Friday, 2021-10-22

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-opendevstatus- NOTICE: zuul needed to be restarted, queues were lost, you may need to recheck your changes08:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-openstackclient master: tox: Ignore virtualenvs for pep8 environment
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-openstackclient master: Remove 'get_osc_show_columns_for_sdk_resource' duplicates
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-openstackclient master: Remove remnants of 'six'
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stephenfingtema: Bike shedding time! cinder allows you to configure the fields that you can filter various resources on (volumes, attachments, backups, snapshots, etc.). cinderclient lets you list these using a list-filter command. I need to add this to OSC. What do I call it?13:48
stephenfingtema: I was going to add a separate 'filter list' command for each resource (i.e. 'volume snapshot filter list', 'volume backup filter list') but the underlying API returns filters for all resources, so this seems wasteful: we'd be dumping info for all resources except the one we care about13:50
stephenfinexample cinderclient output
stephenfinI'm thinking 'volume service filter list' or 'volume filter list' but both have issues. The latter is simpler, but I'm concerned people might think the filters are only for volumes. The former avoids this but people could read it as a filter for the volume service (i.e. the entity shown by 'volume service list'). 'filter list' is too generic13:52
stephenfinAny opinions? I'll just choose one if you don't :-D13:53
gtemaUhm, no opinion in this now14:04
fricklerstephenfin: what about "volume resource filter list", just like you kind of said in the first sentence?14:05
stephenfinfrickler: oh, that's a good idea. I didn't think of that14:05
stephenfinthat'll do nicely. Thanks, frickler 14:06
gtemamaybe also `block storage filter list`14:07
gtemanot to mix with volume as a resource14:08
stephenfinOSC seems to use volume rather than block storage everywhere (though object store instead of simply object), so I'm not so sure about that one. I think 'volume resource' is as clear as e.g. 'volume service' is14:10
gtemathat is exactly what I mean. atm we have volume rather for the resource, than the service. If we want to have command related to the service (if I understood correctly what you mean) I would rather try using different name14:16
stephenfinI agree that we shouldn't overload the term. I'm saying that we're already overloading it though and don't use "block storage" as a term anywhere except some docs. It doesn't seem wise to change direction unless we want to rename the existing commands?14:18
gtemaI wouldn't change existing commands, cause they refer to the volume as a resource. Where we refer to volume as a service - we can think14:19
gtemaobject store is not having a prefix at all and that is already creating confusion (not only in OSC, but also in ansible)14:20
stephenfinhmm, fair. Let me see what it looks like and how it fits with existing commands14:21
stephenfingtema: How about 'volume service resource filter list'? It's a heck of a mouthful but it works?14:22
stephenfinIf not, I'd be tempted to rename 'volume service list' to 'block storage service list'14:23
stephenfinwith a deprecated alias, of course14:23
gtemamaybe it would be really better in the major release introduce block_storage and object_storage14:23
gtema`block storage service list` sounds much better to me14:23
stephenfinso also 'block storage service cluster' for clusters of block storage services?14:24
gtemaservice cluster? not `block storage cluster`?14:25
gtemawhich cluster you mean?14:25
stephenfinThey're clusters of services
gtemaoh great, this is not on
stephenfinI think it's a HA thing, but I'm not really sure /o\ I'll have to ask Gorka14:27
stephenfinYeah, they're missing a few things from the docs :(14:27
gtemavery sad - really lot14:28
gtemaanyway, in this case I would rather go for `block storage cluster`14:29
gtemaI do not think using `service` inside in the command is useful 14:29
gtemamissing stuff in docs mean we might miss lot in SDK14:30
gtemastephenfin, if you are still around - is nova /limits still accept tenant_id as query_param?
stephenfingtema: yes, it's still tenant_id15:27
gtemaok, thks15:28
stephenfinthere's a blueprint to change it to project_id (ditto for all other remaining references to tenant) but that hasn't landed yet15:28
gtemagood, adding it this way15:28
gtemauhm, and quota-set is also non-standard (whatever standard actually is) - no support for ?usage=, but with /quota-sets/XXX/details15:31
stephenfinyeah, there's a lot of those in the nova API, sadly15:33
stephenfini.e. 'GET /servers/{id}/detail' instead of e.g. 'GET /servers/{id}?detail=1'15:33
gtema is making me doubt in myself15:34
gtemacheck passes, gate fails (single test I mean)15:35
* stephenfin looks15:35
stephenfinnot entirely related but why is HypervisorTests.test_hypervisor_list calling 'hypervisor show'? :)15:36
stephenfinthat's a strange failure15:37
gtemanice question15:37
stephenfinso the test fails at 2021-10-22 15:04:02.759154 after 5.132781s15:39
gtemaah, cause I first try to get list of existing ids15:39
* stephenfin looks at logs for around that time period15:39
stephenfinthere's the request hitting the API at 15:04:02.564172
gtemaapparently OSC receives empty response back15:43
stephenfinthe compute service is still up15:46
gtemaI'm not able to understand why check and gate behaves differently - and this 2 times15:47
gtemamaybe I should rebase15:48
stephenfinI'd suggest trying it. That's weird15:48
opendevreviewArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/python-openstackclient master: Switch hypervisor operations to SDK
gtemawell, and if check will fail now I would be even more confused ;-)15:49

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