Saturday, 2025-03-01

fricklergtema: stephenfin: after the "openstack role show" command is case-sensitive, which it wasn't before. arguably this could be considered a regression, if you call it a bug fix I think at least a reno might be needed05:23
frickleramongst others this is breaking keystone jobs as in as M0weng[m] discovered05:24
gtemafrickler - I noticed that also last night. But I need to object - OSC was and is case sensitive. I also checked that creation of the role with osc 7.2.0 and master work the same. I assume something has changed in the osc wrapper or wherelse. To not to spend too much time I proposed fixing the test which is not correct, but was working before09:02
gtemaactually a keystone is throwing exception claiming that the role with this name already exists, so it doesnt look to me like a osc issue09:06
fricklergtema: did you check my paste? that's pure OSC without a wrapper and with 7.2.1 or earlier the "role show" command is not case sensitive. both "role show Member" and "role show member" or even "mEmBeR" give the same role as result15:38
fricklerchecking with debug, the keystone API request also is case-insensitive, the same "member" role is returned, but despite that result osc/sdk says "no result found" for 7.3.015:40
gtemafrickler - no I missed the paste. But I am speechless since that works for me (perhaps one more reason to dislike Apfel devices). Technically what has changed is that between 7.2.1 and 7.3.0 role methods are switched to sdk from old python-keystoneclient+osc-lib, but I do not see where case would be altered16:13

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