where we can actually set up a different pool19:45
ekarlsoah ok so kinda like groupid then in kafka19:47
sjmc7we can be guinea pigs19:47
TravTbtw: does anybody know how to get our docs to start publishing here:
TravTas soon as my docs land and we get the entrypoints sorted out would like to get a patch up to make that happen.19:49
TravTanyway, i have a meeting in the office in a few minutes and need to eat.  will be away for a bit.19:50
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TravTjust pulled brand new vm and devstacked searchlight onto it... that was really nice.20:48
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed openstack/searchlight: Tidy up searchlight entry points
sjmc7there, i have made time in my busy day :)20:52
TravTsjmc7: cool20:55
sjmc7gonna try and get the nova plugin in real quick before i duck out20:56
sjmc7TravT something that may not have survived the code move is how keystone token expiration's handled by the notification agent; i had something in the nova plugin stuff that looks like it's not transferred. i'll maybe add it back in with this stuff20:59
TravTso would that be a separate patch21:00
sjmc7possibly. i might be missing something in my tiredness21:00
TravTprobably best to separate things into discrete patches21:00
TravTif possible21:00
sjmc7the way i did it before i wasn't tremendously happy with, there's likely a better way. but maybe i'll add it next week so someone can rip it apart :)21:00
sjmc7yeah, ok21:00
sjmc7you may notice it if you've got it running in devstack21:01
TravThey, sorry, just a sec.21:03
TravTtalking image page mockups with Piet.21:03
openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack/searchlight: DevStack: Keystone V3 Service/Endpoint Creation
openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed openstack/searchlight: Add vagrant as a contrib folder
sjmc7i'm out of time, gotta run21:11
TravThave a good night sjmc721:16

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